
  1. 在影视文化传播中,要有意识地构建具有中国电视文化特色真人秀节目的美学品格。

    In the dissemination of film culture , consciously build the aesthetic quality of the Chinese television and cultural characteristics reality show .

  2. 随着国内外经济形势和影视文化传播事业的急剧变化,对影视艺术的审美教育工作已责无旁贷地落在了我们文艺教育工作者的肩上。

    With the rapid change in the economic situation and the transmission of video culture home and abroad , the important task of aesthetic education of video art has been laid on our shoulders .

  3. 而字幕翻译对促进影视文化的传播和交流是一股重要的推动力。

    In such situation , the translating of subtitles translation serves as an important driving force to propel the exchanges and dissemination of the cultures carried by TV programs and movies dubbed in the source language .

  4. 中国艺术研究院的贾磊磊认为,影视对文化的传播,我们应该找到一种经济的、商业化的传播方式,而不是将文化和经济剥离开来。

    Jia Leilei with China Art Academy said we should link the education and film & tv industry more with economy , instead of separating them .

  5. 华语电影&中美跨文化传播的重要媒介影视中的跨文化传播

    The Important Medium between the Culture of China and the U.S. Cross-cultural Communication in Film and Television Works

  6. 本文研究内蒙古影视对草原文化的传播。草原文化特指作为中华文化重要组成部分的草原文化,即中国的草原文化。

    Grassland Culture refers to Chinese Grassland Culture , it is an important component of the whole Chinese Culture . Grassland Culture originated from and is spreaded in Inner Mongolia .