
  1. 她还入选BusinessofFashion网站的时尚界最具影响力人物榜单。

    She 's also featured in the Business of Fashion 's listing for people shaping the fashion industry .

  2. 跻身于《福布斯》(Forbes)最具影响力人物的年度榜单;

    features in Forbes " annual power list ;

  3. 周四,Jay-Z被《时代》杂志评为全球最具影响力人物之一。

    On Thursday , Jay-Z was named one of the most influential people in the world by Time magazine .

  4. 一些影响力人物也在呼吁中国加大对美国的投资。

    Some influential voices are calling for greater Chinese investment in the US economy .

  5. 本年度时代周刊的世界百名最具影响力人物投票已经于4月29日结束,新一年的名单隆重出炉!

    Time Magazine has come out with its annual list of the world ' s100 most influential people .

  6. 每年这时候时代周刊都会推出他们享有盛名广受关注的“百名最具影响力人物”评选活动。

    It is that time of the year when Time magazine prepares their prestigious list of the100 Most Influential People .

  7. 央行行长周小川同时入围《时代》杂志年度有影响力人物名单。

    Time magazine also listed China ` s central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan on its list of People Who Mattered .

  8. 后来随着发生的就是比较聪明的策略了,因为它可以额外增加你跟有影响力人物的联系。

    Following up later is a much smarter strategy , as it allows you an additional contact with influential individuals .

  9. 4月3日,《时代》周刊公布了2010年全球最具影响力人物的候选人名单。

    On April 3 , Time released the candidates for its annual " World ` s Most Influential People in 2010 " list .

  10. 此后不久,他就开始给我们正在做的20世纪最有影响力人物系列专题出谋划策。

    and soon thereafter he began offering me his ideas for a series we were doing on the most influential people of the century .

  11. 上个月,这位33岁的以色列女演员上榜《时代周刊》2018年全球百位最具影响力人物榜单。

    Last month , the 33-year-old Israeli actress was included in Time magazine 's 2018 list of the 100 Most Influential People in the world .

  12. 她入选今年《时代周刊》全球100位最有影响力人物,已享誉流行音乐界整整十年。

    She was named one of Time 's 100 most influential people in the world this year and has reigned in pop music the entire last decade .

  13. 《时代》百名全球最具影响力人物榜本周四出炉。除了常见的流行巨星和政治家外,来自埃及和日本的名不见经传的新闻人物也纷纷登榜。

    Previously unknown newsmakers from Egypt and Japan joined pop stars and politicians on Time magazine 's list of 100 most influential people in the world released on Thursday .

  14. 中国职业赛车手,畅销作家,热门博主韩寒入选《时代》杂志本年度100位“全球最具影响力人物”候选榜单。

    Han Han , a Chinese professional rally driver , best-selling author and China 's most popular blogger , has been nominated as one of the100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine .

  15. 有时,这种恐惧是由于上学期间的某些惩罚,或者是一些像是害怕坐在精英和影响力人物面前的恐惧症的迹象。

    Sometimes , the sitting fear is due to some punishment in the school days , or it may be an indication of some other phobia like sitting in front of elite and influential people .

  16. 最后,设计朴素贝叶斯的信任推理算法实现对有影响力人物的发现以及识别评论者及其评论文本对被评论文本的影响,最后构建多层朴素贝叶斯模型实现对微博中虚假话题的检测。

    Finally , designing the Naive Bayes trust inference algorithm to identify the influent of the comments to the review and mining the influential figures , then build a multilayer Naive Bayes model to detection false topics of micro-blog .

  17. 这位英国演员、模特、社会活动积极分子在2015年“问男人”网站评选的“九十九位最杰出女性”中夺冠,并且在《时代》杂志全球最具影响力人物评选中列第26位。

    The English actress , model , and activist , Watson took the top spot on the AskMen " Top 99 Outstanding Women 2015 ″ list and at number 26 on the TIME 100 list of the world 's most influential people .

  18. 《时代》周刊每年都会在全球范围内评选出百位人物,包括世界著名领导人,艺术家,革命家以及偶像,最后由读者投票选出当年100位全球最具影响力人物名单。

    Every year , Time selects hundreds of people around the world , including the world ` s greatest leaders , artists , innovators and icons , and encourages its readers to vote for the year ` s list of the 100 most influential people .

  19. 她是一个需要认真对待的有影响力的人物。

    She 's a force to be reckoned with .

  20. 卓别林不仅仅是天才,也是电影史上最有影响力的人物之一。

    Chaplin was not just a genius , he was among the most influential figures in film history .

  21. 由主要国家组成的20国集团(g20)囊括了地球上最具影响力的人物。

    The group of 20 leading nations comprises the most powerful people on the planet .

  22. 不久前,领英(LinkedIn)制作了一个具有“关键影响力的人物”(keyinfluencer)在哪里工作的系列活动。

    Not long ago LinkedIn did a series about where its " key influencers " worked .

  23. 最近时代周刊和CNN都将�评为世界上最具影响力的人物之一

    Recently named one of the most influential people in the world by both Time magazine and CNN

  24. 迈克尔·拉森(MichaelLarson)或许是你从未听说过的美国财富管理界最具影响力的人物之一。

    Michael Larson is one of the most powerful men in US wealth management you have never heard of .

  25. 随著他的高超球技,球场风采,惊人的天赋和场下的品牌效应,乔丹成为了NBA在时下蓬勃发展背后具有影响力的人物。

    With his high-flying antics , court presence , astounding talent and off-court branding , Jordan was an influential force behind the NBA 's growth in popularity .

  26. 如今,这位59岁的大亨是法国最有影响力的人物之一,他与法国总统尼古拉斯萨科奇(nicolassarkozy)之间的亲密友谊更增强了他的影响力。

    Today , the 59-year-old tycoon is one of the most influential men in France , all the more so given his close friendship with President Nicolas Sarkozy .

  27. Klout群组和Facebook群组有些类似。不过,前者的成员范围要窄得多,仅包括Twitter和Instagram等社交网站上最具影响力的人物。

    Klout Groups will operate somewhat similarly to Facebook Groups , although they will only include the most influential people on social networks like Twitter and Instagram .

  28. 台湾歌手周杰伦在CNN周二公布的2009年亚洲地区25名最具影响力的人物中榜上有名。

    Taiwan star Jay Chou was ranked as one of the 25 most influential people or groups in Asia in 2009 , a division of the Cable News Network ( CNN ) announced Tuesday .

  29. 像布里切特这样的有影响力的人物——还有前苹果公司的设计师、现在就职于脸谱公司的迈克•马塔斯(MikeMatas)以及布雷特•维克托(BretVictor)——吸引了大批的跟风者。

    Influencers like Mr. Brichter -- as well as former Apple designers Mike Matas , who is now at Facebook , and Bret Victor -- thus draw big followings .

  30. Aspire学院的一名前高管说,卡塔尔一些有影响力的人物在私下交谈中都曾问过,为什么不能让外籍运动员入籍,并通过这种方式壮大国家队&毕竟卡塔尔对他们进行了培训。

    One former Aspire executive said that , in private meetings , influential Qataris wanted to know why they should not be able to naturalize the imported players Qatar had trained them after all and in that way bolster the national team .