
  1. 孔径测量中ccd瞄准方法与图像处理

    Method of Collimation and Image Processing Using CCD Pickup Camera in Aperture Measurement

  2. 基于辅助光学系统的KB显微镜瞄准方法

    Aiming of Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope based on auxiliary optical system

  3. 航空火力控制的攻击瞄准方法综述

    Review on Attacking and Targeting Methods of Airborne Fire Control

  4. 令人吃惊的是,这将会迷惑大多数机器人的瞄准方法。

    Surprisingly , this will baffle most robots'targeting methods .

  5. 高精度光电自动折射仪的瞄准方法及其实现

    Collimating Method and Its Realization for the Photoelectric Automatic Refractometer with high Precision

  6. 激光干涉比长仪的新型瞄准方法&提高线纹尺的测量精度

    New Aiming Method in Laser Interferometer Improving the Measurement Accuracy of Line Scale

  7. 瞄准方法的设计也适用于测量其他类型的边缘。

    The design of aiming method also can be used in other types of edges .

  8. 实验表明,该新型瞄准方法的瞄准精度优于2.0μm。

    Experiment result shows that the accuracy of the new collimation system is better than 2.0 μ m.

  9. 采用的瞄准方法综合使用了图像处理方法、亚像素细分方法、曲线拟合方法和电子准星技术。

    In the automatic aiming method , image processing , sub-pixel division , curve fitting and " electronic front sight " technologies are synthetically utilized .

  10. 作为一种新的瞄准方法,它不仅保持了普通接触式和非接触式瞄准的优点,而且显示出更好的性能和更高的精度。

    As a new adjusting method , it has not only kept the advantages of ordinary contact and non-contact adjusting , but also shown better performances and higher measuring precision .

  11. 实验证明,该视觉瞄准方法的准确度高、重复性好,适用于条码型水准标尺的分划检测。

    Experimental results show that the computer collimating method has high accuracy and good repetition , and can be used in the stripe precise inspection of code-bar invar grade rod .

  12. 该瞄准方法采用计算机控制,实时采集经被测样品出射的单色光信号,根据该信号的幅值和相位自动确定瞄准点。

    This collimating method was realized through acquiring really time signal of monochromatic light from sample measured and judging automatically collimating point on the basis of amplitude and phase of this signal by computer .

  13. 该瞄准方法结合双频激光长度测量系统,可以实现编码标尺分划误差的动态检测,代替目前国内对编码水准标尺人工目视检测的过程。

    In combination with double-frequency laser length measurement system , dynamic measurement of stripe error of code-bar invar grade rod can be performed automatically , which places present measurement process for code-bar grade rod by visual inspection .

  14. 分析了激光点、特征点的提取精度等因素对测量精度的影响。并对自动瞄准方法的不确定度进行分析。建立了跟踪系统模型,评价了云台性能等因素对系统跟踪性能的影响。

    Analyzed extract accuracy of laser points and diagnostic points and the effect for measurement accuracy with camera distortions ; Analyzed uncertainty for automatic collimation method ; built model for tracking system ; made comments on the effect of factors for tracking system properties . 5 .

  15. 根据大闭环思想和导弹武器装备特点设计了导弹武器装备示教系统的功能结构,建立了示教系统战术态势运动学模型,提出了检验导弹武器装备的总体精度指标的虚拟瞄准方法。

    According to loop design ideas and the feature of the missile weapon system , the function and structure of a demonstration and education system is designed . Tactics situation models are established , virtual aim method of total precision index of missile weapon system is defined .

  16. 编码水准标尺检测的光电瞄准新方法

    New photoelectric collimation method for measuring the code - bar grade rod

  17. 提出了用复合轴瞄准控制方法实现卫星光通信跟瞄控制,以提高卫星光通信中跟瞄系统的性能。

    A proposal is introduced in the paper that the control method of multiple axis pointing can be used to improve the tracking and pointing system in intersatellite optical communication .

  18. 研究和改进了直线瞄准的方法,直线的定位精度可以达到0.1像素间距,并且可以测量任意位置的直线。

    The method of linear aiming is researched and improved , by which , the positioning accuracy can be reached to 0.1 pixel interval and straight line in any position can be measured .

  19. 在反舰导弹火控系统精度试验中,现有的估计最大瞄准误差方法只局限于单独航次上,而对于多航次的最大误差没有进行估计。

    In the accuracy test for fire control system of antiship missile , the present methods of estimating maximum . aim error is only used for a single run , not for multiple runs .

  20. 弹道终端飞机目标红外图像瞄准点识别方法

    Research on recognizing aiming-point of airplane 's infrared sequence images at endgame

  21. 多跑道机场最优瞄准点选择方法研究

    The Research of Sighting on Multi - runway Airport

  22. 一种飞机目标的瞄准点选择方法

    Type of Y. Aimpoint selection method of airplane target

  23. 混合相依目标群瞄准点优选方法研究

    Optimizing method for aim points of mix-related targets

  24. 基于外测岸标的海上导弹瞄准精度鉴定方法

    Measurement Method for Original Azimuth Angles of Missile Aim System of Navigating Ship on the Sea Based on Exterior Measuring Shore Beacon

  25. 综述非线性系统失稳控制与目标瞄准的一般方法,指出各种方法的优缺点及研究非线性系统的发展方向。

    This article describes the general method of unstable control and targeting object of nonlinear systems , and points out the advantage and disadvantage of the methods and the developing direction of nonlinear system .

  26. 探讨了采用主动雷达导引头的反舰导弹对目标选择所采用的三种方法,即大目标选择方法、瞄准点选择方法和搜索子区域选择方法。

    The three methods to choose a target by using active radar seeker of antiship missile are discussed : the method to choose a big target , the method to choose an aim point and the method to choose the search of a sub-area .

  27. CCD摄像快速瞄准的误差补偿方法研究

    Study of error correction method for CCD camerawork with fast aim

  28. 这组科学家团队的领导人HalAlper说,因为如此多的基因参与到乙醇发酵过程,通过传统的瞄准个别基因的方法来获得乙醇高耐受性几乎不可能。

    Hal Alper , who led the team , said that because so many genes are involved , engineering high ethanol tolerance via the traditional method of targeting individual genes would have been impossible .

  29. 大气环境下激光光斑瞄准偏差的补偿方法研究

    Study of pointing error compensation method of laser spot in atmosphere environment

  30. 基于空间直线检测的地面火炮瞄准线偏移检测方法

    Test Method of the Aiming Line Shift Based on Measurement of Spatial Straight Lines