
  • 网络Rolling direction
  1. 发现板材的轧制方向对断裂韧性影响显著,LT方向试件的断裂韧性远超过TL方向试件的断裂韧性。

    The evident effect of rolling direction on fracture toughness is found .

  2. 从垂直喷射高度H与轧制方向射流宽度L的试验拟合曲线可知,射流边界近似为抛物线。

    The fitting line from the data of the vertical spray 's height and the jet flow width of rolling direction from experiments showed that the jet boundary line was approximately a parabola .

  3. 在平行和垂直轧制方向上钛板的屈服应力与R值的定量关系

    Quantitative relation between yield stress and R-value along directions parallel and perpendicular to rolled Ti plate

  4. 某公司对进口的冷轧弹簧钢带(50CrVA)进行冷冲压加工时,钢带表面沿轧制方向出现了起皮、剥离等现象。

    The peeling was happened on the surface of spring steel strip ( 50CrVA ) imported , after cold-pressing .

  5. 研究结果表明:原板轧制方向与垂直轧制方向内应力之差X-Y对镀锡板的耐蚀性影响显著,耐蚀性随X-Y的上升而上升。

    The results showed that the | X-Y | value ( internal stress difference between rolling direction and its perpendicular direction ) influenced the corrosion resistance of tinplate intensely , the corrosion resistance of the tinplate would increase as the | X-Y | value increased .

  6. 组织中晶粒沿轧制方向被拉长完全呈现为纤维状。

    Grains are elongated along the rolling direction rendered as fibrous completely .

  7. 高强度铝合金沿晶界断裂过程中的声发射信号特征反映了材料沿轧制方向的宏观性能。

    The acoustic emission characteristics reflect the macroscopic properties along rolling direction of high strength aluminum alloy .

  8. 当前国外学者初步研究了材料厚度比、载荷形式、轧制方向等若干因素对拼焊板成形极限的影响规律;

    Previous research has shown that thickness ratio , main strain and rolling direction influences the FLD of TWBs .

  9. 在沿轧制方向上,等效应变从咬入端至另一端逐渐变小。

    Along the rolling direction , the equivalent strain became smaller from biting end to the other end . 3 .

  10. 偏离轧制方向不同角度处的磁性能大小取决于织构类型、强度及分布状态;

    Magnetic properties of different directions in relation to rolling direction depend on type and distribution state of texture component .

  11. 冷轧后的基极密度中心围绕板横向向轧制方向旋转约18°;

    The density center of basal pole rotates away by about 18 ° from the transverse direction of sheet to rolling direction ;

  12. 等效应变沿轧制方向逐渐增大,在轧件出口处达到最大值0.253;

    The equivalent strain increases gradually along the direction of rolling and reaches the maximum value of0.253 at outlet of work piece ;

  13. 但母材横截面的开路稳定电位比母材沿轧制方向表面高。

    However , for the parent , the open-circuit potential of the cross-section is higher than that of the surface along the rolling direction .

  14. 取向硅钢沿轧制方向具有极佳的磁性能,是制造变压器铁芯必不可少的材料。

    The grain oriented silicon steel which has excellent magnetic properties along the rolling direction , is essential material for manufacturing the core of transformer .

  15. 由于织构状态的改变,在轧制方向(单向多道次弯曲方向)上,板材强度下降,屈强比降低,延伸率最高增加38%。

    Owing to the change of textural components , strength and yield ratio of the sheet reduced and elongation increased to 38 % at most .

  16. 正向检测(沿轧制方向)时,最高谱线的初相角随夹杂物体积百分数的增加而迅速增加;

    The initial phase angle of the highest spectral line mushrooms with the growth of volume percentage of inclusions while forward direction , but it goes down while negative direction .

  17. 纵向及横向载荷作用下的骨材侧倾稳定性研究冷轧后的基面向轧制方向倾斜使该方向的塑性指标得到改善。

    Tripping Calculation and Analysis for Stiffeners under Axial Compression 、 Lateral Pressure ; After cold-rolling of sheet , the basal plane slopes to rolling direction , improving the ductility in this direction .

  18. 结果表明在轧件变形区内,等效应力沿轧制方向逐渐增大,在中性面附近达到最大值(95.20MPa),后又逐渐减少;

    The results showed that in rolling stock deforming zone the equivalent stress gradually increased along the direction of rolling and came to maximum value ( 95.20 MPa ) nearby neutral face , than gradually decreased ;

  19. 当冷轧总变形量大于90%时,晶界开始变得模糊不清,板材表面为沿轧制方向均匀拉伸的变形组织。

    When the total cold rolling reduction is greater than 90 % , the grain boundaries become blurred , showing a fibrous , that is significant uniform tension fibrous tissue along the rolling direction . 3 .

  20. 对同一种钢来说,无氢较合氢、垂直于轧制方向较平行于轧制方向的焊接接头有较高的抗应力腐蚀破裂的能力。

    For the same steel , the cracking resistance of the normal welded joint is better than the hydrogen-containing joint , and the vertical weld to the rolling direction is better than hte parallel weld to it .

  21. 在此基础上,分别对纵向弯曲(弯曲轴平行于轧制方向)和横向弯曲(弯曲轴垂直于轧制方向)的轧制差厚板U型件的回弹特性进行了研究。

    On this basis , the springback characteristics of longitudinally bended ( bending axis is parallel to the rolling direction ) and transversely bended ( bending axis is perpendicular to the rolling direction ) TRB U-shaped parts are studied .

  22. 利用正交实验设计方法考察了两个水平的开坯方式、轧制方向、退火温度以及轧制变形量对钽片晶粒尺寸的影响。

    A group of pure tantalum plate processes were designed by means of an orthogonal experimental design . The effects of cogging mode of initial ingot , rolling direction , annealing temperature and rolling reduction on the grain size of the final plates have been investigated .

  23. 众所周知,大型电力变压器大都使用冷轧取向电工钢片,在磁场分析计算时,传统方法仅采用轧制方向的磁特性或者简单考虑各向异性,使用轧制方向和垂直于轧制方向的两个方向的磁特性。

    As we all know , cold-rolled oriented electrical steel sheet is more often used in large power transformers . With the traditional method , only the magnetic property in the rolling direction or both in the rolling and transverse direction are considered for the electromagnetic field analysis .

  24. 70年代后,主要向着提高产品质量、降低消耗、优化轧制过程方向发展。

    After the 1970s , mainly towards improving product quality , reduce consumption and optimize the rolling direction .

  25. 宽板轧制板型控制方向研究

    The Study of Controlling the Plate Shape in Wide Plate Rolling

  26. 提出用中性角的相对大小来量化轧制剪切变形作用方向改变的位置,运用Taylor晶体塑性变形理论模拟计算了中性角的相对大小对轧制织构演变的影响。

    The quantitative estimation of relative neutral angle was suggested and introduced into the Taylor-type crystal plasticity deformation model to simulate the rolling textures .

  27. 这主要源于异步轧制形成接触摩擦力方向相反的搓轧区的影响。

    This was because the influence of rolling district caused by cross shear rolling .

  28. 在此基础上,对剪切变形条件下一些轧制因素(轧制方向、速比和压下量)的影响进行了讨论。

    On the basis of these , the effects of some rolling factors ( rolling direction , mismatch speed ratio and reduction ) were discussed .

  29. 在连铸轧制的钢板表面有沿轧制方向的裂纹。

    There are some longitudinal surface cracks appear on the continuous casting slab and consequently on the rolling steel plate .

  30. X射线衍射结果表明,随着轧制变形量的增加,Ti50Ni47Fe3合金在轧制方向上出现了择优取向;

    The results of X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) show that preferred orientation is found in the direction of rolling in Ti_ 50 Ni_ 47 Fe_3 alloy .