
zì dònɡ zhuǎn zhànɡ
  • automatic payment
  1. 请以银行间汇款来付账。银行提供自动转账业务

    Please make payment by bank transfer . The Bank offers swing service

  2. 护理员的考核。对总账子系统自动转账功能的探讨

    Checking the nursing workers . On Automatic Transfer Function of General Ledger Subsystem

  3. 对总账子系统自动转账功能的探讨

    On Automatic Transfer Function of General Ledger Subsystem

  4. 利用自动转账功能进行代管费的个人核算

    Using the Auto - transfer Accounts to Perform Personal Accounting of Students ' Administration Fee

  5. 如果你已经自动转账存钱了,试着增加百分之五的储蓄量。

    If you 're already automating , try to increase the amount by five percent .

  6. 为了支付我的所得税,能为我开立一个自动转账账户吗?

    Can I make arrangements to open an automatic transfer account for my income tax payments ?

  7. 文章从企业业务角度和财务角度两个方面讨论自动转账的使用、自动转账系统合理设计和有效使用的问题。

    The rational design and the efficient utilization of the automatic account transfer are discussed from the business and account .

  8. 自动转账功能在月末自动生成转账凭证,大大提高了工作效率。

    The automatic transfer function generates automatically into transfer voucher at the end of month , which improves working efficiency greatly .

  9. 发挥自动转账功能提高会计电算化处理效率沈阳市城区幼树挥发性有机物组成及排放速率

    Making automated transfer entries and improving computerized accounting process ; Composition of biogenic volatile organic compounds and emission from four young tree species in Shenyang

  10. 我们的信用卡还款都是自动转账,而我并不经常看帐单,但这一次我正好看了,并注意到了一个不正常的地方。

    We pay our cards automatically , and I don 't always examine the bill , but this time I did and noticed something strange .

  11. 各种品牌的期初和期末账面余额;对总账子系统自动转账功能的探讨

    The original book value of the brands and the closing balance , the adjustment of brand value ; On Automatic Transfer Function of General Ledger Subsystem

  12. 还有,假如申请水电费等的自动转账,显示入金账户的帐户名等信息吗?

    Still have , what if apply for water charge of electricity , wait is automatic turn zhang , the information such as the account name that shows golden account ?

  13. 通过与银行连网实现了自动转账业务,从而提供了自助挂号、预约挂号、自助收费等功能。

    Through automatic account transfer service was cooperated with bank net , hospital should provide functions such as self-service registration , carried appointment registration , self-service charge , and so on .

  14. 在电子储税券计划下,纳税人可透过各种电子付款途径购买,包括银行自动转账、电话、互联网及银行自动柜员机等。

    Under the electronic tax reserve certificates scheme , certificates can be purchased by various electronic payment means : bank autopay , phone payment , Internet payment and bank ATM transfer .

  15. 然后阐述了系统的实现基理,并以日终清算模块与自动转账模块为范例详细说明了系统的功能实现流程、关键代码和界面展示。

    Then the realization of the system were introduced , day eventually liquidation module and the self-transferred module for example detail the system function realization of process , key code and interface display .

  16. 在设置科目时应将代管费科目的辅助核算定义为部门个人,收到代管费和扣除代管费都应该按自动转账凭证进行处理。

    We thus , should set up an accounting in terms of departments and individual , and the received administration fee and the reduced administration fee should be handled by using the auto-transfer accounts .

  17. 做好实施自动转账前的准备工作、正确修改错误凭证、严格转账业务顺序、正确选择计算公式、有针对性地查找错误是自动转账过程中常见问题的解决方法。

    The solutions of these common problems in automatic transfer process include making sufficient preparation work before automatic transfer , modifying wrong voucher correctly , regulating strictly the order of business order , choosing calculating formula correctly and finding out mistakes with a clear aim .

  18. 萨维奇建议,如果双方都有收入,可以依旧将工资打入各自的账户,然后设置自动转账,以收入或其他义务为参考设定一定的比例,固定将一笔钱转到两人的活期联名账户,再通过这个联名账户在线支付家庭费用。

    If you each earn an income , consider having your paychecks direct-deposited into separate accounts , then automatically transferring a certain amount -- perhaps proportional to your income or to other obligations -- into a joint checking account from which you pay your bills online , recommends Ms. Savage .