
  • 网络superficial branch
  1. 带血管的桡神经浅支及腓肠神经游离移植

    Free grafting with vascularized superficial branch of radial nerve and sural nerve

  2. 桡神经浅支血液供应解剖学研究与神经移植的应用

    Anatomic study and application in clinical nerve graft on superficial branch of radial nerve with vessel stalk

  3. 人体桡神经浅支中Aδ和C纤维的生理学特性

    Physiological properties of a_ δ and C fibres of superficial branch of radial nerve in human

  4. 用神经内微记录(INMR)方法,观察了糖尿病性神经病患者桡神经浅支中Aβ机械感受性单位、Aδ单位的机械阈值和传导速度(CV)的变化及交感传出对它们的影响。

    By means of intraneural microrecording ( INMR ), changes of mechanical threshold and conduction velocity ( CV ) of A β mechanical receptive units and A δ units of the superficial branch of the radial nerve and their response to sympathetic efferent were studied in 8 diabetic neuropathic patients .

  5. 桡神经浅支卡压综合征12例临床报告

    Clinical report of entrapment syndrome of superficial radial nerve in 12 cases

  6. 前臂桡神经浅支卡压的解剖与临床表现

    The anatomy and clinical manifestations of the compressed radial nerve superficialis in the forearm

  7. 带桡神经浅支营养血管蒂的桡骨茎突骨(膜)复合瓣转位术

    Transposition of radial styloid process compound flap pedicled with superficial branch of radial nerve

  8. 结论:桡神经浅支具有双重血供来源。

    Conclusion : There are double blood supplies in superficial branch of radial nerve .

  9. 桡神经浅支的观测

    Observations on superficial branches of radial nerve

  10. 桡神经浅支营养血管皮瓣的解剖学研究

    Anatomic Study on Flap with Superficial Branch of Radial Nerve and Its Nourishing Blood Vessels

  11. 人体桡神经浅支支配机械感受性单位的生理学特征

    Physiological characteristics of superficial branch of the radial nerve innervating mechanoreceptive units in the human body

  12. 本文报告用局封治疗11例桡神经浅支卡压征。

    Local blocking was used for treatment of 11 cases of superficial radial nerve compres - sion .

  13. 双轴点动脉蒂桡神经浅支移位术的解剖学研究

    Anatomic study on the transposition of superficial branch of radial nerve pedicled with two rotation point arteries

  14. 2侧桡神经浅支桡侧支被前臂外侧皮神经所替代。

    Of the 18 specimens presented aberrance , the radial branch being replaced by the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve .

  15. 目的为临床中修复桡神经浅支及利用该神经修复其他神经损伤提供形态学基础。

    Objective To provide the foundation of morphology in the renovation of superficial radial nerve and the other nerve injury .

  16. 微创治疗桡骨远端骨折时避免克氏针损伤桡神经浅支的研究

    The study of avoiding damage to the superficial radial nerve due to percutaneous K-wire fixation of the distal radius fracture

  17. 除此之外,错误的操作可能损伤肌腱或桡神经浅支。

    Besides , the inaccurate operation may also lead to the injury of tendons and superficial branches of the radial nerve .

  18. 静脉回流有三种途径,神经支配以桡神经浅支和前臂外侧皮神经为主。

    Innervation of the flap was provided chiefly by a branch of the superficial radial nerve and the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve .

  19. 前臂外侧皮神经、桡神经浅支、尺神经腕背支也发支支配腕关节背侧。

    It was also innervated by forearm lateral cutaneous nerve , superficial branch of radial nerve , wrist dorsal branch of ulnar nerve .

  20. 无一例出现骨性针道感染、松动、医原性骨折及桡神经浅支损伤等并发症。

    And there was no any complication , such as pin tract infection , fixator loosening , iatrogenic fracture and injury of the superficial radial nerve .

  21. 分布于桡神经浅支的动脉主要来自桡动脉的外侧皮支和肌支。浅支的浅、深两段各有1~4支动脉分布,测量了这些动脉支的起始位置。

    Each of the two parts of the ramus superficialis receives 1 ~ 4 arteries from the lateral cutaneous arteries or muscular branches of the radial artery .

  22. 观察结果表明,以来源动脉为蒂,作为桡神经浅支移植的吻接血管是可行的。

    Our results indicate that original artery of the nutrient artery , supplying the superficial branch of the radial nerve , is ideal for a free vascularized nerve graft .

  23. 结论:可设计成带桡神经浅支及其营养血管的顺行或逆行筋膜皮瓣,转位修复邻近部位的软组织缺损。

    Conclusions : The direct or recurrent fasciocutaneous flap of the superficial branch of radial nerve and its nutrient vessels could be designed and used to repair the soft tissue defects of the adjacent sites .

  24. 腕部桡尺神经浅支的解剖学研究

    Anatomic study of superficial radial nerve and ulnar cutaneous nerve at the wrist

  25. 人体的一侧桡侧腕短伸肌只受桡神经浅支支配。桡神经浅支并不是一完全的感觉支。

    Muscular branch for ECRB arising from the superficial radial nerve of one side amounts to25 % .

  26. 方法设计以拇指桡掌侧动脉为蒂并带桡神经浅支分支的大鱼际桡侧逆行岛状皮瓣,修复12例拇指指腹缺损患者。

    Methods Twelve cases with pulp defect of the thumb were repaired by reverse radial thenar flap pedicled with the thumb radial digital artery and branch of superficial radial nerve .

  27. 将皮瓣所携带的第一跖背动脉、大隐静脉和腓深神经分别与受区桡动脉腕背支、头静脉及桡神经浅支吻合。

    The first dorsal metatarsal artery , saphenous vein and deep peroneal nerve in the flap were anastomosed with the wrist dorsal branch of radial artery , cephalic vein and superficial branch of radial nerve on the receptor site respectively .

  28. 目的为在桡、尺骨远端骨折处经皮穿针固定提供一个安全进针区域,减少桡、尺神经浅支的损伤提供解剖学依据。

    Objective To offer a safe zone to avoid cutaneous nerve injury for Kirschner wire fixation in the treatment of distal radius or ulnar fractures .