
  • 网络Energy index;energy norm
  1. 基于能量指标与体重指数(BMI)关系的评价肥胖标准的方法研究

    Research on the Method of Obesity Evaluation Standard Based on the Relationship between Energy Index and Body Mass Index

  2. 作为一种能量指标的混凝土断裂能GF只能表征混凝土断裂全过程的平均能量吸收,而并不涉及这两个阶段的能量变化。

    Whereas GF , although an energy index , only denotes the average energy absorbed during the whole concrete fracture process , ignoring those two procedures mentioned above .

  3. 本文考虑了整个对流气柱内上升气块的浮力的平均效应,从而推导出一个便于日常作对流预报用的平均不稳定能量指标S(H)。

    Based on the fact that all particles in convective air columns must be lifted in the development process of convection , an average buoyant force of these lifted particles is considered in deriving a mean unstable energy index for convective forecasting which is convenient for practical use in forecasting .

  4. 额定水头的效率峰值对应的工况点N[η(max)]具有可选定性,是效率峰值移动的基准点,它反映了转轮具有较高能量指标和较好的稳定性的共同要求。

    The rated head efficiency peak operation point N [ η( max ) ] is taken as the reference point for peak efficiency movement , it reflects the high energy performance and a good stability of a runner , the point is selectable .

  5. 玉米秸秆能量指标的测定和利用研究

    Analysis on Energy Index of the Maize Stem and Its Utilization

  6. 水电站能量指标计算软件的更新与扩展

    Software updating and expansion for calculation of energy index for hydropower stations

  7. 分导飞行器能量指标的最优控制方法研究

    Optimal Control Method for Economizing in Propellant Energy of a Post-boost Vehicle

  8. 基于能量指标的结构形式最优控制设计

    Optimal control design of structural form based on energy index

  9. 采用最小能量指标,以零控曲面和迎面拦截为终端条件,进行反鱼雷鱼雷最优导引律的推导和论证。

    Adopting minimal energy index , we present a head-on interception guidance law .

  10. 基于稳定度和能量指标作强对流天气的短时预报指标分析

    Analysis on Short-Time Forecast of Severe Convection Weather Based on Stability and Energy Indexes

  11. 对流预报的平均不稳定能量指标

    A mean unstable energy index for convective forecasting

  12. 水轮机能量指标与水轮机的检修质量

    Energy indices and maintenance quality of water turbines

  13. 该转轮能量指标明显偏低,过流能力也偏低。

    The runner has distinctly low level in energy index and discharge capacity as well .

  14. 冰箱和冷柜能量指标的分析

    The energy target analysis of refrigerators

  15. 新型转轮的水轮机在水电站的实际运行中,具有较好的能量指标和汽蚀性能。

    In tests of water power plant , the new type runner has better efficiency and cavitation characteristic .

  16. 温度位移和多年冻土顶板温度是活动层研究和冻土环境研究中重要的能量指标。

    The thermal offset and permafrost table temperature are important energy indexes in studying permafrost active layers and frost soil environment .

  17. 因此,本文采用简化的杆系分析模型,针对目前基于性能的抗震设计思路,对结构抗震性能的位移及能量指标进行了讨论,以便为完善及发展基于性能的抗震设计思路提供研究基础。

    Thus this thesis uses the member model to analyze displacement and energy response of aseismatic structures in order to provide materials for developing the method of performance-based design .

  18. 从基于性能/位移的结构抗震设计基本思路和方法出发,讨论以位移及能量指标同时作为抗震结构性能指标的重要性。

    Viewed from the basic track of thought and method of structural design against earthquake based on performance / displacement , this paper discusses the importance of taking the indices of displacement and energy as the performance indices of the earthquake resistant structure .

  19. 本文在通用的运动学研究方法基础上加入了动量矩和能量指标来探讨技术的特征,这在方法学上是一个进步。

    On the basis of the study method commonly used in kinematics , the paper made a discussion on the technical characteristics by the method of adding the indexes of moment of momentum and energy , which was a progress in the methodology .

  20. 论述水电厂水轮机能量指标与水轮机检修质量的关系,指出加强水轮机设备检修管理、提高检修质量是充分发挥水力发电机组能量效益的基础。

    The relationship between the energy indices and maintenance quality of water turbines are discussed , and it is pointed out that to obtain the maximum energy efficiency of the water turbine generating unit , the maintenance management and quality should be enhanced .

  21. 其中,首次提出黄土的增湿损伤变量的定义及与含水量有关的增湿损伤等效能量指标,描述增湿损伤的演化过程;

    For the first time the definition of the loess moistening damage variable was put forward , aswell as the equivalent energy index of loess moistening damage which relates to the water content or the saturation degree to describe the moistening damage evolvement procedure .

  22. 为了解决补偿共模电流与逆变器自身产生的共模电流之间的相位同步问题,本文提出了一种基于电流能量指标的共模噪声评估手段,和基于模拟退火算法的智能优化搜索闭环控制算法。

    In order to resolve the phase synchronization problem between the compensation CM current and the self CM current of the inverter , this paper proposed a CM noise evaluation method based on current energy and intelligent optimized searching close-loop controlled algorithm based on simulated annealing algorithm .

  23. 在此基础上,把柔性结构动力学和控制理论相结合,建立了包含结构参数和控制参数的性能配置优化模型,并以系统的转动惯量和控制能量指标为目标函数对机电设计参数进行了优化。

    Then , by the combination of dynamics of flexible structure and control theory , the optimum model including structure and control parameters is proposed . Finally , the objective function , which contains the moment of inertia and the control effort of system , is optimized .

  24. 南水北调等大型水利工程需要大量效率高、运行稳定的轴流泵,而优秀的轴流泵水力模型是保证实型泵(真机)的能量指标、汽蚀指标和稳定运行的基础。

    Large scale water conservancy projects such as South to North Water Transfer Project need many higher efficiency and steady operating axial flow pumps . Axial flow pump model with excellent performance characteristics can guarantee the energy and cavitation performance and steady operating of prototype axial flow pump .

  25. 玉米秸秆作为一种生物质能源,研究其能量指标体系和遗传规律,并据此筛选和培育高热值玉米品种,对于开辟新能源,减少环境污染、保护生态环境,提高玉米的综合经济效益具有重要意义。

    As a kind of bio-energy , it is very necessary for inaugurating new energy , reducing environment pollution , protecting entironment and enhancing integrated economy benefit to research into energy index and genetic law of the stem of maize and filtrate and breed maize variety of high calorific value .

  26. 文章提出了用FPGA作为主要器件、以能量为指标的共模噪声评估技术。

    This article proposed the technology of appraising common-mode noise with taking the energy as the datum and FPGA as the main component .

  27. 柔性机器人的变形度和变形能量度指标

    Elastic Deformation Index of Flexible Robot

  28. 提出了评价柔性机器人系统性能的变形度指标和变形能量度指标。

    The magnitudes of elastic deformation and elastic deformation energy can reflect the stability and vibrations of the flexible robot systems .

  29. 脑梗死大鼠脑、肺组织及血液中能量代谢指标变化及针刺的干预作用

    Changes of indexes of energy metabolism in brain , pulmonary tissue and blood of rats with cerebral infarction and the interventional effect of acupuncture

  30. 对水分胁迫下甘薯叶片部分物质和能量代谢指标的研究结果表明,水分胁迫下叶片中可溶性蛋白含量明显增加;

    Some indices concerning the metabolism of substance and energy in sweet potato leaves under water stress were studied . Soluble protein contents increased obviously .