
  • 网络structural statics;statics of structure;structural static mechanics
  1. 利用ANSYS结构静力学分析模块进行了转向节强度分析。

    Structural statics analysis module using ANSYS conducts the strength analysis of the steering knuckle model .

  2. 结构静力学问题的半实物仿真技术研究

    Technical Study on Semi-Object Emulation of Structural Statics Problem

  3. 文中利用ANSYS有限元分析软件对加速度传感器进行了计算机模拟仿真,通过结构静力学仿真和模态分析,对器件结构进行了优化,并对其性能进行了分析。

    In this paper , acceleration sensor is simulated by ANSYS analysis software , through structural static simulation and modal analysis , the sensor structure was optimized , and analyzed the performance .

  4. 应用ANSYS对原理样机的底座、立柱和悬臂梁进行了结构静力学分析和模态分析,结果表明原理样机的变形小,刚度完全满足设计要求,抗干扰能力强。

    Static structure analysis and modal analysis of the key parts of the prototype machine tool were done by ANSYS . The results showed that the stiffness fully met the design requirements with small deformations and strong antijamming ability .

  5. 然后按照结构静力学分析流程,借助HyperMesh有限元软件对内滚筒进行静力学分析,计算其在静态载荷条件下的应力和变形。

    Secondly , according the structure of static anslysis process , use finite element software HyperMesh to calculate the statics stress and deformation of the internal drum .

  6. 弹性正交索网结构静力学的各类变分原理

    Variational Principles for Nonlinear Elastostatics of Orthogonal Cable-Net Structures

  7. 6000t/h装船机金属结构静力学分析

    The Static Analysis of Metal Structure of a 6000t / h Ship Loader

  8. 高水压大断面盾构隧道管片衬砌结构静力学行为模型试验研究

    Study on model test for static mechanical behavior of tunnel segment lining structure with large-section shield tunnel and high water pressure

  9. 以往对车载容器的计算多数局限与结构静力学的研究和罐体本身液体晃动特性的分析,这显然已经不符合车辆实际运行中的工况。

    In the past , The main research most limited to the statics structure study and the analysis of the tank sloshing characteristics .

  10. 重点对胀紧装置部分进行了详细设计与分析计算。最后,对影响车床加工设备加工效果的关键部件和一些零部件等进行了结构静力学分析和模态分析等有限元分析。

    Focus on a detailed design and analysis of the expansion device . Finally , analysis the structural static analysis and modal analysis on the key components and some parts of the lathe equipment .

  11. 对减速器传递扭矩的核心部件&摆线轮,进行承载有限元结构静力学分析,得出各级摆线轮负载时的位移变形图、应力分布图,分析应力最大值及位置、变形最大值及位置。

    Obtain the displacement deformation and stress distribution under loaded of each cycloid by the finite element structure static analysis of bearing capacity that is the core part transmitting torque . The analysis of maximum value and location of stress and deformation provide a basis for strengthening tooth surface .

  12. 论文中应用有限元分析软件ANSYS对利用CATIA建立的三维模型进行了仿真分析,针对一些关键受力结构进行静力学分析及优化。

    Paper applies finite element analysis software ANSYS for simulating and analyzing the three-dimensional model which created by CATIA , making static analysis and optimization for some key stress structure .

  13. 这也为下面压力机组合结构的静力学分析提供了参考依据。

    These made basis for the static analysis of the combined frame .

  14. 基于有限元模型的炮闩结构的静力学强度分析

    Analysis on the Static Strength of the Breechblock Structure Based on FEM

  15. 雷达技术的不断发展对雷达在各种复杂环境下的工作性能提出了更高的要求,而天线结构的静力学、动力学特性对雷达的机械及电性能具有直接的影响。

    With the continuous development of radar technology , higher and higher requirements are put forward on the working properties of the radar under a variety of complex operating conditions .

  16. 将等效板模型推广应用到典型机翼结构的静力学、动力学以及静、动气动弹性分析中。

    Some typical numerical results are presented from application of the model to the static analysis , dynamic analysis , static aeroelasticity and flutter analysis of a wing-box and a wing .

  17. 第三章利用有限元数值模拟、理论分析和实验研究结合的方法,开展单轴拉伸载荷作用下楔环连接结构的静力学接触行为研究。

    In this paper , the nonlinear static contact behaviors and dynamic characteristics of a wedge-ring connection structure are studied by theoretical analysis , finite element ( FE ) numerical simulation and experimental approaches .

  18. 天线结构的静力学、动力学特性对天线整体的电性能影响发挥着极其重要的作用,天线电性能又直接影响了雷达的正常工作。

    The electrical performance of the antenna is affected by the statics and dynamics properties of the antenna structure , whereas the former directly effects on whether the radar can work normally or not .

  19. 在研究了机械优化设计基本理论和方法之后,对主要零件进行了针对性的研究:齿轮轴轴承座结构有限元静力学分析、转盘的ANSYS优化设计。

    After canvassing the basic theories and methods of optimal design , the finite element structure statics analysis of bearing saddle and ANSYS optimal design of turnplate are analyzed respectively . It is propitious to raise efficiency , improve capability and decrease cost and so on .

  20. 静电梳微谐振子结构中的静力学问题

    The Static Problem in Electro - Static Driven comb Micro resonant Structure

  21. 对结构进行了静力学和热弹性分析,为使系统结构满足成像要求,支撑结构具有良好的刚度和强度,本文采用了柔性铰链支撑结构,并对柔性铰链支撑结构进行了合理的结构参数设计。

    Based on analysis of statics and thermo elasticity , we adopted well designed flexible hinge supporting structure in the respect of structural parameter , which has good rigidity and stiffness , to make the system structure meet the requirements of imaging . 4 .

  22. 本文对自适应机械装置的特性和内力加压自适应机械装置构型设计、功能结构设计及静力学分析进行了深入、系统的研究。

    In this paper , study on the characteristics of self-adaptive mechanism and design of composing types and design of function and structure and analysis of statics and order of kinematic-transfer of self-adaptive mechanism with internal force exerting have been carried out deeply and systematically .

  23. 对陆地模拟试验牵拉平台进了设计,并利用Ansysworkbench有限元软件对所设计的试验平台主体钢结构进行了线性静力学与模态分析。

    Terrestrial analog test pulling platform was designed based on the previous work and the linear statics and modal analysis of the main steel structure of the test platform have finished based on finite element software ANSYS Workbench . 4 .

  24. 利用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对测头的结构进行了结构静力学有限元分析和结构模态分析,得到了测头的位移变化图、应力分布图、固有频率和振型。

    By using the software of ANSYS , the static finite element analysis and modal analysis of the structure of the probe are done , and the displacement figure , the stress distribution figure , the natural frequency and the shaking type of the probe are obtained .

  25. 为了生动形象地揭示其结构,用分子静力学方法对碳纳米管结构进行了模拟计算。

    In order to reveal their structures , structures of three kind of single-walled carbon nanotubes ( SWNTs ) were computed with molecular statics .

  26. 通过罗恩已提出的一条简单而统一的新途径,系统地建立了离散索网模型的正交索网结构几何非线性弹性静力学的各类变分原理。

    In a simple and unified new way proposed by Luo , some variational principles for geometrically nonlinear elastostatics of orthogonal cable-net structures based on discrete model are established systematically .

  27. 本文认为含裂纹结构的破坏是静力学模式破坏和断裂力学模式破坏共同作用的结果,从而建议一种结构剩余强度的实用估算方法。

    A simple procedure for evaluating residual strength of structures with cracks was developed based on the consideration that the strength of a cracked body is controlled by the mechanism of both linear elastic fracture and net section static failure .

  28. 根据ITER(Internationalthermonuclearexperimentalreactor)真空室中子屏蔽组件的设计概念和结构特点,应用有限元分析软件ANSYS对结构组件进行静力学分析和热&结构耦合分析。

    Neutron shielding components design concept and structure features of ITER ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ) vacuum vessel were briefly introduced . Static and thermo-structure coupling analyses were performed based on FEM ( finite element method ) software ANSYS , respectively .

  29. 本文以某氧化铝厂为例对多层活动支架结构的牵制系数进行了理论分析,并对多层钢管道支架结构的静力学性能进行了数值分析和优化设计。

    In this paper , the theory analysis of restrain coefficient for multi-layer sliding support , numerical analysis and the optimizing design for multi-layer steel pipe support in the alumina plant are performed .

  30. 利用密度-刚度插值格式和优化准则方法,以结构的柔度最小化作为优化的目标函数,论述并建立线弹性结构的静力学拓扑优化设计的数学模型和设计变量显示的迭代格式;

    The mathematical model , with the objective to minimize compliance , as well as the explicit updating scheme for design variables are both worked out based on density-stiffness interpolation schemes and Optimality Criteria method .