
  • 网络Structural Plasticity Analysis
  1. 工程机械翻车保护结构塑性分析及优化设计

    Plastic analysis and optimum design of ROPS for construction machinery

  2. 结构塑性分析中机构组合的规律性

    Regularities of Mechanism Combination in Plastic Method of Structural Analysis

  3. 钢结构塑性分析的新模型

    A new model for plastic analysis of steel structures

  4. QR法在剪力墙结构弹塑性分析中的应用

    Elasto-plastic analysis of shear walls by QR method

  5. 剪力墙结构弹塑性分析的QR法Ⅱ&计算格式、程序及算例

    QR method for elasto-plastic analysis of shear walls ⅱ & Computing format , program and a calculation example

  6. Chen模型,推导出了材料应力&应变关系的显式表达,为QR法和剪力墙结构弹塑性分析的结合奠定了较为完备的理论基础。

    Chen model . The adequate theory is ready for the introducing of QR method to elasto-plastic analysis of ( shear ) walls .

  7. 高层连体结构弹塑性分析及处理措施

    Handing Measures and Elastic-plastic Analysis of the High-rise Connected Structure

  8. 沿高度变刚度复合墙板结构弹塑性分析

    Elastoplastic analysis of composite wall plate structure with variable stiffness along height

  9. 厚壳结构弹塑性分析的半解析有限元解

    An Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Thick Shell Structures by Semi-Analytical Finite Element Method

  10. 高层框架-筒体结构弹塑性分析方法的改进

    Development of the Elastic-plastic Analysis Method for Tall Frame-tube Structures

  11. 泉州电信综合楼结构弹塑性分析

    Structural Analysis of Telecom Building in Quanzhou with Emphasis on Its Elastoplasticity

  12. 某高层工业框架结构弹塑性分析及性能化抗震加固设计

    Elastic and Plastic Analysis and Capability Aseismatic Design of Industrial Frame Structure

  13. 复杂结构塑性极限分析的修正弹性补偿法

    Modified elastic compensation method for limit analysis of complex structures

  14. 甘肃省大剧院超限复杂结构弹塑性分析

    Ultra limit complicated structure elastoplastic analysis of Gansu Grand Theatre

  15. 系统地介绍了结构塑性极限分析的原理和方法。

    The theory and method of the plastic limit analysis are introduced systematically .

  16. 混凝土框架结构弹塑性分析的新方法

    New method of elastic-plasticity analysis about ferroconcrete frame structure

  17. 二维类桁架材料结构弹塑性分析

    Elasto-plastic analysis for 2D structures with truss-like materials

  18. 结构塑性自适应分析

    Analysis of Shakedown for Plastic Behavior of Structure

  19. 角点支承双向极系结构的塑性分析

    Plastic analysis of twoway corner supported slab construction

  20. 计入弹性基础效应的钢筋混凝土桥梁结构塑性倒塌分析

    Plastic collapse mechanism of seismic assessment for existing RC bridges with flexible foundation and bearing pads

  21. 双肢剪力墙及框剪结构弹塑性分析的样条函数方法

    The Elastic and Plastic Analysis of Double Shear Walls and Frame Shear Structures by Spline Method

  22. 在结构塑性极限分析中常使用以内力表示的塑性条件。

    Expressions denoted with internal forces arc often used in the limit analysis in plastic stage .

  23. 弹性补偿有限元法是一种简单、高效的结构塑性极限分析方法,目前仅用于采用单一材料的结构体系中。

    This artical presents an analytic method to detemine load incremental factor by incremental elastoplastic FEM as the load comes to limited one .

  24. 本文提出两种结构弹塑性分析的有限元方法&杂交/混合非协调元法。

    This paper presents two new finite element methods for the elastic-plastic analysis of structures , hybrid / mixed non-conforming finite element methods .

  25. 结构弹塑性分析,是当前土木工程抗震分析领域先进的新兴结构分析方法之一。

    Analysis of struture elastic-plastic , used in aseismatic analysis area of civil engineering , is one of the new and advanced structure analyse method .

  26. 应用结构塑性极限分析的上、下限定理及相应的有限元法分析重力坝的极限承载能力,以判断大坝的稳定性。

    The upper bound and lower bound theorem of classical plasticity theory and corresponding FEM is applied to analyze the bearing capacity of gravity dam for judging the stability of the dam .

  27. 该模型仍具有杆内时模型的优点,适用于按增量初内力法进行杆剪切变形的结构弹塑性分析。

    The model in this paper can be used in structural elastic-plastic analyses based on the incremental initial-force method where shearing distortions of the members are taken into account , and has the advantage of the former member endochronic model .

  28. 而结构弹塑性分析方法难度较大,复杂度较高,所以寻求简便而有效的结构弹塑性位移分析方法是目前学术界和工程界的研究热点之一。

    The method is qualitative . And elastic-plastic analysis is more difficult and complex . So looking for a simple but effective way to solve the structural inelastic displacement is one of the hotspots in the academic and the engineering fields currently .

  29. 建立了网架封板的强度计算模型,采用结构塑性极限分析理论,得出了封板极限承载力和厚度的计算公式,可供设计时参考。

    The calculating model of sealing plate of steel space frame is set up . Using the structural plastic limit analysis theory , the formula to calculate ultimate bearing capacity of the sealing plate and simplification formula are given , which can be consulted for design .

  30. 选取适当的坐标系,根据边界条件选择挠度的近似函数,按结构塑性极限分析理论中拉弯构件的极限条件,进而推导得出均布荷载作用下的塑性极限承载力。

    Select the appropriate coordinate system , according to the boundary condition choice of deflection approximate function , according to the structure plastic limit analysis of the theory of bending the limit condition of Component , then derived obtained under the equispaced distributed load function of plastic limit bearing capacity .