
  1. 加筋板壳稳定性分析中一种简单的有限元模式

    A Simple Finite Element Model on the Buckling Analysis for Stiffened Shells

  2. 机身复合材料加筋板壳的稳定性及强度分析系统

    Analysis System of Stability and Strength for Airframe Composite Stiffened Plate / Shell

  3. 料板,板皮从树干上纵切下的一块木材机身复合材料加筋板壳的稳定性及强度分析系统

    A longitudinal cut from the trunk of a tree . Analysis System of Stability and Strength for Airframe Composite Stiffened Plate / Shell

  4. 加筋板是船舶与海洋结构物的基本结构形式,因此研究加筋板壳的稳定性有着十分重要的工程意义。

    Stiffened plate is the basic structure form of ships , so it is important to study the buckling characteristic of stiffened plate and shell .

  5. 设材料服从Boltzmann积分型本构关系,其松弛模量由Prony-Dirichlet级数描述,分别基于小挠度和几何非线性理论,从参数振动的角度研究了线粘弹性板壳的动力稳定性。

    In the analysis of dynamic stability of viscoelastic plates and shells within the geometrically linear and nonlinear theory , the Boltzmann hereditary constitutive relationship is used to model the viscoelastic behavior and relaxation modulus is characterized with Prony-Dirichlet series .

  6. 复合材料层合板壳通用单元和等网格加筋板壳的局部稳定性

    A general finite element of laminated composite and local stability of isogrid plate and shell

  7. 随着复合材料在工业领域的广泛应用,复合材料板壳结构的稳定性特性,包括屈曲和后屈曲特性,成为设计人员十分关注的一个问题。

    As the composite is widely used in the industry , the buckling and post-buckling of composite plates and shells are concerned by lots of engineers .

  8. 粘弹性板壳的静动力稳定性问题研究考虑随从力作用的运动粘弹性板的动力稳定性

    Research on Static and Dynamic Stability for Viscoelastic Plates and Shells ; DYNAMIC STABILITY OF MOVING VISCOELASTIC PLATE SUBJECTED TO FOLLOWER FORCE