
zhàn yǒu zhě
  • occupant
  1. 走廊的占有者向外部漂去,走出这些“管道”。

    The occupant is levitated toward the outside , out of these " tubes " .

  2. 没有占有者或者在职者。

    Without an occupant or incumbent .

  3. 占有者无须证明自已为物主。

    A person in possession is not bound to prove that the possessions belong him .

  4. 随着Internet的快速发展,P2P应用在网络中逐渐成为网络宽带的主要占有者,也成为网络业务的重要组成部分。

    With the Internet rapid development , P2P applications in the network is becoming the main occupants of broadband networks and has also become an important component of network services .

  5. 行业中的市场份额占有者并不是效率的领先者;

    Industry market share leading banks are not efficiency leading banks ;

  6. 如果没有人类的占有者,一不能够访问图书馆;

    Without the human occupant , one could not access the library ;

  7. 领地的占有者享有一定的特权。

    The tenants of the demesne enjoyed certain privileges .

  8. 不完全关系契约的维持往往依赖于对准祖占有者的补偿。

    The maintenance of the incomplete relational contract depends on compensation to owners of quasi-rents .

  9. 特性,属性特性或不同之处,尤指用来定义或描写其占有者的特性。

    A characteristic trait or peculiarity , especially one serving to define or describe its possessor .

  10. 只有在法律和形式主义的意义上,所有者才可被认为是占有者和抢夺者的继承人。

    Only in a legal and formalistic sense can the owners be considered the successors of appropriators and expropriators .

  11. 一种串行化机构,使某一特定的资源限制给该锁的占有者使用。

    A serialization mechanism by which a specific resource is restricted for use by the holder of the lock .

  12. 劳动力的所有权属于劳动者人身的占有者。

    The realization of labour 's ownership refers to the owner of laborers'participation in the distribution of the residual production .

  13. 票据或债券或文件标题的占有者。

    The person who is in possession of a note or bond or document of title that is endorsed to him .

  14. 规则很简单:桌子越大,木材越昂贵,其占有者就越是位高权重。

    The rule was simple : the larger it was and the more expensive the wood , the grander its occupant .

  15. 阿切尔为路人投向她的目光而感到自豪,占有者率直的幸福感清除了他内心深处的烦恼。

    Archer was proud of the glances turned on her , and the simple joy of possessorship cleared away his underlying perplexities .

  16. 占有者无须证明自已为物主。他是财产的注定所有权人。

    A person in possession is not bound to prove that the possessions belong him . 3.He is the de jure owner of the property .

  17. 这是由于占有者的慷慨呢,还是由于持正义者的疏忽呢?

    Is this owing to the generosity of him in whose possession it is found , or to the remissness of the officers of justice ?

  18. 魏晋以来,宗法性封建大土地所有制成为当时社会生产的主要形式,大土地的占有者&私家大族,通过控制大量的户口分有了社会的社会控制权,形成一个个相对独立的权力中心。

    Since Wei-Jin Dynasties , feudal patriarchal landowners obtain their division of social control by ruling large numbers of households , forming relatively independent power centers .

  19. “啊,当然&我现在看出来啦:您才是这慈善的天仙的有福气的占有者哩。”我转过头来对我旁边那个人说。

    Ah , certainly & I see now : you are the favoured possessor of the beneficent fairy , 'I remarked , turning to my neighbour .

  20. 由单个动物、一对配偶或一群动物占据的区域,占有者经常对侵入这一区域者进行反击,特别是对同类侵入者。

    Biology An area occupied by a single animal , mating pair , or group and often vigorously defended against intruders , especially those of the same species .

  21. 作为全社会最大的信息资源占有者和使用者,世界各国政府纷纷寻求一场革命性政府改革以适应新的生产力发展。

    Being the biggest possessor and user of information resources , governments around the world are seeking to have a revolutionary reform to adapt to the growth of new productive force .

  22. 而市场的原先占有者也会采取各种各样技术的及非技术手段保护自有市场,阻止其他企业进入。

    But the market original owner will also pay more attention on various technical and the non-technological means to protect the existing market . And prevent other enterprises to enter in .

  23. 艺术场域中的文化资本最终的意义就是能够为占有者带来各种形式的利益,主要表现为它向经济资本、符号资本、社会资本的转换。

    In the final analysis , the cultural capital in the artistic field means all kinds of benefits for owners , chiefly displaying its shift to economic capital , symbol capital and social capital .

  24. 而且,基督教继承《圣经》中爱人如己的道德诫命,提倡济贫,并使之成为财富占有者的义务和教会的责任。

    Moreover , it has succeeded the moral commandment of ' love your neighbor as yourself in the Bible , and advocated helping the poor and made it the obligation of the wealth owners and Christian churches .

  25. 由于当代信息化、全球化和科学技术的原始策源地与优势占有者是西方文化,这就向面向21世纪的中国社会发展与文化发展提出了尖锐的挑战。

    Because contemporary informationization , globalization and science and technology and the advantages of the original leoni is possessed of western culture , The 21st century is the Chinese social development and the cultural development sharpened challenge .

  26. 谦恭品德占有者之于优良美德扮演者就好像用心建造的小石屋之于俄国女皇建造的冰雕宫殿;

    The state of the possessor of humble virtues , the the affecter of great excellencies , is that of a small well built cottage of stone , to the palace raised with ice by the Empress of Russia ;

  27. 很难说,亚伯拉罕族长被所谓摩西一经的作者看作畜群的占有者,究竟是由于他作为家庭公社首领所拥有的权利,还是由于他作为实际上世袭的氏族酋长的身分。

    It is difficult to say whether the author of the so-called first book of Moses regarded the patriarch Abraham as the owner of his herds in his own right as head of a family community or by right of his position as actual hereditary head of a gens .

  28. 占有这三者的精英阶层和基本没有占有生产资料的普通民众阶层之间的矛盾,也是围绕社会资源展开,表现为现实利益上的矛盾和价值观方面的矛盾。

    Occupy elite stratum of three these and occupy materials maker common people contradiction of stratum basically , launch around social resources , is shown as the contradictions of contradiction and values on realistic interests too .

  29. 话语权通常被几个演讲者占有,大多数参会者只能扮演听众的角色。

    Usually , just two speakers dominate the agenda , with the rest of the participants a mute audience .

  30. 该部分重点介绍了美国的土地利益占有人责任制度,土地占有者对于不同法律身份的来访者承担不同程度的注意义务,该制度值得我们分析和借鉴。

    This part emphasizes the introduction of American land benefit holder liability system , which is based different law status visitor to undertake the vary degree attention duty , and it is worth for reference in theory analysis and judicial practice .