
  • 网络Gangs of New York
  1. 随后,约1000名亲俄武装分子沿着该市一个主要街道行进,挥舞着木棒和盾牌,旁观者则四散奔逃,这一幕就像是电影《纽约黑帮》(GangsofNewYork)的场景再现。

    Afterwards about 1,000 of the pro-Russia militants marched along a main street , banging sticks and shields as bystanders fled down side streets , in a scene reminiscent of the film Gangs of New York .

  2. 这将是斯科塞斯和迪卡普里奥在16年来的第六次合作,此前他们合作过《纽约黑帮》、《飞行家》、《无间道风云》、《禁闭岛》和《华尔街之狼》这些电影。

    This will mark Scorsese and DiCaprio 's sixth collaboration in 16 years following Gangs of New York , The Aviator , The Departed , Shutter Island and The Wolf of Wall Street .

  3. 主演马龙·白兰度,阿尔·帕西诺,他们饰演的是纽约黑帮家族的头目。

    The filmstars Marlon Brando and Al Pacino as the leaders of a powerful New York crime family .

  4. 因为纽约黑帮家族势力是全国最大的,所以不言而喻,他们的安危影响着全国的安危。

    Since the New York Families were the most powerful in the country , it was understood that their welfare affected the welfare of the country as a whole .

  5. 参演的明星有马龙·白兰度和艾尔·帕西诺,电影着眼于纽约黑帮家庭科莱昂,讲述了迈克·科莱昂是如何在以维托为首的黑帮家庭中转变,从一个家族旁观者蜕变成残酷无情的黑帮首领。

    Starring Marlon Brando and Al Pacino , the film is about the fictional Corleone New York crime family , concentrating on the transformation of Michael Corleone from reluctant family outsider to ruthless Mafia boss while chronicling the family under the patriarch Vito .