
  • 网络chelation;Chelate;chelated
  1. 输送螺旋和卸料机无法处理低于物质的青贮饲料。此螫合制程可增进矿物质穿越胃壁输送至血液之中的能力。

    Augers and unloaders will not work with low dry-matter silage . The chelation process increases the ability of the mineral to be transported across the lining of the stomach and into the blood stream .

  2. 本文以大孔聚氯乙烯树脂、乙二胺和乙酐为原料,两步反应合成聚乙烯乙酰胺螫合树脂。

    A two-step reaction of macroporous polyvinyl chloride resin with ethylenediamine and acetic anhydride gave the spherical polyvinyl acetamide chelate resin .

  3. 合成了具有高吸附容量的聚乙烯苄多乙烯多胺二硫代羧酸大孔型螫合树脂(DTC树脂)。

    The title resins ( DTC resins ) with high adsorption capacity were prepared .

  4. 观察结果:①在未诱导的MEL细胞,虽然细胞增生旺盛,但铁螫合酶mRNA表达无变化;

    The results were as follows : ① In non - induced celis the expression of ferrochelatase mRNA had no changes .

  5. 论述了以钼酸钠作释放剂选择性螫合液定法测定铅的方法,应用于测定铅基合金镀层、Ph-Sn&Cu合金镀层和电镀溶液中铅的含量。

    Selective chelatometric determination of Pb with sodium molybdate as releasing agent and its practical application in determination of Pb content in Pb alloy deposit , Pb-Sn-Cu alloy deposit and their plating solutions are described .

  6. HPAM和阻垢剂BHF-04分别通过螫合增溶、晶格畸变以及静电斥力作用抑制了钙垢的生成。

    HPAM and the scale inhibitor BHF-04 inhibit the formation of calcium scale through chelating , lattice distortion and electrostatic repulsion .

  7. 结果表明:Ln3+离子通过O原子和S原子配位形成螫合物,LnO键和LnS键均具有一定程度的共价性;从La到Lu,配位键的离子性逐渐增强;

    It is proved by the changes of binding energy that the Ln3 + ions are coordinated through O atom and S atom , Ln-O bond and Ln-S bond have a Certain covalent character and the ion character of the coordinate bond becomes stronger from La to Lu .

  8. 净化高纯氯化钾水溶液中钙的几种螫合树脂的对比研究

    A study on the purification of potassium chloride with chelating resins for calcium

  9. 使用高品质来源的矿物质,例如氨基酸螫合物以及有基酸盐类。

    Uses quality sources of minerals , such as amino acids chelates , and organic acid salts .

  10. 吸附在螫合纤维上的金属离子经洗脱后可回收,螯合纤维可以反复使用。

    After elution , The adsorption metal ions can be recovered while chelating fiber can be used repeatedly .

  11. 对吸附剂螫合纤维的最佳吸附条件和重复使用进行了研究。

    The adsorption mechanism , the optimum adsorption conditions of chelating fiber adsorbent and the reusing tests were studied .

  12. 本文考察了以低交联的聚丙烯酸氯乙醇酯为母体的含手性氨基酸配体的螫合钯树脂对不同底物的催化加氢性能及影响加氢反应速度的一些因素。

    The acrylate asymmetric palladium chelating resins containing amino acids were prepared and their catalytic properties for hydrogenation were studied .

  13. 通过转基因苜蓿根际周围增加的有机酸来螫合铝元素,从而减轻酸性土壤中铝毒对苜蓿生产的限制。

    Addition of organic acids exuded roots of transgenic alfalfa alleviates Al toxicity by means of chelating Al in acid soil .

  14. 本文首次研究自制的氨基胍基螫合树脂吸附贵金属的行为。

    SNG resin contains aminoguanidine as function group . We are the first who studied its adsorption behavior in detail for noble metals .

  15. 研究了含偕胺肟基螫合纤维对Au~(3+)的吸附特征及影响吸附量的因素。

    The adsorption behavior of Au (ⅲ) ion onto the chelating fiber containing amidoxime group was investigated , and the factors to influence the adsorption capacity were discussed .
