
  • 网络Recirculation valve;EGR
  1. 真空和弹簧控制型废气再循环阀

    Vacuum and spring operated EGR valve

  2. 珠海发电厂汽动给水泵再循环阀故障分析

    Fault analysis of recirculating valve for turbine-driven feed-water pump in Zhuhai Power Plant

  3. 自动再循环阀在离心泵最小流量控制中的应用

    Application of Automatic Re circulating Valve in Minimum Flow Control of Centrifugal Pump

  4. 给水泵最小流量再循环阀的技术分析

    Analysis of the min. flow recirculation valve of BFP

  5. 排气压力控制型废气再循环阀

    Exhaust pressure modulated EGR valve

  6. 新型最小流量装置是将原来给水泵的再循环阀与再循环减压装置于一体。

    The new kind of flow equipment is an unit made of cycle valve and cycle pressure-decreasing equipment of existing pump .

  7. 基于变帘线参数的膜式空气弹簧的建模与有限元仿真真空和弹簧控制型废气再循环阀

    Cord Based on the Variable Parameters of the Diaphragm Air Spring Finite Element Modeling and Simulation vacuum and spring operated EGR valve

  8. 发动机模型包括电控节气门模型、发动机气流动态子系统、排气再循环模阀模型、燃油率计算及控制逻辑子系统、发动机扭矩产生及控制子系统、稀NOx吸附还原催化器子系统以及数据显示区域。

    The entire engine model consist of ETC Model , Engine Gas Dynamics Subsystem , EGR Model , Fuel Rate Calculation and Control Logic Subsystem , Torque Generation and Control Subsystem , LNT Subsystem and data display block .

  9. 特种控制阀有:减温减压调节阀、自动再循环控制阀、最小流量控制阀等。

    Special control valves including : temperature and pressure reducing control valves , automatic recycle control valve , minimum flow control valves , etc.

  10. 多功能泵再循环自动调节阀

    Automatic regulating valve for multi-purpose pumps recirculation