
jiā tínɡ jiě tǐ
  • family disintegration;breakup of a family
  1. 贫困是导致精神病,应力,自杀,家庭解体和药物滥用的主要推动者。

    Poverty is a major contributor to mental illness , stress , suicide , family disintegration and substance abuse .

  2. 实践表明,家庭暴力是导致婚姻家庭解体的重要原因,不仅侵害当事人的人身权益,还严重危害社会稳定。

    Practice shows that family violence is the leading cause of marriage and family disintegration of the important reasons , not only a violation of the human rights , but also seriously endangers social stability .

  3. 在从农村迁居城市的过程中许多家庭解体了。

    Families broke up in the move from country to town .

  4. 社会的压力正将愈来愈多的美国家庭解体。

    Social pressures are breaking apart more and more American homes .

  5. 在今天,比较和嫉妒仍然是家庭解体的根本原因。

    Comparison and jealousy still exist as root causes of family breakdown today .

  6. 一旦家庭解体,社会也就必定崩溃。

    Society must disintegrate once the family dissolves .

  7. 随着更多的家庭解体,再也不会有人在孩子们就寝时给他们念故事书,反而在电视机前消磨掉许多时间。

    As more families break up , children aren 't being read to at bedtime anymore and instead spend long hours in front of a television set .

  8. 在农村,尽管大家庭解体了,许多结了婚的儿子和他的家人还和父母住在同一个院子里。

    In the countryside , though quite a number of extended families have dissolved , many marred sons and their families continue to live in the same courtyard with their parents .

  9. 到1962年,他来到哈佛攻读研究生学位时,他的美国家庭已经解体了。

    By 1962 , when he headed to Harvard to pursue a graduate degree , his American family had already fallen apart .

  10. 我们社会中的很多精神蜕变包括家庭的解体都“归功”于自私和暴虐的男人们。

    Much of the spiritual decay in our society including the breakdown of the family can be attributed to selfish and abusive men .

  11. 因此,家长要从家庭的解体而导致儿童存在着严重的心理问题这一角度出发,采取行之有效的家庭教育策略来面对和解决这些问题。

    Therefore , parents should take it serious that divorce may result in mental handicap , and try to find some effective strategies to solve this problem .

  12. 王海鸰的小说《中国式离婚》,通过一个普通家庭的解体过程,讲述了一个典型的中国式离婚故事,也全景式地浓缩了中国当代社会的婚姻状况。

    Chinese-style Divorce , a novel by Wang Hailing depicts a typical story about marriage through an ordinary Chinese family , and also reflects the marital state of the Chinese modern society .

  13. 他们坚持同性婚姻将导致家庭制度的解体。

    They insist gay marriage would cause the institution of the family to collapse .

  14. 随着传统核心家庭结构的解体的解体,更多问题浮出水面,而这些数据只揭示了人们面临的部分问题。

    Those numbers capture only part of the challenge as the traditional nuclear family breaks up .

  15. 孩子们长大离家之后,家庭实际上就解体了,即便孩子们的父母还在世、还是夫妻。

    When the kids leave home , the family effectively dissolves , even in cases where the parents are still alive and together .

  16. 不过,对布莱尔政府来说,传统家庭单位的解体、青年犯罪和酗酒却是一个棘手的政治问题。

    But the breakdown of traditional family units , youth crime and binge drinking are a political hot potato for Mr Blair 's government .

  17. 20世纪中期美国社会由工业社会向后工业社会转型,这导致了美国社会价值观和意识形态的深刻变化,导致传统家庭结构的解体。享乐主义疏离了人际关系;

    In the fifties and sixties of the last century , American society began to transform from an industrial society into a post-industrial society , which caused the profound change of the values and ideology of American society and the disintegration of the traditional family structure .

  18. 《错置》(Mislaid),奈尔·津克(NellZink)著(Ecco/HarperCollins出版社,26.99美元)。津克古怪的滑稽小说讲述一个美国家庭的形成和解体,暴露出我们对种族和性关系的假想。

    MISLAID . By Nell Zink . ( Ecco / HarperCollins , $ 26.99 . ) Zink 's screwball comic novel about the making and unmaking of an American family lays bare our assumptions about race and sexuality .

  19. 作者表达了在新旧伦理道德冲突下,美国南方家庭开始崩溃和解体;最后是自我缺失的隐喻。

    U.S. Southern family relationships began to disintegrate in the old and the new ethical conflicts . Finally , there is the metaphor of self-missing .

  20. 随着长期承担家庭养老职能的大家庭的解体和社会经济条件的改变,社会养老已成必然趋势。

    It has become an inexorable trend that providing for the aged by the society with the change of social economic condition and the disintegration of the large family which undertake the function of providing for the aged over a long period of time .

  21. 五·四新文化运动向封建家庭制度发起了猛烈攻击,表现家庭解体的文学蔚然兴起。

    In the New Culture Movement of the May Fourth Period , a major offense was launched against the institution of the feudal family , and there appeared many literary works on the dissolution of the family .

  22. 佩尔斯坦指出,不稳定的家庭极大加重了纳税人的负担,每年美国至少要因为家庭解体的原因而多花掉1120亿美元。

    PEARlSTEiN pointed out that US allocates at least another $ 112 billion every year due to the dissolution of family , imposing financial burdens on taxpayers .

  23. 放眼我们平静的周围环境,你可能惊叹疑惑于这样的统计数据,在中国2.7亿个家庭中,30%的存在家庭暴力,每年至少有十万个家庭因为家庭暴力而解体。

    Looking at our peaceful surroundings , you may wonder at this marvel of statistical data , domestic violence exists in 30 % of 270 million families in China ; at least 100,000 families disintegrate each year because of domestic violence .

  24. 如果一个家庭充满爱和一致,这个家庭就会兴旺,变得光明和神圣。如果家庭中存在敌意和憎恨,家庭毁灭和解体将不可避免。

    If love and agreement are manifest in a single family , that family will advance become illumined and spiritual but if enmity and hatred exist within it destruction and dispersion are inevitable .

  25. 在由家庭过渡到市民社会的过程中,教育发挥了重大的作用,家庭中的子女正是因其所受的教育而实现其独立的人格,从而导致家庭的解体,并过渡到市民社会。

    From the family to the civil society , education plays an important role .