
  • 网络Domestic water heater;residential water heaters
  1. 家用热水器,给你一个暖意融融的冬天。

    The household water heater gives you a winter of warmth .

  2. 家用热水器节能垫的试验研究

    The Experimental Research of Energy Saver Used in Household Water Heater

  3. 本实用新型涉及一种家用热水器的改进。

    The utility model provides a water heater , relating to the improvement of a domestic water heater .

  4. 热泵系统是可以取代传统热水器的装置,它既可以应用于家用热水器又可以应用于空间取暖。

    Heat pump systems are heat-generating devices that can replace the traditional water heater , used as household water heaters or space heating devices .

  5. 为满足消费者的需求,本店又组织到一批家用热水器货源,欲购从速。

    In order to satisfy consumers ' demands , this shop has purchased another Batch of household water heaters for sale . Please Buy without delay .

  6. R22系统COP高于R134a系统23.1%,这为家用热泵热水器系统制冷工质的选择提供参考。

    It can provide reference on the choice of refrigerating medium in the household heat pump water heater .

  7. 家用太阳热水器热性能试验方法

    Test Method for the Thermal Performance of Domestic Solar Water Heating Systems

  8. 家用太阳能热水器水位水温测控器的研究

    Study of Home Solar Water Heater Controller on Temperature and Water Line

  9. 基于485接口的家用燃气热水器/两用炉测试台测试电路设计

    Design of gas water heater / double using stove circuit

  10. 玻璃钢家用太阳能热水器

    The study of domestic solar water heater with glass epoxy

  11. 家用燃气热水器自适应模糊控制策略

    Self-adaptive Fuzzy Control Strategy for Family Gas-fired Water Heater

  12. 立桶式家用热泵热水器冷凝器性能的研究

    Research on the performance of condenser in the upright household heat pump water heater

  13. 家用燃气热水器/两用炉测试台测控系统设计与研制

    Design and Research of Home Fast Gas Heater / Dual-purpose Stove Testboard Control System

  14. 对家用燃气热水器的热平衡及热效率进行分析。

    The thermal balance and thermal efficiency of domestic gas water heater are analyzed .

  15. 家用燃气热水器的风险评价研究

    Risk assessment research of domestic gas-fired water heater

  16. 影响家用太阳能热水器热性能因素的试验分析

    Analysis of the Main Influential Factors on Thermal Performance of Domestic Solar Water Heating System

  17. 该仪器已用于家用燃气热水器电磁阀生产线中。

    This instrument has been used in the production of electromagnetism value in gas heater .

  18. 家用太阳热水器的经济性分析

    Economic analysis of solar water heaters

  19. 家用太阳能热水器效率粗测及其热水的宏观规律

    Rough Determination of Domestic Solar Water Heater 's Efficiency and the Macroscopic Rule of Its Heating

  20. 本文详细叙述了快热式家用电热水器控制系统硬件电路和软件的设计。

    This article details the rapid thermal control system for home electric water heater hardware circuit and software design .

  21. 安装-整个热水器占用的空间相对较小,家用燃油热水器不需要另配储油罐。

    Installation - occupies relatively little floor space and does not require a separate fuel oil storage tank when used in oil-heated residence .

  22. 本文介绍了在家用燃气热水器/两用炉测试台中,温度,压力,流量参数的采集系统以及单片机与PC机通讯电路的设计。

    This paper introduces temperature , pressure and flux collection system and the communication circuit between MCU and PC in the testing station of gas water heater / double using stove .

  23. (家用)热水器的演进过程不仅是满足人类物质需要的实践活动,还是基于人类大文化背景中具有伦理属性的创造活动。

    Domestic hot-water heater design not only to meet the material of human activities also belong to creative activities which is the cultural background of human being with the ethical attributes .

  24. 实验结果表明,新型家用燃气热水器及热水炉具有高热效率和低污染排放的特点,它能大大降低对环境的污染。

    The experimental results show that the new type of domestic gas fired heater and boiler has a high thermal efficiency and low NOx emission . It can reduce the environmental pollution greatly .

  25. 介绍冷凝式家用燃气热水器的实验研究结果,并结合实例对换热面积进行了优化分析。水蒸气在船用冷凝器中滴状冷凝的分析

    The experimental research results of condensation type domestic water heater are stated and the optimization of heat exchange surface area is analyzed through examples . The theory analysis of about marine condenser on its heat exchange surface to realize vapo 's drop condensing

  26. 本测试系统根据国际标准GB6932-2001《家用燃气快速热水器》的测试要求和GB/T16155-2001《家用燃气具检验标准》的相关内容对两用炉各项性能进行了全面的测试。

    According to national standard GB6932-2001 home gas heater and GB / T16155-2001 standard of home gas appliances , a design of dual-purpose stove testing system is made .

  27. 攀钢改进型顶燃式热风炉燃烧器砌筑技术GB6932-1994家用燃气快速热水器

    The Panzhihua Steel improved top-combustion hot blast stove burner masonry technique

  28. 家用燃气快速热水器事故分析

    Analysing Accident about Domestic Gas Instantaneous Water Heater

  29. 家用燃气快速热水器的能效评价

    Efficiency Evaluation of Domestic Gas Instantaneous Water Heater

  30. 家用二氧化碳热泵热水器跨临界系统压力安全设计概要

    Brief of pressure safety design for trans-critical system of household carbon dioxide heat pump water heater