
mǔ qīn huì
  • mothers' union
  1. 他没想到自己的母亲会向警方告发他。

    He didn 't expect his own mother to shop him to the police .

  2. 对于我们双方的母亲会说什么他十分担心。

    He was worried sick about what our mothers would say .

  3. 我的母亲会帮我做功课。

    My mother would help me with my schoolwork .

  4. 母亲会给我掖好被子,关上灯,然后蹑手蹑脚走出去。

    My mother would tuck me in , turn out the lights and tiptoe out .

  5. 如果凑巧有人着急找我,我母亲会接电话,然后再打电话到这里转告我。

    If it happens that I 'm wanted badly somewhere , my mother will take the call and phone through to me here .

  6. 一个溺爱孩子的母亲会把孩子宠坏。

    A fond mother may spoil her child .

  7. 她因担心母亲会感到孤独而不能作出移居国外的决定。

    She was inhibited from coming to the decision to emigrate by the thought of her mother 's loneliness .

  8. 有时我母亲会带着我哥哥和我去银湖(SilverLake)。

    Sometimes my mother would take my brother Bob and me to Silver Lake .

  9. 肌营养不良卵白基因位于人类X染色体,携带基因突变的母亲会遗传给婴儿。

    The dystrophin gene is found on the X chromosome and passed on to children through a mother who is a carrier .

  10. vt.牺牲;献祭vi.献祭;奉献母亲会为自己的孩子牺牲生命。

    sacrifice A mother will sacrifice her life for her children .

  11. 就是熟记奶酪蛋糕工厂菜单容我再插上一句Leonard出身名门他们挑选的配偶也都是成就极高的他可能有点怀疑他母亲会不会感到过度惊讶如果知道跟他交往的女人最显著的成就

    Sheldon : If I can interject again . Leonard comes from a remarkably highachieving family , who have all chosen highachieving partners . He probably feels that it 's doubtful that his mother will be overly impressed with his dating a woman whose most significant achievement is memorizing the Cheesecake Factory menu .

  12. 是什么样的母亲会让她的孩子们在黑暗中腐烂啊?

    What sort of mother lets her children rot in darkness ?

  13. 伟大的母亲会为你准备一些温馨的食物,并给予你关注。

    Great moms fix you something warm to eat and pay attention .

  14. 母亲会在洗衣服时漂白那些衬衫。

    Mother will bleach the shirts when she washes them .

  15. 哪个母亲会想看到她的孩子被打倒?

    What mother would want to see her baby get beaten up ?

  16. 母亲会尽力保护自己的孩子免遭感情上的伤害。

    A mother tries to protect her child from hurt .

  17. 在较富裕的国家,怀孕的母亲会去做B超。

    In richer countries , pregnant mothers go for scans .

  18. 婴儿发烧时,母亲会给小儿科医生打电话。

    When the baby developed a fever , Mother telephoned the pediatrician .

  19. 有些母亲会使用蜡和戒指将绳扣封死。

    Some mothers would seal the knot with wax and their ring .

  20. 我母亲会引你步入她设下的局然后毁掉�

    My mother will draw you in and destroy you .

  21. 他母亲会一直呆在这里直到雨停为止。

    His mother will stay here until the rain stops .

  22. 我的母亲会向你证实我所告诉你的。

    My mother will confirm what I have told you .

  23. 我还是个小女孩时,母亲会替我梳头。

    When I was a little girl , my mother combed my hair .

  24. 你认为我母亲会容许这个吗?

    Do you think my mother would permit this ?

  25. 你们的母亲会为你们两个自豪的。

    Your mom would be proud of you both .

  26. 怎样的母亲会说女儿是垃圾?

    What kind of a mother informs her daughter that she 's garbage ?

  27. 我母亲会给你安排一个工作的。

    My mother must find a berth for you .

  28. 约翰笑着说:“我想你母亲会欢喜的。”

    John smiled . " I think your mother will like that . "

  29. 有时,约翰的母亲会给他买糖果。

    Sometimes , John 's mother buys him candy .

  30. 把这个坏消息告诉你母亲会使她悲伤。

    Your mother will be made sad by being told the bad news .