
  • 网络technology monitoring;technical monitoring
  1. 总结了GPS技术监测方法、数据处理及其软件的发展;分析了GPS技术在变形监测中的现状、优点及其发展趋势。

    This paper summarizes the means of GPS technology monitoring , data processing and software development , and analyzes actuality , virtue and development tendency of GPS technology in the deformation monitoring .

  2. 面向科研立项评估的技术监测和技术机会分析研究

    The technology monitoring and technology opportunities analysis facing choosing project assessment

  3. 利用遥感和GIS技术监测城镇用地的扩展

    Monitoring the City Extension Using the Techniques of Remote Sensing and GIS

  4. 应用GPS定位技术监测滑坡体垂直形变研究

    The study of using GPS technology to monitor the slope vertical deformation

  5. 利用GPS技术监测地壳形变的实践

    Practice of crust deformation monitoring using GPS Technique

  6. 利用验潮和GPS观测技术监测海平面绝对变化

    Absolute Change Monitoring of Sea Level with High Precision GPS Data and Tide Gauge Data

  7. 结果基因芯片技术监测能有效分辨野生型和突变型HBV。

    Results This microarray could clearly differentiate the wide-type from mutated-type HBV with lamivudine-resistance mutations .

  8. 应用InSAR与GPS集成技术监测地表形变探讨

    Integration of InSAR and GPS for Ground Deformation Monitoring

  9. 应用FISH技术监测t(15;17)阳性细胞可以客观反映APL细胞变化规律。

    Measurement of t ( 15 ; 17 ) positive cells by FISH technique can reflect the change of APL cells objectively .

  10. 利用PUF大气被动采样技术监测中国城市大气中的多环芳烃

    Monitoring of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere of China Cities Using PUF-Passive Air Sampler

  11. 应用PCR-RFLP及PCR-TGGE技术监测农田土壤微生物短期动态变化

    Preliminary study on short-term dynamics of agricultural soil microbial community by PCR-RFLP and PCR-TGGE techniques

  12. 介绍了一种基于闪烁氙灯光源、利用差分光谱吸收(DOAS)技术监测大气气溶胶的新方法。

    With the method of differential optical absorption spectroscopy ( DOAS ), aerosol along the light path is measured with a flashlight source .

  13. 本文着重讨论了有机负荷、溶解氧、温度和pH值对这类指示生物的影响,为正确应用生物技术监测、分析和处理氮硝化过程中的问题提供了参考依据。

    The effects of organic loading , dissolved oxygen , temperature and pH on this indicative protozoa are discussed emphatically to make a helpful reference for proper application of biological monitoring and to deal with and analyze the problems arisen in nitrification process .

  14. 因此研究和分析PVA纤维混凝土材料的特性并掌握混凝土结构状态是非常必要的,本文提出采用声发射技术监测其损伤演化过程。

    Therefore , the research and analysis of characteristics and master concrete structure state are very necessary for PVA fiber-reinforced concrete material . This paper put forward by use of the acoustic emission monitoring the damage evolution process .

  15. 用声发射技术监测16Mn钢的应力腐蚀开裂

    Stress Corrosion Cracking of Manganese Steel with Low Carbon Content in Corrosive Atmosphere Monitored by Acoustic Emission Technique

  16. 介绍了利用双光路差分吸收光谱(DOAS)技术监测大气气溶胶并反演其粒谱分布的新方法。

    With the method of differential optical absorption spectroscopy ( DOAS ), aerosol along the light path is monitored and its size distribution is measured with double optical path method .

  17. 用In-situ技术监测土壤养分的动态变化。通过研究,结合生态、经济和社会效益,对各个模式的土壤侵蚀控制效能进行定量化综合评价,选出最佳模式,利于推广应用。

    The quantified comprehensive value of every modes of soil erosion control efficacy was conducted , and the optimal mode was selected through the studies , and in combination with the ecological , economic , and social benefit , which did help to the popularization and application .

  18. 方法:于移植前、移植后2、4、8、12周用流式微球技术监测17例allo-HSCT患者血清细胞因子(TNF-α、IFN-γI、L-2I、L-4I、L-6及IL-10)水平的动态变化。

    Method : The serum levels of cytokines ( TNF - α, IFN - γ, IL-2 , IL-4 , IL-6 , IL-10 ) were detected in 17 patients by flow cytometric beads assay before and after allo-HSCT on week 2,4,8,12 , respectively .

  19. 中美两国将开展三个层面的工作,确定整体性项目的选址,制订联合科学和技术监测方案来管理项目的信息和经验,并探讨企业间共同合作逐步扩大CCUS应用规模。

    The United States and China will undertake a three-tiered effort to identify integrated project sites ; develop joint scientific and technical monitoring programs to manage information and lessons learned from the projects ; and explore business-to-business joint cooperation for scaling up CCUS deployment .

  20. 差分吸收光谱技术监测气溶胶消光系数的误差分析

    Determination of the Error of Aerosol Extinction Coefficient Measured by DOAS

  21. 应用遥感技术监测土壤侵蚀动态的研究

    Study on dynamic monitoring of soil erosion using remote sensing technique

  22. 应用卫星遥感技术监测沙尘暴的研究

    Research on monitoring sand-dust storm using satellite remote sensing technique

  23. 提出了一套技术监测的指标,用以监测某技术领域。

    This paper gives a set of technology monitoring indicators .

  24. 利用射电天文技术监测空间传播环境

    Monitoring of space propagating environment by using radio astronomical technique

  25. 应用铁谱和光谱技术监测柴油机磨损状况

    Monitoring the wear condition of diesel engines by ferrography and spectroscopy techniques

  26. 利用声发射技术监测颗粒填充聚合物材料的裂纹扩展过程

    The crack growth process of particulate filled polymer monitored by acoustic emission

  27. 游泳技术监测系统的研究与应用

    Development and Application of the Technical Monitoring System for Swimming

  28. 游泳比赛现场技术监测与反馈方法初探

    A Feedback Technique of Examining the Race Components During the Swimming Competition

  29. 利用遥感技术监测烃类微渗漏导致的地表异常。

    Monitoring surface anomaly caused by hydrocarbon micro-seepage by remote sensing technology .

  30. 用声发射技术监测模拟压力管道的破裂

    Using acoustic emission technique to monitor fractures on the analogous pressure pipes