
jì shù chǔ bèi
  • Technical reserves;technological reserve
  1. 以印度BALCO工程为例,阐述了涉外工程中过程管理、技术储备和技术人员应具备的专业素质等问题,可供其他类似工程借鉴、参考。

    Its high attention has been put on the Process management , technological reserve and specialized quality that technicians should have for the foreign projects , which can be regarded as a reference to other similar projects .

  2. 因此,我们需要有更多的高精尖军事技术储备。

    So , we should not merely have more high-grade , precision and advanced military technological reserve , a large number of high-quality soldiers store even more .

  3. CBA球员在身体素质、体能水平、心理素质、传球技术储备情况等方面均不如NBA球员。

    CBA on health , physical and mental qualities , skills in passing the reserves as in the NBA players .

  4. 结果表明,遥感相机的图像获取、数据存储的基本功能为CMOS在可见光遥感应用中的相关问题提供了研究平台和技术储备。

    Experiment proves that the system realizes the fundamental function of image acquiring and data storage . All the work done provides a research platform for the application of CMOS sensor in visible light remote sensing .

  5. 作者在结合了双方各自优势的基础上,设计并建立了一套ABS混合仿真试验台,为最终实现ABS控制器的国产化以及自主开发作了技术储备。

    Combining the advantage of both sides , the author of this thesis has designed a set of ABS simulation test bench and has made technical reservation for the localization and self-developing of the ABS systems .

  6. 通过可控扩散叶型(CDA)和双圆弧叶型(DCA)算例,验证了该迭代计算模型的有效性,为进一步完善风机与压缩机的设计和分析体系提供了技术储备。

    Through calculation examples of CDA and DCA , the iteration calculation model is effective that were tested . It apply technology reserve to further perfect design and analysis system of fan and compressor .

  7. 针对Spar平台功能性强、稳定性好、性价比高和安全性好等优势,我国已在Spar平台方面投入了多年的研究,具有良好的技术储备。

    Among them , Spar platforms have advantages in aspects of functionality , stability , cost-efficiency and safety . Besides , China has dedicated many years ' study on Spar platform and has rich technical reserves .

  8. 研究了不同通气策略尤其是SI治疗SWD-ALI的有效性及安全性,完善了海水淹溺的救治体系,为海上军事斗争卫勤准备做了技术储备。

    Different ventilation methods , especially the safety and effectiveness of SI in the treatment of SWD-ALI , were studied , in order to improve the salvation system of seawater drowning and provide the technical preparation for the sea battles .

  9. 目前,国外各大汽车公司和零部件供应商几乎都己完成批量生产EPAS的技术储备,并且已经将EPAS作为选装件应用到少量车型上。

    Almost all the famous automobile company abroad have developed their own EPAS and have the ability to volume-produce EPAS by now . EPAS has been also applied to some car as a elective product .

  10. 技术储备是企业生存与发展的必要条件

    Technical Reservation : Necessary Condition for Existence and Development of Enterprises

  11. 石油石化行业环境影响评价技术储备

    Reserve of Technique for Environmental Impact Assessment in Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry

  12. 为土壤源热泵系统的应用提供理论支持与技术储备。

    It supplies theory support and technology accumulation for the application of GSHP .

  13. 为下一步的研究和实现工作进行了充分的理论和技术储备。

    As the full theoretical and technical reserves for the next step in the research .

  14. 为解决这些问题,企业必须提前做很多业务和技术储备。

    To solve these problems , preparation for business and technology must be done in advance .

  15. 从产业发展的推动力来看,地理信息技术储备不足,亟待创新。

    The store of geographic information technologies are lack and innovation is needed as an impetus .

  16. 我们在治疗疾病和延长寿命方面从未有过如此复杂的技术储备。

    We have never had such a sophisticated arsenal of technologies for treating disease and prolonging life .

  17. 研究结果可以为将来富钴结壳申请区块的放弃工作提供技术储备。

    The result would benefit the selection of the applied blocks of cobalt-rich crust in the future .

  18. 论文的研究成果可以作为下一代全数字鱼雷的重要技术储备。

    The production of thesis will be important technological references for the next generation full digital torpedo .

  19. 文中分析的过程和结论为今后实际系统的研制与改进工作做了必要的技术储备。

    The analytical process and conclusions in this paper are necessary technical reserves for future development and improvement .

  20. 5重视柑橘种质资源的收集和利用,为柑橘的更新换代做好技术储备;

    Attaching importance to collection and utilization of variety resources , taking technical reserves for renewal of variety ;

  21. 该系统集成了图像采集、预处理、信息存储、人脸识别等一系列过程,为今后开发产品级的人脸识别系统提供了可行性分析依据以及相应的技术储备。

    This system consists of image capturing and preprocessing procedure , information storage procedure , face recognition procedure , etc.

  22. 为了对今后的微处理器设计提供技术储备,本文深入了解国内外目前最先进的微处理器系统结构研究工作,明确了该领域研究的发展方向和研究难点。

    The most advanced research progress on microprocessor architecture is extensively studied to get technical preparations for microprocessor design .

  23. 本方法为纤维素乳酸的大规模工业化生产提供了有效的技术储备。

    This solids / liquid separation method was a useful technique reservoir for the large scale cellulosic lactic acid industrially production .

  24. 技术储备远不能适应国内外市场的需求;

    The Outer Beach The technique stores to can 't adapt to the need of the domestic and international market far ;

  25. 模拟了高外加电场下、用高重复频率的光脉冲激励光导天线的特性,为后续研究做技术储备。

    We simulated performances of the photoconductive antenna under the optical pulse excitation with a high applied electric field , high-repetition frequency .

  26. 为地下埋管换热器结构的优化设计和系统运行模式的分析提供了理论支持与技术储备。

    It supplies theory support and technology accumulation for the optimal design of the underground heat exchanger and the system operation mode optimization .

  27. 为油藏今后进行开发动态调整和分析提供了技术储备,也为油田储层精细描述提供了依据。

    This provides technical storage for reservoir development performance adjustment and analysis in the future , and also provides basis for reservoir precise description .

  28. 对该井进行的现场测试和室内研究将为今后水合物商业开发提供技术储备和支撑。

    The in-situ test and in-room study of the well will provide technical storage and support for the future commercial development of gas hydrate .

  29. 为了能与中国核电大发展同步,上海在核电汽轮机的技术储备方面做了大量工作。

    Much work has been done and prepared for technical reserve on nuclear turbine in Shanghai to meet synchronous development of nuclear energy in China .

  30. 大洋多金属结核研究分为4个阶段:科学探索、大规模研究、技术储备和商业开采。

    The research of oceanic metalliferous nodules is divided into four stages : scientific exploration , large scale research , technical storage and commercial production .