
  • 网络Technological progress rate;Lnrdg;RtPT;Techch
  1. 结果发现:(1)自1988年以来各地区工业部门的TFP增长率都出现了增长的趋势,其首要推动力在于技术进步率的不断提高;

    The main results are as follows . ( 1 ) Since 1988 , the industrial TFP growth has been commonly accelerated across regions , with a rising technical change rate as the principal impetus .

  2. 基于C-D生产函数模型,对中国乡镇企业的技术进步率和农业产业的技术进步率进行了实证测算,并引入格兰杰因果关系分析法,分析了二者技术进步率之间的关系。

    This paper , based on C-D production function , calculated the rate of technical development of the Chinese urban-rural enterprises and the agriculture industry , and analyzed the causal founding by using granger 's method relation between them .

  3. 尽管MRW分析框架有很强的解释能力,但它是建立在各个地区技术进步率相同的基础上。

    Although the ways of MRW have better ability to interpret the convergence of economic growth , it supposed that all the regions have same rate of technique progress .

  4. 中国农村能源技术进步率的研究

    Study on Rate of Technology Progress in Rural Energy in China

  5. 测算技术进步率的一种新方法

    A New Method for Progressive Rate in Measurement Technology

  6. 结果表明,新疆森工年均技术进步率在0.5%~0.522%之间,技术进步对森工总产值增长的贡献份额在34%~36%之间。

    The result shaws technological progress rate is between 34 % and 36 % .

  7. 改革开放以来中国农业技术进步率演进的研究

    A Study on the Technological Change of Chinese Primary Industry since Reform in 1978

  8. 中国农业技术进步率测算及分解(1985~2005)

    Estimation and Decomposition of China s Agricultural Technological Progress Rate ( 1985 ~ 2005 );

  9. 新疆森工企业是新疆林业的重要组成部分。森工技术进步率是全面考核林业综合水平的重要指标之一。

    Forest industrial progress is one of the important index to check comprehensive level of enterprise .

  10. 西部地区农业技术进步率:1979~1998年的考察&以四川为例

    Technological Progress Rate of Agriculture in West China : an Examination from 1979 to 1998-Taking Sichuan as an Example

  11. 生产要素的配置变化与科技进步中国19802001年农业技术进步率的估计

    Changes in Allocation of Factors and Technological Progress : Estimation of Technology Progress Rate of Agriculture for 1980-2001 in China

  12. 我国全要素生产率增长率较低的原因在于技术进步率偏低、生产能力没有得到充分利用、技术效率低下和资源配置不尽合理。

    The reason why total factor productivity growth rate was lower lied on lower technological progress rate , technical inefficiency and unreasonable resource allocation .

  13. 根据反垄断与管制经济学的定义,行业综合经济绩效分为资源配置效率和技术进步率两部分。

    According to definition in economics of regulation and antitrust , comprehensive industry economic achievements can be evaluated by resources deployment efficiency and technology advancement rate .

  14. 根据农村能源建设的特点,给出了一套农村能源建设技术进步率的测定方法。

    A set of measurement method of the rate of technology progress in rural energy was conducted according to the feature of rural energy in China .

  15. 而通过提高劳动力素质使技术进步率有微小的增加将会大大提高商业企业的经济效益。

    A little increase of technical progress reate by means of enhancing the quality of labour force will enhance greatly the economic beneficial results of commercial enterprises .

  16. 定量测算了1981至2000年20年间我国汽车工业发展过程中的技术进步率,结合我国实际情况进行分析,得到了有用的结论。

    The paper calculates quantitatively the technology progress rate of Chinese auto industry from 1981 to 2000 , analyses the actual situation in China , and gets some useful conclusions .

  17. 生态农业建设的发展迫切需要制定出1套测定其技术进步率的方法。根据生态农业特点,对生态农业技术进步率测定方法进行了研究,提出了生态农业技术进步率测定方法。

    After studying the measurement method concerning the rate of technology progress , a set of measurement methods of technology progress rate in eco-agriculture was put forward according to the feature of eco-agriculture .

  18. 主要结论是:(1)上海工业增长主要依赖资本投入的高速增长和加速的技术进步率;

    Our main conclusions are : ( 1 ) At present , the rapid growth of Shanghai industry mainly depends on the soaring growth of capital investment and the progressive rate of advancing technology ;

  19. 通过估计的结果,可以计算出各省历年的前沿技术进步率、相对技术效率、要素配置效率变化和规模经济效率变化,并进一步计算得到样本期内各省历年的全要素生产率。

    Through the estimated results , we can calculate the annual frontier technical progress change 、 relative technical efficiency and scale efficiency in the provinces , and then get their annual total factor productivities .

  20. 对于一个多部门的经济体,我们认为在经济增长的过程中,不同部门的技术进步率不同,经济结构不断变化,这就要求资源在不同部门重新配置。

    In the progress of economic growth , the technological progress rates for different departments are also diverse . Then it causes the changes in the economic structure , and consequently resources re-allocation in the different departments .

  21. 一方面需要提高技术进步率,以替代生产中的能源使用,同时应用技术实现可再生能源对耗竭性能源的替代作用。

    On the one hand , increase the rate of technological progress to replace the production of energy use ; on the other hand , by applying technology of renewable energy alternatives on the role of energy depletion .

  22. 在考察的1995-2008年的14年间,我国高等院校科技运行效率整体呈下降趋势,即全要素生产率平均下降了1.8个百分点,导致全要素生产率下降的主要原因是技术进步率的下降。

    The overall operating efficiency of Universities in China declined in 1995-2008 ; the total factor productivity fell by an average 1.8 percentage points , total factor productivity decline is mainly due to the rate of technological progress declined .

  23. 二是存在着关于制度文化质量的条件收敛,这主要是因为落后地区可以通过一些途径获得比发达地区更快的潜在的技术进步率,但这必须以改善落后地区的制度文化质量为前提。

    The other is that there is conditional convergence about institutional culture quality , the main reason is that the backward areas can get a faster potential technical progress rate by some means on the premise of the improvement of backward areas institutional culture .

  24. 将技术进步率分解为资本生产率增长率与劳动生产率增长率的加权算术平均和的形式,得出四要素经济增长方程;

    Breaking down the rate of technological progress into the growth rate of capital productivity and that of labor productivity , both are expressed in terms of weighted arithmetic mean sum , a 4-factor equation is got to express how an economic growth goes ahead .

  25. 利用人工神经网络(SOM网络),通过Matlab语言编程,根据技术进步增长率对整个经济进行模式分类。

    This paper tells classification to the whole pattern of economy through artificial neuron network , Matlab programming language and according to technology progress increase rate .

  26. 我国农业节水技术进步贡献率的测算

    Estimate of technological progress contribution rate of water-saving agriculture in China

  27. 中国技术进步贡献率的度量与分解

    Estimating and Decomposing the Contribution of Technical Change in China

  28. 要素产出弹性与技术进步贡献率的测算

    Calculation on Output Elasticity of Factors and Contribution Rate of Technological Advance

  29. 结果表明,这一期间棉花的技术进步贡献率达63.37%。

    The result indicates technology contributes to cotton production is 63.37 % .

  30. 河南技术进步贡献率和横向比较

    Contribution Rate of Technological Advance of Henan Province and the Lateral Comparsion