
  1. 从技工荒看金工实习教学

    An Overview on Metalworking-practice Teaching under Lack of Mechanic

  2. “技工荒”现已成为一个重要问题。

    " Artisans ' shortage " has become universal problem in China at present .

  3. 职业教育何为:由技工荒现象引发的思考

    What is the aim of vocational education & Reflection on the phenomenon of artificer shortage

  4. 技工荒和知识失业并存的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Coexist of " Mechanics Shortage " and " Knowledge Unemployment "

  5. 因此,我国解决技工荒的根本出路在于健全工人劳动力产权制度。

    The paper holds that the solution of mechanic shortage is to perfect worker force property relations .

  6. 工人劳动力产权残缺使劳动者对技术工人的人力资本投资的收益大打折扣,进而导致投资不足,引发技工荒。

    The defect worker force property makes profits of human capital investment lower and causes the mechanic shortage .

  7. 就业难与技工荒并存的环境下,职业教育面临多重挑战。

    In the condition of employment difficulty and artificer shortage , vocational and technical education faces many serious challenge .

  8. 我国目前已经出现了技工荒现象,这一现象与职业教育的发展是息息相关的。

    The phenomenon of artificer shortage has appeared in our country . It is related with the development of vocational education closely .

  9. 研究的经济背景和问题的提出(1)研究的经济背景最近几年,我国不断出现民工荒、技工荒、煤荒、油荒、拉闸限电等现象。

    In recent years , many serious economic problems such as peasant workers shortage , technical workers shortage , oil shortage , coal shortage , constantly occurred .

  10. 这项涵盖了2000名员工的调查表明,英国技工荒的症结之一是许多主管没有意识到自己在管理员工方面做得有多糟。

    A survey of 2,000 employees suggested that one of the problems in tackling the UK 's skills deficit is that many managers do not know how bad they are at handling people .

  11. 近几年来,全国各地不断发生技工荒,这已成为拖累社会经济发展的重要因素,解决这一问题已刻不容缓。

    In recent years , the shortage of these skilled workers occurs continuously across the country , which is becoming an important factor that cumbers the socio-economic development and has to be solved without delay .

  12. 席卷全国的技工荒,既是社会对高职教育的现实呼唤,也是对脱离企业和社会的高职教育举办模式的客观评判。

    The nationwide " lack of artisans " is not only the call to the reality of higher vocational education from the society , but also the objective criticism to the present mode of higher vocational education & all arranged by the government and completely isolated from the society .