
jì shù xué xiào
  • technical school;college;technical college
  1. 让他无法承受。于是他转到一个技术学校学习商务课程。

    Became too much . So he started taking business classes at a technical college instead .

  2. 普通高等职业技术学校已经成为高等教育体系的一支生力军,为改善校园环境,进行了规划和建设。

    General higher vocational and technical college has become a powerful force , to improve the campus environment , the planning and construction .

  3. 笔者走访了多所中等职业技术学校,听取学校领导和教师的意见,并按照当前流行的KPI方法,建立了绩效考核指标;其次,合理分配指标权重。

    In order to develop more scientific assessment of performance indicators , the author interviewed more than in school , listen to the views of school leaders and teachers , and KPI according to the current popular method of establishing a performance index ; reasonable distribution of weights .

  4. 政府号召建立更多的技术学校。

    The government called for the establishment of more technical schools .

  5. 新形势下农机化技术学校的挑战与机遇

    Challenge and Chance of Agricultural Mechanization Technology School in New Situation

  6. 中等职业技术学校是为社会培养中等技术人才的摇篮。

    Secondary vocational school is the cradle of medium technical personnel .

  7. 建设与中等职业技术学校特点相适应的图书馆

    How to construct library according with characteristic of occupation technique school

  8. 广东省对外贸易职业技术学校改扩建工程设计

    Architectural Creation of the Extension Project in Guangdong Foreign Trade School

  9. 普通高校与职业技术学校大学生自我意识的研究

    Study on Self-Consciousness of College Students and Vocational Technical School

  10. 职业技术学校教师的职业压力、应对方式与社会支持调查

    Occupational Stress , Coping Style and Social Support of Vocational School Teachers

  11. 职业技术学校统计学课程的实践性教学

    Teaching in Practice of the Statistics Course in Vocational and Technical Schools

  12. 职业教育应进一步满足企业需求&以宁波大红鹰职业技术学校为例

    Vocational education should make further satisfaction to meet the requirement of enterprises

  13. 它对中等职业技术学校的英语教师是有帮助的。

    It will be helpful for English teachers in SVTS .

  14. 高等职业技术学校校区规划&以深圳职业技术学院新校区规划为例

    The Planning of the Campus of School of High Technology

  15. 对职业技术学校开展创业教育的几点思考

    Some thoughts on promoting education of enterprising in vocational schools

  16. 这可以是可动手操作的学习中心,或是技术学校。

    Could be a hand-on learning center or technical school .

  17. 职业技术学校学生艾滋病知识与态度调查

    Survey of AIDS knowledge and attitude among Vocational - technical school students

  18. 在从技术学校获得学位之后。

    So after getting his degree from that technical school .

  19. 那个打字员是在那个技术学校学会打字的。

    The typist learned the technique of typing in that technical school .

  20. 他在技术学校学习汽车修理。

    He is studying automobile repairs at a technical school .

  21. 职业技术学校校本课程开发的探索与研究

    Exploration of School-based Curriculum Development in Vocational and Technical Scholl

  22. 职业技术学校信息技术教育探讨

    On It Education in the Training School The Idea of Career Education

  23. 浅谈职业技术学校学生创新能力的培养

    Discuss The Training Of Innovation Ability Of Technical School

  24. 中等职业技术学校多媒体课件设计制作及教学应用研究

    Research on multimedia courseware designing and instructional application in middle vocational technical schools

  25. 中医药高等职业技术学校学分制教学改革实践

    Teaching reform practice of credit system in higher vocational schools of Chinese medicine

  26. 她,就是广东省华侨职业技术学校的华文教育基地。

    She is the Chinese educational base of Guangdong Overseas Chinese Vocational School .

  27. 当前职业技术学校体育课改革探讨

    Current reform of PE in the technology vocational colleges

  28. 对职业技术学校图书馆建设和发展的思考

    To Vocational-technical School Library Construction and Development Ponder

  29. 基于中等专业职业技术学校校园网解决方案

    Based on Secondary Vocational Schools Campus Network Solution

  30. 武汉市某职业技术学校在校学生艾滋病相关知识态度调查

    Investigation on AIDS-related knowledge and attitude among college students of Wuhan Maritime Professional School