
jì shù shū chū
  • technological export
  1. 本实现方案首先建立纱线模型,分析输入纹织CAD文件中的组织信息,结合图形绘制技术输出效果图。

    In this scheme we model yarns first , then analyze the knitting pattern from input CAD file , render the yams in fabric and map texture onto them .

  2. 对外直接投资与技术输出问题研究

    Research on Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Export

  3. 随着市场竞争的加剧,跨国公司会由低端技术输出变为高端技术转移。

    With severe competition , MNSc will change their low-end technology transfer to high-end technology transfer .

  4. 技术输出。

    To export technology .

  5. 境内劳务技术输出公司为方便咨询者,备有详细目录,惠索即寄。

    Nation ( Home ) LaBour and Technology Export Company has detailed catalogues which will Be sent upon consulters'request .

  6. 本文用二次创新竞争模型描述了技术输出方和技术引进方的二次创新竞争情形。

    This paper described the competition of technology doner and recipient in secondary innovation with a model of secondary innovation competition .

  7. 随着观念的变化,日本也由第一轮的低层次产品输出,开始向技术输出转移。

    With the change of the idea , Japan begins its shift from its first low-level round of exporting products to exporting its technologies .

  8. 他说,他们计画两年内将这项技术输出到纽西兰、日本、菲律宾、新加坡和泰国。

    He said that they plan to export this technology to New Zealand , Japan , the Philippines , Singapore and Thailand in two years .

  9. 中医劳务技术输出大有可为&卫生经济参与国际经济大循环的思考

    Much Can Be Accomplished by Exporting Labour and Techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine Thoughts of Making Health Economy Join the Grand International Cycle of Economy

  10. 高等教育在黄河三角洲高效生态经济区建设中的支持作用主要表现在:通过技术输出,服务当地经济建设;

    The supportive role of Binzhou university in constructing Yellow River Delta Eco-economics includes : serving local economic development through the output of services and technique ;

  11. 除此之外,也有些学者研究发现技术输出地区与接收地区间的技术距离也对地区间技术溢出效应的发挥起了重要作用。

    In addition , other researchers suggested that the technological distance between the home and the host countries also plays a pivotal role in affecting cross-region technological spillover .

  12. 直接数字频率合成技术输出频率上限低,带内杂散大,但是具备频率切换速度快,高频率分辨率及相位噪声低等优点。

    Direct digital frequency synthesis have low output frequency limit , large in-band spurious , but has such advantages as fast frequency switching speed , high frequency resolution and low phase noise .

  13. (二)除双方另有协议外,技术输出方不得限制技术输入方出口其产品的地区、数量和价格。

    Unless otherwise agreed by the parties , the party exporting the technology may not place any territorial , volume or price limitations on the products exported by the technology importing party ;

  14. 具体策略包括调整行业集中度,优化产业结构,鼓励矿肥结合经营以及通过技术输出寻求全球资源合作。

    The concrete strategies include optimizing industry structure , encouraging the co-operation of phosphate ore exploration and fertilizer production , and seeking foreign resource co-operation by exporting the advanced technology to other countries .

  15. 世界各国的许多跨国公司相继在国际市场上走出了从技术输出到资本输出,又从资本输出到品牌输出的道路。

    Many multinational corporations one after another from various countries went out a path from the output of technology to the export of capital , finally to brand output in the international market .

  16. 向巴基斯坦供应反应堆的决定,反映出中国在外交上越来越有自信。巴基斯坦拥有核武,还有把自己的核技术输出至朝鲜、伊朗和利比亚的记录。

    The decision to supply reactors to Pakistan , which has a nuclear arsenal and a record of exporting its expertise to North Korea , Iran and Libya , reflects China 's growing diplomatic confidence .

  17. 我国的杂交水稻技术输出与国际发展,形势较好、来势很旺,发展的市场潜力大、技术与人才优势强、基础条件好;

    The export and overseas development of Chinese hybrid rice technology is in flourishing tendency with a potentially large market , a remarkable technological and personal advantage and a good fundamental condition , however , is still in the initial stage presently .

  18. PLC大部分输入采用分时复用技术,输出采用矩阵输出的方法,大大减少了I/O点数。

    Most of inputs of PLC use time-sharing multiplexing technology and outputs use matrix outputs , which greatly reduce I / O points .

  19. 在三维仿真的DEM上进行坝系规划,在虚拟现实的沟道中以人机交互的方式进行单坝设计,利用CAD技术绘制输出工程图。

    Extracting terrain data automatically with spatial analysis function of GIS , then plan the dam system on 3D simulating DEM , single dam is being designed in the virtual gullies by ways of humen-computer interaction , and output the engineering drawings .

  20. 对于欠开发地区,通过人机联作自动追踪成图技术,输出2m等值线间隔构造图,建立微构造模型。

    However , to the under exploited area , the structural contour maps with 2 meters intervals and the microstructure model are obtained by using the man - computer interaction automatic tracing mapping technique .

  21. 该电路具有基于全数字化技术、输出电压与电网电压n倍频(分频)同步、THD小、幅值可调但不受电网电压波动的影响、简单实用、价格低廉等优点。

    The reference circuit has the advantages such as base on digital technique , synchrony with the signal of n or 1 / n times line voltage frequency , low THD , adjustable maximum voltage free from the fluctuation of the line voltage , simplicity and utility , low cost .

  22. 随后,本文给出了380V电源供电的二电平变频加热电源的主电路和控制电路的设计与实现。其中,主电路采用交-直-交变频技术,输出交流方波电压;

    Secondly , the paper designs and realizes the two level variable frequency heating power supply with line of 380V . The main circuit output ac square wave by adopting the technology of ac-dc-ac variable frequency and phase shift PWM .

  23. 一次逆变采用移相全桥逆变电路软开关技术实现输出电流大小控制;

    An inverter with phase-shifted full-bridge inverter circuit output current soft-switching technology to achieve size control .

  24. 争夺市场的主要手段逐渐由以商品输出为主变为以技术资本输出为主,由进出口贸易主导转为以跨国资本营运为主。

    The main measure of scrabbling for market has gradually turned from commodity export into technology and capital output .

  25. 另一方面,通过技术资本输出,赚取高额的技术资本转让收入。

    On the other hand , the company can earn high revenue by the export of its technical capital .

  26. 同时为了便于数据的采集和应用,利用数字图像处理技术对输出的干涉图样进行了处理。

    Meanwhile , output interference design is processed by using digital image processing technology in order to collect and apply data .

  27. 并通过空间矢量变频调速技术,输出正弦波电流,完成对永磁同步电机的控制。

    The sine wave current was output by the PMSM sensorless vector control technology . So the control of permanent magnet synchronous motor was completed .

  28. 使用移相控制技术,输出电压可以控制在稳定值,同时能量从超前桥臂流向滞后桥臂。

    Using phase-shift control , the output voltage can be controlled at a stable value and the energy flows from the leading leg to the lagging .

  29. 锁相环是一种让输出信号在频率和相位上与输入参考信号同步的技术,输出信号的时钟准确度和稳定性直接依赖于输入参考信号。

    If use the phase-locked loop technology on clock synchronization , the output signal of the clock accuracy and stability directly dependent on the input reference signal .

  30. 为克服这一数值困难,将方程解耦技术引入输出误差法,发展了高度不稳定飞机气动参数辨识的一种实用方法&基于方程解耦的输出误差法。

    In order to overcome the numerical difficulty , a practical method the output error method based on equation decoupling is developed by introducing the equation decoupling technique into the output error method . Equation decoupling can change the stability of the system .