
ɡù zhǔ zé rèn
  • employer's liability
  1. 我国现行法中已有雇主责任的规定,但其概念模糊不清。

    The current law has relevant stipulations on employer 's liability , but it 's concept is ambiguous .

  2. 在基础理论部分,对海上运输中雇主责任的概念、范围、性质进行了界定,确认了无过错责任是海上运输中雇主责任的归责原则;

    In the basic theory part , it gives a boundary between the concept , scope and the character of the employer 's liability in the field of carriage by sea , affirms the strict liability is the doctrine of liability fixation of employer 's liability .

  3. 首先,雇主责任概念的厘清。

    First , the concept of employers ' liabilities is presented .

  4. 雇主责任保险的发展困境及对策

    The Development Difficulties and Countermeasures of the Employer 's Liability Insurance

  5. 雇主责任制度即在社会需求下应运而生。

    The system of employer liability is erected under requirement of society .

  6. 第二部分探讨了雇主责任的理论基础问题。

    Part two discusses the problem of theoretical basis of employer liability .

  7. 工伤保险与雇主责任险的异同&从赔付规则角度谈的异同

    The similarities and differences of industrial injury insurance and employers liability insurance

  8. 试论我国目前经济状态下的雇主责任

    Try to Talk About Employer Responsibility Under Nowaday Economic State in our Country

  9. 关于雇主责任的理论基础主要有三种理论:即控制和监督理论;

    There are three kinds of theories : theory of control and supervision ;

  10. 本文研究的是第一种含义上的雇主责任。

    This article is instituted for the first one .

  11. 其次,雇主责任适用范围的厘清。

    Next , applicability of employer liabilities is stated .

  12. 关于雇主责任险与工伤保险协调发展的探讨

    Exploration of the Harmonious Development of Employers ' Liability Insurance and Work Injury Insurance

  13. 第四,关于雇主责任。

    Fourthly , the responsibilities of the employers .

  14. 民商活动中雇主责任浅析

    On the Employer 's Liability within the Business

  15. 在雇主责任中,雇佣劳动关系在法律上如何判断?

    In employer 's responsibility , how to judge the wage labour relation legally ?

  16. 其中重点对美国立法的历史沿革和雇主责任制度进行了介绍,为第五部分完善我国立法规制提供借鉴。

    It highlights the legislative history of the United States and the employer liability system .

  17. 建筑用密封剂雇主责任问题研究

    Building Encapsulant On the Liability of Employer

  18. 本文深入探讨了雇主责任确认中的若干疑难问题。

    The article discusses some difficult problems in the course of affirming the employer duty .

  19. 全文共分五个部分:第一部分探讨了对雇主责任的概念界定问题。

    This article includes five parts : Part one is about the concept of employer liability .

  20. 这部分首先介绍了雇主责任的定义,界定了本文的研究对象。

    This section introduces the definition of employer liability , defines the object of this paper .

  21. 雇主责任问题研究

    On the Liability of Employer

  22. 用人者责任与英美法的替代责任和大陆法的雇主责任是意义相当的概念,是用人者对被用人在履行职务行为时致第三人损害承担责任的法律制度。

    There are provisions of the liability of employer in Anglo-American law system and continental law system .

  23. 最后,本文用煤炭行业进行对工伤保险和雇主责任险进行验证分析。

    Finally , this paper uses the coal industry verification analysis injury insurance and employers liability insurance .

  24. 论雇主责任

    Research on Employer Liability

  25. 雇主责任作为一种重要的替代责任形式,在侵权法中占有重要地位。

    As an important form of vicarious liability , employer responsibility occupies an important position in tort law .

  26. 论职场性骚扰的雇主责任&以雇主禁止性骚扰义务为中心

    On Employer 's Responsibility for Workplace Sexual Harassment & center on employer 's duty of prohibiting sexual harassment

  27. 第一部分,劳务派遣中雇主责任分配基础理论分析。

    Part one : analyse the basic theory of the distribution of employers ' liability in labor dispatch .

  28. 另外,我国的用人单位责任与国外常说的雇主责任亦具有很大的相同性。

    In addition , China 's employing units'liability , compared with that of foreign employers , have much in common .

  29. 分别阐述劳灾补偿的产生和发展、雇主责任险的基本内涵以及工伤保险制度的特点。

    Separately discussing the basic connotation of employer ' liability insurance and the initiation and advantages of the industrial injury insurance .

  30. 笔者在本章中首先论述了用工者责仟与相关传统概念的关系,认为与传统的雇主责任、用人者责任相比,用工者责任更准确,更符合法律语境。

    In this chapter the author discusses the relation between employer liability and traditional concepts . Employer liability is more accurate .