
  • 网络Employer’s Liability Insurance;employer's liability insurance;Employer Liability Insurance
  1. 雇主责任险作为工伤保险的补充,转嫁了雇主投保工伤保险后所存在的风险,然而,雇主责任险并没有同工伤保险有效的结合,其保障作用没有得到充分的发挥。

    Employer liability insurance as injury insurance complement , both employers accept insurance of injury insurance after risks , however , employers with injury insurance liability and no effective combination of its role has not been fully utilized .

  2. 工伤保险与雇主责任险的异同&从赔付规则角度谈的异同

    The similarities and differences of industrial injury insurance and employers liability insurance

  3. 关于雇主责任险与工伤保险协调发展的探讨

    Exploration of the Harmonious Development of Employers ' Liability Insurance and Work Injury Insurance

  4. 最后,本文用煤炭行业进行对工伤保险和雇主责任险进行验证分析。

    Finally , this paper uses the coal industry verification analysis injury insurance and employers liability insurance .

  5. 分别阐述劳灾补偿的产生和发展、雇主责任险的基本内涵以及工伤保险制度的特点。

    Separately discussing the basic connotation of employer ' liability insurance and the initiation and advantages of the industrial injury insurance .

  6. 雇主责任险的赔付是:每次事故的补偿限额不低于500000美元;每次疾病补偿限额不低于500000美元;以及500000美元的疾病保险限额。

    Employer 's liability shall be provided with limits of not less than us $ 500000 each accident ; us $ 500000 each disease ; and us $ 500000 disease policy limit .

  7. 处理工伤保险与雇主责任险、公众责任险、机动车责任保险、交通事故社会救助基金的竞合关系时,要避免重复给付。

    In handling the relations of industrial accident insurances to employer 's responsibility insurance , public responsibility insurance , motor vehicles responsibility insurance , and social assistance funds for traffic accidents , double payment should be avoided .

  8. 我国实行的是工伤保险和雇主责任险并存的工伤社会保险体系,制定合理的行业工伤保险费率对于工伤保险基金的稳定、促进企业改善安全生产状况有积极作用。

    The social insurance system of injury in our country is the combination of injury insurance and employer liability . Rational injury insurance rate plays a positive role in the stabilization of fund of injury insurance and the improvement of the sound production of the enterprises .