
ɡuò shī xínɡ wéi
  • negligent conduct;negligent act
  1. 医疗活动具有高风险性及分工的复杂性,实践中会出现第三人过失行为介入情况下,如何对行为人确定责任的问题。

    The high risky and complexity nature of the medical activity determines the problem of how to imputation when there is another negligent act between the negligent act and the result .

  2. 注册会计师执业过失行为的民事侵权责任研究

    The Research on Civil Liability for Tort of CPA 's Negligent Act to Pr act ice

  3. 英国法律规定,违法包括很多种过失行为

    The offence , as now defined in English law , covers a wide spectrum of culpability .

  4. 在多数民事事项环境中,过失行为是否“严重”或“轻微”并不关紧要。

    In most civil contexts it does not matter whether negligence is " gross " or " slight " .

  5. 科克否认他存在任何过失行为,并正在对最初的裁决提起上诉。

    Mr. Koch denies any wrongdoing and is appealing the initial decision .

  6. 962例重大医疗过失行为与医疗事故上报数据统计分析

    Data analysis on 962 reported cases of Major medical negligence incident and malpractice

  7. 过失行为也可能成为犯罪。

    Negligence can also be a criminal offense .

  8. 重大医疗过失行为和医疗事故上报的现状、问题与对策

    Reporting major medical negligence incident and malpractice

  9. 医疗过失行为民事责任竞合问题研究

    On Civil Liability Coincidence of Medical Negligence

  10. 刑事辩护人过失行为研究

    A Research on Criminal Defense Errors

  11. 过失行为通常是侵权。

    Usually negligence is a tort .

  12. 被告并不是对其所有的过失行为负责。

    The defendant will not be liable for every act that is caused by their negligence .

  13. 为节省时间而不进行高压系统泄漏检测应视为过失行为。

    Anyone who skips the leak test on the high-pressure system to save time is acting negligently .

  14. 这不仅仅是满足实践操作的需要,也是破产过失行为该当刑罚性的体现。

    It is necessary to the operating function and embodying the deserved punishment of the negligent bankruptcy act .

  15. 抗辩事由主要包括原告的过失行为、未将产品投入流通、产品的发展缺陷以及超过诉讼时效。

    It comprises the fault behavior of plaintiff , product uncirculation , development risk and the appeal period .

  16. 侵犯网络罪的主观方面特征有:其主观方面为故意,其中有直接故意,也有间接故意,但过失行为不构成该罪。

    A voluntary action can include direct intention or indirect intension but failure to notice would be spared punishment .

  17. 质权人应保管好质押动产,不得因过失行为而丢失或造成损坏。

    The pledgee must take care of the goods and not lose or damage the property because of negligent actions .

  18. 医疗机构的医疗过失行为既可能违反医疗服务合同,又可能同时侵害了患者的财产权及人身权,由此产生了违约责任与侵权责任的竞合。

    Medical institutions may assume the liabilities for breach of medical service contract or trespass of property right and personal right .

  19. 本部分从理论根据和现实根据的角度论述了共同过失行为成立共同犯罪是合理、可行的。

    On the foundation of the theory and practice proving the establishment of the offense of joint negligence is reasonable and practical .

  20. 仲裁员是否要对其在仲裁过程中实施的故意或过失行为而给仲裁当事人造成的损失承担仲裁责任,英美法系国家普遍强调仲裁员的准法官的特殊身份,赋予其仲裁责任豁免权;

    Whether , the arbitrator should be responsible for the arbitrate litigant 's loss caused by the arbitrator 's mistakes willfully or not ?

  21. 从这点来看,政策的合理目标就是改变有过失行为机构的文化,从而使其更加遵从法律。

    From this perspective , the appropriate goal of policy is to change the culture of a delinquent institution so that it becomes more compliant with the law .

  22. 最后根据相关理论认定单位客观过失行为与侵害结果之间确实存在刑法上的因果关系。

    Determined according to the relevant units of the objective causal theory of negligence and violations of criminal law does exist between the results of a causal relationship .

  23. 从医疗机构方面,有利于威慑和预防产前诊断的过失行为,保护孕妇和胎儿的权益。

    From the medical field , in favor of the fault to deterrence and prevention of prenatal diagnosis , and protect the rights of pregnant women and fetuses .

  24. 通过相关研究他发现,延宕选择的偏好与社会责任、过失行为、父爱缺失、智力、成就需要等均存在相关。

    In correlation study he found that the preference of choosing to delay was related to social responsibility , misbehavior , father absence , intelligence and achievement needs .

  25. 佩林还指出,在一个盛赞雷厉风行、有时甚至以此为道德标准的社会中,拖延症尤其是一种过失行为。

    Pelling also points out that procrastination feels particularly delinquent in a society that views swift action as commendable , and , at times , even as a moral good .

  26. 严格区分律师过失行为的类型,即疏忽性和策略性的程序错误,并区别对待,只有律师的疏忽性的程序错误才能作为无效辩护之诉的申请理由。

    Strictly distinguish lawyers ' negligence like inadvertent and strategic mistakes , then treat differently , only lawyers ' inadvertent mistakes can be the application reason of ineffective assistance of counsel .

  27. 原告在证明被告有过失行为时,主要使用两种证据:直接证据和情况证据(又称为间接证据)。

    There are two key forms of evidence that a plaintiff can use in attempting to establish negligence by the defendant : direct evidence and circumstantial evidence ( indirect evidence ) .

  28. 考虑到医疗行业自身特性,民事责任认定包括主体、过失行为、损害结果、因果关系。

    According the medical characteristic , civil responsibility has four factors , the subject , the negligence behavior , the damages , the causal relation between the wrong act and the harm .

  29. 但应仅限于故意或恶意的行为、严重不负责的行为和重大过失行为,以更好地保障公民的生命健康权。

    But it is only used in the intentional or spiteful behavior , serious irresponsible behavior and behavior of great fault in order to guarantee citizen 's rights of life and health .

  30. 在中国原始社会末期,对部落管理人员过失行为的惩处,是中国古代职务过失犯罪的萌芽;

    This paper holds that the seeds of duty negligence crime in ancient times of China are the punishment of tribal administrative personnel for their duty negligence at the end of primitive .