
  • 网络transfer fee;closing costs
  1. 买了房子再卖掉所需的费用——包括房产中介费、过户费、买卖手续费、验房师和估价师的费用一一加在一起大概是房价的10%,或者大致相当于一年半的房租。

    The costs for buying and then selling a home-which can include a real-estate agent 's fee , a transfer fee , closing costs , and inspector and surveyor fees-could add up to about 10 % of the sale price , or roughly1.5 years worth of rent .

  2. 此外,中国证券登记结算公司还把A股交易过户费下调了大约三分之一。

    China Securities Depository and Clearing , the state-backed clearing house , also cut its transfer fee by about a third .

  3. 线材费,过户费及其他交易须缴付费用由客户。

    Wire fees , transfer fees and other transaction fees are payable by customer .