
  • 网络life insurance;life insurance companies;life insurance corporation;life insurer
  1. 保险公司偿付能力监管指标及分析论完善我国寿险公司偿付能力监管指标体系

    Supervisory Indicators of Solvency of Insurers and Analysis Consummating the Regulatory Index System on Solvency of Life Insurance Company

  2. VaR模型及其在寿险公司风险管理中的应用

    The VaR Model and its application in risk management of life insurance companies

  3. 本文以寿险公司的内含价值(embeddedvalue,EV)为研究对象。

    The study object of this thesis is Embedded Value ( EV ) .

  4. 后WTO时代民族寿险公司竞争战略研究

    The Research of National Life Insurance Enterprises ' Competitive Strategy in Post-WTO Era

  5. 中国最大的寿险公司中国人寿(ChinaLife),仍是中国内地唯一一家在美上市的金融机构。该公司2003年12月在纽约证交所上市。

    China Life , the country 's largest life insurer , remains the sole mainland financial institution to list in the US , joining the NYSE in December 2003 .

  6. VaR模型研究及其在寿险公司资产负债管理中的应用

    Research and Application in Asset-Liabilities-Management of the Life Insurance Company in Model VaR

  7. 基于相关性分析与DEA模型的寿险公司效率分析

    Efficiency Analysis of Life Insurance Company Based on Correlative Analysis and DEA Model

  8. 第五部分:VAR在寿险公司偿付能力风险管理中的应用。

    Part five researches into the application of VAR to the insolvency risk management of life insurance .

  9. 资产负债管理(AssetLiabilityManagement,简称ALM)是寿险公司进行风险管理的一种重要工具,其源于西方商业银行。

    Asset Liability Management ( ALM ) is an important tool to manage the risk of life insurance companies . It originated in western commercial banks .

  10. DH重庆寿险公司发展战略研究

    DH Chongqing Life Insurance Company Develop Strategy Study

  11. 基于DEA和SFA方法的寿险公司经营效率实证研究

    Empirical Analysis of Life Insurance Company 's Operational Efficiency with DEA and SFA Model

  12. 众多知名的评级机构也对寿险公司使用的ALM技术显示出日益浓厚的兴趣。

    Many rating agencies also have shown increasing interest in ALM of life insurance companies .

  13. 第五章提出了中国寿险公司进行DST的发展建议。

    The fifth chapter gives advises on developing DST in Chinese the life insurance company .

  14. 内含价值法(embeddedvalue)是近年寿险公司价值评估时运用的主要方法,一般认为,寿险公司的评估价值等于内含价值加上新业务价值。

    Embedded value is the major method used by life insurers to appraise their values in recent years . Generally speaking , the appraisal value of a life insurer is its embedded value plus value of new business .

  15. 在以上分析的基础上,根据SWOT分析方法,分析得出创业期间中小寿险公司可供选择的发展战略。

    From above , this paper concludes the alternative developing strategies for the small-medium size life insurance companies according to the SWOT analyzing method .

  16. 但是与此同时,风险价值VaR方法也具有一定的局限性,因此也带给我国寿险公司一定挑战。

    But at the same time , VaR method has some limitations , therefore , it brings a lot of challenges for Chinese life insurance companies .

  17. 内含价值是寿险公司有效业务价值和调整后净资产之和,是一种寿险公司特有的财务报告工具和价值测度工具。NET的开放式数控系统的一项关键技术。

    Embedded Value is the sum of the value of in-force business and the adjusted net worth of life insurance company , which is a special financial reporting and value measuring tool in life insurance company .

  18. 这些模型已经不能适应当前寿险公司ALM的需要,寿险公司必须建立更加完善的模型。

    Life insurance companies must establish a more suitable model to meet the needs of the current ALM .

  19. IASB的规定和我国《办法》的出台,都说明了保险公司信息披露的重要性,这些规定也同样适用于经营保险业务的重要分支机构&寿险公司。

    These provisions also apply to an important branch of the insurance business-life insurance companies .

  20. 本文以ALM模型为核心,对我国寿险公司的ALM问题进行了研究。

    Based on ALM models , the author has made a study on ALM of life insurance companies of China .

  21. 并针对这三个层面的研究对象作为对XY寿险公司激励与约束机制的研究主体分别进行研究。

    And for the three levels of study XY life insurance companies as incentive and restrictive mechanism of the main study , respectively .

  22. 随着WTO协议的不断深化,外资寿险公司大量进入中国市场。

    With the deepening of WTO agreement , foreign life insurance companies swarmed into the Chinese market . For china is to enter WTO , Agreement on TRIMs will come into effect in China , to adjust to it .

  23. 在中国AA银行未控股前,A寿险公司为一家区域性、中外合资、小型寿险公司,现正在向全国性,国有企业,大中型寿险公司转变进程中。

    Before it is controlled by AA Bank , A is a regional , small-sized life insurance joint-venture . Now A is in a transition to a nation-wide , middle to large-sized , state-owned enterprise .

  24. 随后又用台湾非寿险公司的案例比较了其与CCR模型投影之间的差异。

    At the next part we use the case of non-life insurance companies in Taiwan to compare the effects of projection of the two-stage additive model and the CCR model .

  25. 他表示:“在业务覆盖和利润方面,aia都是一份独一无二的资产,亚洲没有其它寿险公司能够较量。”

    He said : " in terms of coverage and earnings , AIA is a unique asset that no other life company in Asia comes close to matching . "

  26. 根据已知的37个关键外部因素和关键内部因素,采用TOWS矩阵产生17个备选的DH重庆寿险公司发展战略;

    According to the known 37 key factors covered internal and external environment , by adopting TOWS matrix matching , 17 develop strategies suit to be chosen turn up ;

  27. 银行保险(Bancassurance)是指寿险公司通过银行或邮局网络销售特定的保险产品,目前已成为西方发达国家寿险业普遍采用且行之有效的分销渠道。

    Bancassurance means bank either network of post office sale insurance produce of life insurance , Now it became the most popular and effective distribution way adopted by western developed country life insurance corporation .

  28. 英国寿险公司保诚集团(Prudential)表示,看到该公司今年在亚洲发行的一笔7.5亿美元混合融资项目被热捧后,将把亚洲视为一个资金来源地,并可能在当地筹资。

    Prudential will look to Asia as a source of capital and could raise equity there after the UK-based life assurance company saw big demand for a $ 750m hybrid capital raising in the region this year .

  29. 曾于2008年接受美国政府纾困的美国国际集团(aig),通过出售旗下寿险公司美国人寿保险(alico)和将亚洲业务友邦保险(aia)上市,已筹资近370亿美元。

    AIG , the insurance group bailed out by the US government in 2008 , has raised almost $ 37bn by selling its Alico life insurance subsidiary and floating its AIA unit in Asia .

  30. 日本中型寿险公司YamatoSeimei今年申请破产保护,该公司背负着近30亿美元的债务。

    This year , Yamato Seimei , a medium-sized life insurance company , filed for court protection with nearly $ 3bn in debt .