
  • 网络Vanilla sky;vanilla
  1. 从那以后,人们看到他同联袂出演《香草天空》的女主角、西班牙美女佩内洛普·克鲁兹在一起。

    He has since been seen with Spanish beauty Penelope Cruz , his Vanilla Sky co-star .

  2. 朵拉:《香草的天空》,有汤姆·克鲁斯。

    Dora : " Vanilla Sky ", with Tom Cruise .

  3. 《香草的天空》不是部浅显的电影。

    Vanilla Sky isn 't obvious .

  4. 《香草的天空》非常看重视觉效果,尤其是在片头,我们清空了十一月一个早晨的时代广场。

    Visuals mattered a lot on this one , especially the opening sequence where we emptied Times Square on an early November morning .

  5. 他是《近乎成名》的摄影师,将那部电影拍出一种挥洒自如的纪录片的感觉,《香草的天空》则要求更高。

    He had been the cinematographer on Almost Famous and while that movie had a free flowing documeturish feel , this one would be even more demanding .

  6. 正如所有的电影一样,我觉得《香草的天空》这个片名富有乐感,蕴含着一种令人躁动的特质。

    As all movies do , Vanilla Sky , a title I thought had a kind of musical quality , acquired a driven adrenalinalized personality all its own .

  7. 他是《近乎成名》的摄影师,将那部电影拍出一种挥洒自如的记录片感觉,《香草的天空》则要求更高。

    He had been the 4 ) cinematographer on Almost Famous and while that movie had a free flowing documeturish feel , this one would be even more demanding .