
  1. 《福布斯》(Forbes)估计,陈氏兄弟的身家合计30亿美元,在香港富豪榜上名列第17位。二人的父亲创建了恒隆地产。

    Forbes estimates that the brothers , whose father founded Hang Lung , are worth a collective $ 3bn , placing them 17th on the Hong Kong rich list .

  2. 然而,这些家族控制了巨额的财富,相对于当地的区区700万人口,香港在全球富豪排行榜上所占据的席位可谓多得不成比例。

    Yet these families control immense fortunes and , for a territory of just 7m people , occupy a disproportionate number of slots on global rich lists .