
  • 网络Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
  1. 性教育参考图书馆〔香港家庭计划指导会〕

    Sexuality Education Reference Library [ Family Planning Association of Hong Kong ]

  2. 香港家庭计划指导会

    Family Planning Association of Hong Kong

  3. 教育组〔香港家庭计划指导会〕分区和环境管理计划指导委员会

    Education Division [ Family Planning Association of Hong Kong ] Steering Committee for the Zoning and Environmental Management Plan

  4. 香港家庭计划指导会是政府补助机构,设有八家节育指导所、三间青少年保健中心、一家流动诊所及六间妇女会,提供有关性与生殖的健康服务、教育和资讯。

    The Government-subvented Family Planning Association of Hong Kong runs eight birth control clinics , three youth health care centres , a mobile clinic and six women 's clubs which provide sexual and reproductive health services , education and information .