
  1. 中小学良好班风建设之我见

    On Construction of Good Class Style

  2. 班主任可以通过营造良好班风、开展主题班会等形式来提高学生的素质。

    The teacher in charge of a class can improve student 's qualities by building good class style and so on .

  3. 在示范班管理中实施目标管理对促进良好班风的形成、增强班集体凝聚力、规范班级管理、形成学生的集体观念以及调动学生积极性、主动性和创造性等都具有极其重要的作用。

    Good class atmosphere is a guarantee of good teaching effect . Practising the aim management in model class will improve the class atmosphere and strengthen the class unity .

  4. 在班级中培养学生的合作能力,可以发展学生健康的个性,提高学生自我教育的能力,并带动良好班风的建立。

    It can bring up students ' healthy individuality , enhance abilities of education by themselves , and develop the class atmosphere all right to train the students in cooperation ability .

  5. 良好班风对学生社会化发展提供多方面的有利条件,而良好班风的形成直接取决于一个坚定有力的班级领导班子。班级领导班子的组建需要每个学生的积极参与。

    A strong , firm group of Class Cadres plays a critical role in the construction of a good classroom which can provide all kinds of benefits for students ' socialization that needs students ' active anticipation .

  6. 笔者作了九年的中学班主任,在工作过程中,深感诚信品质对学生本人、良好班风、校风及社会发展的重要性。

    Having been in charge of a middle school class for nearly 9 years , the author deeply feels that the cordiality character is very essential to the students , the class ethos and the society development .

  7. 目标管理适用于高校班级管理,对调动学生积极性,培养和锻炼学生创新能力,养成良好班风,促进班级管理模式的转变等都具有很好的作用。

    Being applicable to class management in college , MBO is of good value to bringing out students ' initiative , developing and exercising students ' creativity , as well as to the establishment of fine class discipline and the promotion of the transformation of class management pattern .

  8. 班主任方面则要做到:重视班级管理,完善本班的管理机制;明确管理职责,端正管理动机和态度;明确管理原则,注重管理方法的指导;构建良好班风,形成健康融洽的氛围。

    Teacher side will have to do : attention to classroom management , improve the management mechanism bumban ; clear management responsibilities , correct management of motivation and attitude ; clear managements principles , focus on management guidance ; build a good class atmosphere , a healthy and harmonious atmosphere .

  9. 树立良好的班风是努力的目标;

    To set a good style of class is the objective to reach .

  10. 良好班集体的建立,是学校教育教学管理中极其重要的一项工作,要做好这一项工作,最重要的就是要从建立良好的班风抓起。

    It is an important job for a teacher to set up a good class style in school management .