
  1. 莱茵河流域防洪规划&发展及其实施(论文摘编)(英文)

    Flood action plan of the river Rhine & development and Realization ( in brief )

  2. 基于大坝风险分析和应急预案的制定,论文研究的成果可为流域防洪规划、洪水调度、风险决策及安全管理提供理论基础和分析手段。

    This paper research results provide a theoretical basis and analysis method for the valley flood control planning , flood dispatching , risk decision and safety management .

  3. 长江流域防洪规划的实施,将显著提高防洪保护区的防洪标准,其经济效益、环境效益、社会效益十分显著。

    The execution of Yangtze valley flood control plan will remarkably upgrade the flood control standard of flood protected zone , and produce remarkable economic , environmental and social benefits .

  4. 浅谈乌苏里江流域防洪工程规划

    Brief discussion on flood control project plan for Wusuli River Valley

  5. 以风险决策为基础的流域防洪系统规划

    Planning of Basin Flood Control System Based on Risk Decision

  6. 阿克苏河流域近期防洪规划及工程措施

    Flood Control Planning and Engineering Measures in Aksu River Basin in the Near Future

  7. 太原市东山流域防洪排水规划的编制与思考

    Composition and Consideration of Flood Control and Drainage Plan of the East Mountain Valley , Taiyuan City

  8. 随着江河上兴建的水利工程日渐增多,流域的防洪规划和防洪调度工作,正在从以个别工程为主要研究对象转向以全流域复杂库群为研究对象。

    With more and more water projects have been built , the study focus of flood control planning and dispatching has been diverted from single project to a complex group of reservoirs in whole basin .

  9. 新疆干旱区流域防洪决策支持系统规划设计

    The Plan of Controling Flood Decision Support System in Xinjiang Arid Area

  10. 根据太湖流域防洪标准的基本涵义,讨论了设计暴雨时空分布与流域防洪体系规划建设的关系。

    Based the meaning of flood control standards for Taihu basin , relationship between space-time distributing of design storm a.