
liú shí
  • flowstone;stones down the stream in the valley
流石 [liú shí]
  • [stones down the stream in the valley] 山谷中被水冲下的石头

  • 从流石蛇行。--《徐霞客游记.游黄山记》

流石[liú shí]
  1. 因此,洞穴沉积物(包括石笋、石钟乳和流石等)可望为川东北地区的新构造活动尤其是地震事件研究提供一种新的依据。

    Sediments in karst caves here , such as stalagmite , stalactite and flowstone , could provide some new evidences for investigation of the neotectonic movement , especially earthquake in this area .

  2. 利用Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数所作的生物多样性分析表明,高山流石滩植被的多样性最低,而以垫状植被的生物多样性最高;

    By using Simpson 's and Shannon-Wiener 's indexes about biodiversity , the analyzed results show that the biodiversity is lowest in the alpine talus zones but highest in the zones with cushion-like vegetation .

  3. 滇西北高山流石滩植物多样性

    Seed Plant Diversity on Screes from Northwest Yunnan

  4. 青海省草原总站于2003年进行了沿途植被群落的实地调研。其植被类型可分为高寒草原、高寒草甸、高寒灌丛、垫状植被、高山流石坡稀疏植被等。

    The field survey was carried out along the highway by Qinghai provincial grassland station in 2003.The results showed that the type of vegetation were alpine grassland , alpine meadow , swamp , shrubs , cushiony vegetation and alpine stonily sparse vegetation and so on .

  5. 由粒度、SEM和长径比分析得出气流磨是硅灰石超细粉碎的最佳设备。

    The analyses of particle size , the SEM , the ratio of length and diameter of wollastonite showed that the best superfine grinding equipment was the jet mill .

  6. 大多数的旅游者在一块叫“石老人”和叫流清河的白石滩顺道停留。

    Most tourists stop by a rock called the " Old Stone Man ," and a white-sand beach called Liuqing He .

  7. 我仍然记得当地的人穿著色彩鲜艳的衣袍,在淙淙徐流的小溪和石崖峭的景色前简单而优美地舞蹈。

    I remember the simple and elegant grace of the dances of the natives , dressed in brightly colored robes , salient against the tranquil backdrop of gently flowing streams and rocky escarpments .