
  • 网络culture and education
  1. 苗族文化与教育的冲突与协同

    Confliction and Coordination of Miao 's Culture and Education

  2. 通过论述文化与教育的关系,本部分确认企业文化与企业教育之间存在着互动的必然,并为后文的互动分析奠定了基础。

    To illustrate , the interaction between educational culture and education and corporate whole ability are borrowed .

  3. 当代中国妇女社会地位的文化与教育反思

    Thoughts on Contemporary Chinese Women 's Socal Position , Culturally and Educationally

  4. 对高校体育教育功能之探讨&写在2003年奥林匹克文化与教育年

    An Investigation into the Educational Function of PE Institutions of Higher Learning

  5. 文中论述了文化与教育的关系,指出教育的基本功能是其文化功能。

    The basic function of education is its cultural function .

  6. 迎接新世纪挑战的美国文化与教育现代化

    American Culture and Educational Modernization towards Challenge of New Century

  7. 西北民族地区多元文化与教育问题研究

    Multi-culture in Northwest Minority Areas and Its Education Research

  8. 论校园文化与教育改革

    On the School Campus Culture and Educational Reform

  9. 试论太平天国文化与教育改革的特点

    On the characteristics of the cultural and educational reform of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  10. 后现代文化与教育媒体开发原则

    Postmodern Culture and Principles of Developing Educational Media

  11. 视觉文化与教育传播

    Visual Culture and Educational Communication

  12. 数据说明,我们的文化与教育需要向深层次发展。

    Those data show us that the development of our culture and education should be further deepened .

  13. 学习主体与学习环境双向建构与整体生成&创造全球化时代的学习文化与教育智慧

    The Mutual Construction and Systemic Evolution of Learners and Learning Environment : Building Learning Culture and Educational Wisdom in Globalization Age

  14. 迄今,他已签署了贸易与运输协议,但也开始着手文化与教育事务。

    So far , he has signed trade and transport deals , but has also undertaken to work on cultural and educational matters .

  15. 玛丽亚佩姬斯:西班牙的文化与教育非常独特,这影响了所有的艺术形式:电影、绘画以及文学。

    MP the culture and education in Spain is very individual , and that influences all of Arts * cinema , painting or literature .

  16. 中国的教育革命于20世纪20年代从传统文化与教育方式走向了现代科学和现代教育相结合的道路。

    In the 1920s , Chinese education revolution has developed from the traditional culture and education into the combination of modern education and modern science .

  17. 以人类学的视角分析文化与教育的关系,从而论证庙学教育是完整人的塑造的有效形式。

    Analyzing the relationship of culture and education from the perspective of anthropology , it explains that Temple School education is an effective way of perfect - character-shaping .

  18. 这种价值取向的差异在很大程度上受三地不同的政治、经济、文化与教育体制的影响。

    This kind of difference , to a large extent , is influenced by the differing political , economic , cultural , and educational systems in these three regions .

  19. 在现代社会,民间武术的生存环境受到严重破坏,其文化与教育价值需要得到认识与提升。

    In the modern society , the existent environment of folk Wushu has suffered serious damage and its value in culture and education needs to obtain understanding and promotion .

  20. 文化与教育两者之间是一种相互依赖,相互作用的关系,文化的传承离不开教育的作用,而教育的发展依赖于它所处的文化背景。

    Between culture and education is an interdependent relationship . Cultural heritage cannot be separated from the role of education , and the development of education depends on its geographical and cultural background .

  21. 另一方面,由于受阶级和时代的局限,太平天国的文化与教育改革又蒙上了浓厚的宗教色彩,并带有很大的落后性和盲目性。

    On the other hand , limited by its class status and the time , these cultural and educational reforms were filled with strong religious color and characterized by its backwardness and blindness .

  22. 华威大学文化与教育专家大卫瑞说,通过电影进入文学是一种更具社交性的了解文化传统的方式。

    David Wray , an expert in literacy and education at Warwick University , says that coming to literature through films is a more sociable way of getting to know about cultural heritage .

  23. 认为不同文化与教育背景的读者在阅读中都会经历一个启发与挫败并存的审美过程,从中构建文本意义,寻找自身定位。

    Readers of different cultural and educational backgrounds will experience an aesthetic process that simultaneously stimulates and frustrates their desire to construct the meaning of the text and locate the disposition of themselves .

  24. 正是这样,视觉文化与教育技术融合在一起成为历史的必然,并使得在教育文化传播中引起视觉文化新的价值变化与新的研究任务。

    As a result , the blending between Visual Culture and Education Technology has become an overwhelming historic trend , and it has brought out new value and new research task for visual culture .

  25. 奥巴马说,美国未来要做的工作就是帮助伊拉克人民加强政府机构,建立新的商贸关系,扩大文化与教育联系。

    Obama said the way ahead for the United States is to help the Iraqi people strengthen the institutions of government , build new ties of trade and commerce and expand culture and education .

  26. 国外文献不只局限于对文化与教育的关系所作研究,还包括对文化理论自身的研究成果,这也是本文研究的必要理论基础。

    The foreign study literature does not limit to the relationship between culture and education . The study of culture theory itself is also reviewed because it is the necessary theoretical base to the research .

  27. 其次,依据理念与实践、文化与教育的关系,从文化学、哲学、心理学的视角追溯人本思想产生的思想渊源。

    Then according to the relations between theory and practice and between culture and education , the author traces the human-centered idea to its ideological origin from the angles of culturology , philosophy and psychology .

  28. 在传统教育体系中,生育文化与教育的关联历来不被人重视,生育文化常常被认为是与教育相关不大或毫无相关的领域,从教育的视角对生育文化问题的关注较少。

    In the traditional system of education , the relationship between the culture of birth and education has always been ignored , and been regarded as something not related or not directly related with education .

  29. 文化与教育天生就有着不可分割的联系,档案教育不仅是档案文化传承的方式和手段,也是推动和构建档案文化功能的重要组成部分。

    Culture and education are inextricably linked by nature , archives education is not only the ways and means of the archival culture inheritance , and also an important part of promoting and building archival culture functions .

  30. 顾拜旦体育思想是继承前人的哲学思想和社会实践而形成的对体育、文化与教育相结合的奥林匹克运动的总结。

    Pierre de Coubertin 's sport idea was inherited from the philosophy thoughts and social practices of the predecessors and it was also formed by the summary of the Olympic Movement which was integrated the sport , culture and education .