
  1. 乾嘉年间的汉学派、史学派、桐城派、骈文派之争,其焦点所在,是确立文章正宗。

    The focus of the disputes among Han School , History School , Tongcheng School and Parallel Prose School is to establish the orthodox school of writing .

  2. 其二,四大流派在同一时期纷起争夺文章正宗的地位,这种共时态的流派竞争在清代表现得格外典型,对它们的研究有助于流派研究的深入。

    Secondly , the four schools were struggling for the orthodox status of writing at almost the same time , which appeared to be extremely typical in Qing dynasty , and the research of their struggles will assist us in our further studies in this field .