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  • file descriptor
  1. 在n>或n>>中的n引用文件描述符。

    Refers to the file descriptor .

  2. 对于每个open()调用来说,都必须有一个使用完全相同标记和文件描述符的release()调用。

    For every open () call , there will be exactly one release () call with the same flags and file descriptor .

  3. 在顶层是打开的file对象,它由进程的文件描述符列表引用。

    At the top is the open file object , which is referenced by a process 's file descriptor list .

  4. select()调用返回一个文件描述符列表,对于每个文件描述符至少注册了一个事件。

    A select () call returns a list of file descriptors for which at least one registered event has occurred .

  5. 每个进程具有OPENMAX个文件描述符,您正尝试打开(OPENMAX+1个)文件。

    Each process has OPEN_MAX file descriptors , and you 're trying to open ( OPEN_MAX + 1 ) files .

  6. poll缓存管理一个可能很大的文件描述符集。

    The pollcache manages a potentially large set of file descriptors .

  7. 每个poll()调用都提供要poll的文件描述符列表。

    Each poll () call provids a list of file descriptors to be polled .

  8. 这个系统调用需要shmopen()返回的文件描述符,它返回指向内存的指针。

    This system call requires the file descriptor from shm_open () and returns a pointer to memory .

  9. extentextent是一种提高磁盘文件描述符效率的方法,它能够减少删除大型文件所需的时间等等。

    Extents An extent is a way to improve the efficiency of on-disk file descriptors , reducing deletion times for large files , among other things .

  10. 在每个poll操作的开头,通过poll繁忙的文件描述符跟踪状态。

    The state is tracked by polling busy file descriptors at the beginning of each poll operation .

  11. 关闭文件描述符或closefd可以是True或False。

    The close file descriptor , or closefd , can be True or False .

  12. 当给定的文件描述符上没有数据可读时,它会反复执行read()系统调用,这会浪费大量CPU周期。

    It wastes a lot of CPU cycles just to iterate read () system calls when there is nothing to read on the given file descriptor .

  13. 此文件描述符在fork调用期间被复制,这就是两个进程都能对屏幕执行写入操作的原因。

    This is duplicated during the fork , which is why both processes can write to the screen .

  14. 然后,应用程序用register()调用向选择器注册通道(文件描述符)和感兴趣的操作。

    The application then registers channels ( file descriptors ) and interested operations to the selector with a register () call on the channel .

  15. 空闲文件描述符的状态是已知的,因为在状态改变时会通知poll缓存服务。

    The state of idle file descriptors is known since the pollcache service is notified once when it changes .

  16. 第一个参数fildes是函数open()返回的文件描述符,用于指称具体设备。

    The first parameter fildes is the open file descriptor returned from the function open (), referring to a specific device .

  17. 到这时,用户可以编写shell脚本,在变量中存储信息和导出信息,控制文件描述符,控制信号处理,使用for循环和case语句,以及其他大量功能。

    Now , users could write shell scripts ; store and export information in variables ; control file descriptors ; control signal handling , for loops , and case statements ; and so much more .

  18. shmunlink():根据(shmopen()返回的)文件描述符,删除共享内存段。

    Shm_unlink (): Deletes a shared memory region given a file descriptor ( returned from shm_open ()) .

  19. 另外,POSIXAPI使用简单的文件描述符执行读写,大家应该更熟悉。

    Additionally , the POSIX API uses simple file descriptors for read and write and so should seem much more familiar .

  20. Inotify提供一个简单的API,使用最小的文件描述符,并且允许细粒度监控。

    Inotify provides a simple API that uses minimal file descriptors and allows fine granularity of monitoring .

  21. Fexecve被用来exec文件描述符,现在可以在Linux中启用它。

    Fexecve used to exec file descriptors , is now enabled in Linux .

  22. 当文件描述符的状态发生变化时,子系统通知poll缓存,这会在poll缓存中触发状态转换。

    When the state of a file descriptor changes , the subsystem notifies the pollcache , which triggers a state transition in the pollcache .

  23. 但是,传统的poll方法有可伸缩性问题;它不太适合处理大量文件描述符。

    The traditional polling method , however , has a scalability issue ; it does not scale well for a large number of file descriptors .

  24. 根本问题是,随着文件描述符数量的增加,每个poll操作所需的工作量会线性增加。

    The fundamental problem is that the amount of work to be done for each poll operation scales linearly with the number of file descriptors .

  25. poll一个对象需要两步:首先在文件描述符上建立一个持有计数,然后调用与这个文件描述符相关联的操作。

    Polling an object involves first establishing a hold count on the file descriptor and then calling through the select fileop associated with the file descriptor .

  26. 如上所述,inotify使用文件描述符,允许程序员使用标准select或者poll函数来监视事件。

    As noted above , inotify uses a file descriptor , allowing programmers to use standard select or poll functions to watch for events .

  27. 执行fork之后,父进程和子进程获得打开的所有文件描述符和数据值的拷贝,所以指针对于它们都是有效的。

    After the fork , the parent and child have copies of all open file descriptors and data values , so the pointer works for both .

  28. 每个pccb根据文件描述符散列值放在poll缓存中。

    Each pccb can be located in the pollcache based on a file descriptor hash .

  29. 其中的每个文件描述符由一个poll缓存控制块(pccb)表示。

    Each file descriptor in the set is described by a pollcache control block & pccb .

  30. 例如,典型的读写操作可以在网络socket上执行(socket使用一个文件描述符表示,与一个普通文件一样)。

    For example , typical read and write operations may be performed on a networking socket ( which is represented by a file descriptor , just as a normal file ) .