
  1. 《续孟子》为唐代见于著录的除注本外仅存的一部孟子研究专著。

    Continuous Mengzi is a works that in Tang period in title catalogue except the explanatory book and which discovers the Mengzi .

  2. 总体上觉得以往对孟子的研究大多数是从主观内在心性出发,突出先天性的主体良知或先验的善性之类概念,局限于个体、主观性视野。

    Generally feel that the majority of the Mencius of departure from the subjective inner concentric , highlighting the main body of conscience or innate goodness of the class of transcendental concept , limited to individual , subjective perspective .

  3. 研究《孟子》对研究先秦汉语语法具有相当重要的价值。

    Thus the study of " The Mencius " has great value to the research of Chinese grammar in pre-Qin dynasty .

  4. 可是,对朱熹《孟子》学的研究最重要的还是思想的分析。

    But the most important part of the research is the analysis of thought .

  5. 孟子德性伦理思想研究

    On Mencius and His Virtue Ethics

  6. 孟子对六经有所研究,他继承和发展了六经的思想。

    Mencius not only studies the Six classics but also inherits and develops the thoughts of them .

  7. 百年《孟子》散文艺术研究之回顾与前瞻

    A Review of Research on Prose Writing Skills in The Book of Mencius in the Past 100 Years

  8. 初唐是唐代孟学的起步阶段,士人对孟子没有专门的研究。

    In the early Tang Dynasty , Mencius learning was in the initial Stage and Scholars did not undertake professional researches on Mencius .

  9. 在郭店楚简《鲁穆公问子思》与《孟子》的比较研究中,可以探讨思孟学派理想人格何以建立的哲学要义。

    In the comparison between Lumugong Questioning Zisi and Mencius , we can research the key thought of the Simeng School for constructing the ideal personality .

  10. 另外本文对《孟子注疏》在《孟子》学史上的价值与影响以及孙的《孟子》研究成就也做了论述。

    This article also elaborates on Mencius Zhushu 's value and influence in the study history of Mencius , as well as the accomplishment of Sun Shi 's study on Mencius .

  11. 然而同时代亦出现了焦循的《孟子正义》。《孟子正义》集义理、考据于一体,是清代《孟子》学研究的集大成之作,是清《孟子》学成就最高者。

    But there are also Jiao Xun " Mencius justice " among the contemporaries ," the Mencius justice " set principles , textual research in a body is the outside work to study of Mencius in the Qing dynasty and is the highest academic achievements of Mencius research .

  12. 作者从孟子生平、原文引证、思想评述等三个方面对其进行了详细的讨论,以期共同促进孟子研究的发展。

    This author attempts to discuss in detail the three aspects of the life of Mencius , quotation from the original text and ideological criticism in order to promote the development of study on Mencius .