
xìn wù
  • token;keepsake;seal;authenticating object
信物 [xìn wù]
  • [token;keepsake;authenticating object] 当作凭证的物品

  • 嗨,我以这件信物,请他作伴

信物[xìn wù]
  1. 他给她一只戒指作为信物。

    He gave her the ring as a token of his love .

  2. 一定要钻石对戒作为结婚信物吗?

    Must we choose diamond ring as token of marriage ?

  3. 互换爱情信物以庆祝2月14号情人节的风俗

    the custom of exchanging love tokens to celebrate February 14 .

  4. 请收下这枚戒指作为信物。

    Please have this ring for a keepsake .

  5. 他常常盯着一个爱的信物很久。

    He often stared at one lovingness keepsake for long time .

  6. 这是罗伯特布鲁斯的信物。

    It 's the pledge of Robert the Bruce .

  7. 她小心保管着她的爱情信物。

    She took care of her apple of love .

  8. 首先双方父母会相互交换可以表明身份的信物。

    First both sets of parents exchanged family credentials as tokens of intention .

  9. 他毫不费力地挪动岩石,取出信物。

    He had no difficulty in moving the rock , and recovered the tokens .

  10. 如果将来夫妻失散了,就把它当作信物。

    Each of them kept a half as tokens in case they were separated .

  11. 可以买个爱情信物。

    You can purchase a token of affection .

  12. 这是一件表示爱情的合适信物。

    It is a fit object for love .

  13. 李小姐把随身配带的香囊送给郑公子当定情信物。

    Miss Li gave her sachet to Mr. Zheng as a token of love .

  14. 至清代,香包已成为爱情的信物了。

    By Qing Dynasty , the fragrant bag had already become keepsake of love .

  15. 传统上,黄金是最被看好的中国人作为爱情的信物。

    Traditionally , gold is most favored by Chinese people as the token of love .

  16. 而且爱情信物在文学作品中发挥着重要作用,有着极其重要的意义。

    In token of love and literature play an important role , with its importance .

  17. 和皇上赐的信物

    And the crest of the emperor .

  18. 别碰那辆自行车,那可是我的爱情信物。

    Hey , don 't touch that bike ; it 's my apple of love .

  19. 站在你的正上方互换信物。

    Directly above where you 're standing .

  20. 我把这枚戒指给你作为永远爱你的信物。

    I give you this ring as a pledge of my everlasting love for you .

  21. 那些被亿万年的地质变迁雕琢过的印记,是我给你最好的信物。

    The print of geological events that happened millions of years ago is the best pledge .

  22. 这时男青年就会用一枚钻戒作为订婚信物给他未婚妻。

    The man usually gives his fiancee a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement .

  23. 在你们要分开之前,留一些信物,比如说戒指、耳钉、项链,什么都可以。

    Before one of you leave , get a set of commitment rings / studs / bracelet-anything .

  24. 头一次约会他就向她求婚,并许以钻戒为信物;南希接受了他的求婚。

    He promised her a diamond ring on their first date when he proposed , and was accepted .

  25. 牧师:这婚戒作为有形的信物,是属灵的信念的表征。

    PASTOR : The ring is a material symbol that has been designed to illustrate a spiritual truth .

  26. 把它当做我对你爱的信物我的柔情蜜意如果没有别的

    Consider it a -- a token of my love , my affection , and if nothing else ,

  27. 如果雌性企鹅接受了那枚鹅卵石,那这就成了他们之间的定情信物,他们会一生都在一起!

    If she accepts the pebble , it 's a match , and they 'll stay together forever !

  28. 而传统的风俗中包括新郎剪下新娘的一小撮头发作为信物。

    The oldcustom includes a ritual of the groom cutting off a tiny part of the bride'shair for keepsake .

  29. 他们让自己的朋友捐出废弃的爱情信物,很快他们便收藏了大量物件。

    They asked their friends to donate their own discarded love tokens and soon built up a large collection .

  30. 这是一间巨大的二层公寓,你可以感觉到纳博科夫的风格,东西很少,只有几件可随身携带的家传信物

    It is a large upstairs apartment , nabokovian you could say , with few items , some portable heirlooms