
yuán dǐ
  • round bottom
圆底[yuán dǐ]
  1. 在小型浮选槽和3连圆底烧瓶浸出实验的基础上,在实验型空气搅拌浸出槽中进行了用SO2浸出东湘桥地区氧化锰矿石2kg的实验。

    Based on the results in small floating cell and in a series of three round bottom flasks , the experiments on the leaching of oxidized manganese ore using SO2 were carried out in an experimental pachuca tank .

  2. U形(圆底形)长喉道测流槽水力特性的研究

    Hydraulic characteristics of long-throated flume with U ( circular bottom ) shape

  3. 圆底扁球壳非线性稳定问题的自由参数摄动法解

    Free-Parameter Perturbation-Method Solutions of the Nonlinear Stability of Shallow Spherical Shells

  4. 双参数弹性地基上圆底扁球壳的非线性弯曲

    Nonlinear Bending of Shallow spherical Shells on the Pasternak Foundations

  5. 圆底及下垂的颈线则是较为少见的情形。

    And down the neckline is a very rare situation .

  6. 带托盘,可放置圆底烧瓶。

    It has a tray that may hold radius flask .

  7. 让一些溶液流入圆底长颈瓶。

    To allow some of the solution to flow into the round-bottom flask .

  8. 圆底扁球壳在偏心集中载荷下的计算

    Analysis of Shallow Spherical Shell with Circular Base under Eccentrically Applied Concentrated Loads

  9. 复合载荷下圆底扁球壳非线性稳定性

    Nonlinear Stability of Spherical Shallow Shell under Compound Loads

  10. 均布压力作用下圆底扁薄球壳的轴对称屈曲

    Axisymmetrical Buckling of Thin Shallow Circular Spherical Shells under the Action of Uniform Pressure

  11. 圆底扁球壳的初参数解法

    Analysis of shallow spherical shells on circular bases by the method of initial parameters

  12. 夏娃的圆底比齐亚党的尖底绘花去更长的形成时间。

    Eve 's rounded bottom takes longer to form than the sharp Adam spike .

  13. 圆板与圆底扁壳组合结构的变形计算

    Calculation of Deformation in Structure Consisting of Circular Slab and Shallow Shell with Circular Bottom

  14. 见鬼,我也喜欢那样圆底,那样感觉更自然。

    Dam and I was just love the round buttons on the side feel more natural .

  15. 本文中提供圆底球扁壳的一种级数解法。

    In this paper a series solution of spherical shallow shell with circular base is given .

  16. 圆底扁锥壳在中心集中力作用下的轴对称非线性弯曲和稳定性

    Axisymmetric nonlinear bending and stability of shallow circular conical shells under concentrated load at the apex

  17. 弹性圆底扁球壳在边缘均布力矩作用下的非线性稳定问题

    Nonlinear Stability of Thin Elastic Circular Shallow Spherical Shell under the Action of Uniform Edge Moment

  18. 金属圆底双曲薄壳塑性拉伸失稳与屈曲研究及其工程应用

    Study of Plastic Tensile Instability and Buckling in Hyperbolic Thin Metal Shells with Circular Base and Application in Engineering

  19. 按不同效靶比(100:1,50:1,25:1,5:1)将效应细胞与靶细胞混合置于圆底96孔板中,共孵育4小时后终止反应。

    Effector cells and target cells were incubated 4 hours in 96-well plates at different ratio ( 100:1,50:1,25:1,5:1 ) .

  20. 中心受集中载荷的固定夹支边圆板和圆底扁球壳的卡门方程的精确解

    On Exact Solution of Karman 's Equations of Rigid Clamped Circular Plate and Shallow Spherical Shell under a Concentrated Load

  21. 文章在圆底U型件的回弹试验基础上.建立了对于应该试验的只有板料单元尺寸不同的3个仿真模型。

    Based on U-shape forming experiments , three models are built in which only the blank is meshed in deferent size .

  22. 本文研究圆底扁薄球壳在中心分布压力作用下的轴对称大挠度变形和稳定性。

    In this paper the deformations and stability in large axisymmetric deflection of spherical caps under centrally distributed pressures are investigated .

  23. 如果圆底烧瓶置于空烧杯中,则可屏蔽气流使反应进行平稳。

    The reaction proceeds more smoothly if the round-bottom flask is shielded from draughts by being placed in an empty beaker .

  24. 中心开口圆底扁薄球壳在任意分布横向载荷下的弯曲问题的一般解

    The General Solution of Bending of a Spherical Thin Shallow Shell with a Circular Hole at the Center under Arbitrary Transverse Loads

  25. 后卫接住传来的球,并跑过底线触地得分。双参数弹性地基上圆底扁球壳的非线性弯曲

    The end gathered in the pass and went over for a touchdown . Nonlinear Bending of Shallow spherical Shells on the Pasternak Foundations

  26. 这个方法包括将蛋白质溶液在圆底烧瓶的瓶壁上冰冻,和在真空中让液体升华。

    This method involves freezing the protein solution on the walls of a round bottomed flask and sublimating the liquid in a vacuum .

  27. 商晚期圆底簋及西周早期方座簋的范铸模拟实验

    The Piece-mould Casting Simulation Experiment of Round Bottomed Bronze-gui in Late Period of Shang and Bronze-gui with a Square Seat in Early Period of Zhou

  28. 理想的情况下,交易量会和圆底有着相同的走势,交易量对下降期影响不大,但是对上升期以及突破支撑点很重要。

    Volume levels are not too important on the decline , but there should be an increase in volume on the advance and preferably on the breakout .

  29. 本文对边缘固定夹紧在均布载荷作用下弹性圆底扁薄球壳的非线性稳定性问题进行了研究。

    In this paper we consider the nonlinear stability of a thin elastic circular shallow spherical shell under the action of uniform normal pressure with a clamped edge .

  30. 本文应用逐步加裁法将圆底扁球壳在均布压力作用下的非线性微分方程组化为线性的微分方程组。

    In this paper , the nonlinear differential equations of a shallow spherical shell under uniformly distributed pressure are transformed into linear differential equations by the method of consecutive loading .