
  1. 《仕女》图色彩清雅,线条细劲清圆具木刻味,形式富装饰性。

    The Elegant Ladies is graceful in color , with fine , vigorous , clear and smooth lines typical of woodcarvings , thus an excellent form for decoration .

  2. 聚合果长10-12厘米,穗状;蓇葖长圆形、倒卵形或卵形,顶端圆钝或具短凸尖。

    Fruit an aggregate , spicate , 10-12 cm long ; follicles long ellipsoid , obovoid or ovoid , apex obtuse or abruptly mucronate .

  3. 主导极点圆域约束下具L2有界不确定性系统的鲁棒优化设计问题

    Robust Optimal Design of Systems with L_2 Bounded Uncertainty Under Circular Regional Dominant Pole Constraint

  4. 至于多周期非圆齿轮副更具创新点,它的变速传动是基于运动规律为等周期而相位相差一个相位角的脉动变化。

    The multi-cycle noncircular gear have more innovative , the transmission is based on the same cycle and difference of a phase angle of fluctuation .