
  • 网络Small village;mountain village;small mountain village
  1. 我们来到了一个环境优美的小山村。

    We arrived at a small village with a beautiful neighbourhood .

  2. 有一个老猎人住在那座小山村。

    There lived an old hunter in that small village .

  3. 除了几个零星的小山村之外,这个地区杳无人烟。

    The region is uninhabited except for a few scattered mountain villages .

  4. 小山村掩隐在绿树丛中。

    The little village is covered with greenery .

  5. 晚上晚些时候,在这个偏远的小山村里,Qingyu和其他队员与当地民众一起娱乐。

    Late at night in the remote mountain village , Qingyu and her team entertain the locals .

  6. 周五,图林根州的一个叫做Wickersdorf的小山村的残疾人的院子里发现了一只死鹅,经检测,其阳性基因正好与H5N1禽流感病毒相符。

    A dead goose found in the yard of a home for disabled persons in the hill village of Wickersdorf in Thuringia tested positive for the H5N1 strain of bird flu on Friday .

  7. 他们的学校在一个遥远的小山村里。

    Their school is in a small mountain village far away .

  8. 我出生在一个群山环绕的美丽的小山村。

    I was born in a beautiful village surrounded by many mountains .

  9. 当他还是一个小孩子的时候,他家搬到了一个小山村。

    His parents died when he was only a boy of five .

  10. 他母亲离开了那个小山村,再也没有人见过她。

    His mother left the small village , never_to_be_seen again .

  11. 那老人独自一人生活在一个荒凉的小山村里。

    The old man lives alone in a lonely small mountain village .

  12. 格鲁吉亚有高加索地区的小山村和黑海海滩。

    Georgia is home to Caucasus Mountain villages and Black Sea beaches .

  13. 伊迪丝.卡维尔出生在英国一个小山村里。

    Edith Cavell was born in a little English village .

  14. 在这座小山村里,发生争吵时,往往由他的父亲出面调解。

    His father always adjudicates in quarrels in the small mountain village .

  15. 我出生在靠近爱尔兰边境的一个小山村。

    In a small town near the Irish border .

  16. 最后我们到达了这个小山村。

    We finally arrived at the small mountain village .

  17. 他住在一个遥远的小山村。

    He lives in a village far from here .

  18. 在山的那一边有一个小山村。

    There is a small village beyond the hill .

  19. 多年前,我的父亲通过他的努力,改变了他的小山村。

    Many years ago my father made a small difference in his village .

  20. 在一个小山村里住着一个小牧童。

    The young boy raised sheep far away form the village all by himself .

  21. 据报那个小山村发生了一系列意外事故。

    A series of accidents was reported to have happened in the small village .

  22. 自从离开了小山村,我就再也没看见你。

    I haven 't seen you ever since I left the small mountain village .

  23. 汽车爬上陡峭的小山村,追上了运货卡车。

    The car came up with the lorry as it climbed the steep hill .

  24. 这个小山村高高地位于群山之中。

    The little village perches among the hills .

  25. 我在一个偏僻的小山村教书。

    I taught in a secluded village .

  26. 我来自一个小山村

    I come from a small village .

  27. 这些旅游者搭错了车,结果来到了一小山村。

    The traveller took the wrong train and finished up at a small country village .

  28. 我要去贵州一个小山村支教。

    I will go to a village in Guizhou , working as a volunteer teacher .

  29. 他在一个小山村居住。

    He lives in a small village .

  30. 这名来自广西壮族自治区一个小山村的年轻人并没有什么高远的梦想。

    The young man from a small village of Guangxi province doesn 't dream big .