
  1. 六一儿童节到了,让我们陪着小朋友们一起欢腾。

    Let 's exult with the children at the drawing near of Children 's Day .

  2. Harry说:我可以像正常的小朋友们一样干任何事,但是有时候因为疼痛我不得不停止做我喜欢做的事。

    Harry said : ' I can do a lot of things other children can do , but sometimes it stops me doing what I like doing because I ache .

  3. 王妃在出席自己出资筹建的慈善机构——慈善论坛(CharitiesForum)的一次活动中,被发现和小朋友们喜爱的卡通人物在一起。

    She was spotted meeting with the beloved children 's character during an event for the Charities Forum , an organization for the collection of charities she has founded with her husband and Prince Harry .

  4. 小朋友们可以用EasyImage图像处理工具,专为爸爸制作一件特别的“T恤”,简单又快捷。

    Kids can make a unique , personal T-shirt for Dad quickly and easily with EasyImage .

  5. 那是我创新,小朋友们不懂。

    That 's my innovation , these kids don 't understand .

  6. 在这个暑假,她还从来没有跟小朋友们在一起玩过呢。

    She never played with her friends during this summer holiday .

  7. 巨人现在很快乐,因为小朋友们让他非常开心。

    The giant is happy because the children make him happy .

  8. 这真的好的不能在好了,小朋友们。

    This is as good as it gets , dear Twin .

  9. 你回家后有故事跟小朋友们讲了

    you 're gonna have some story to tell your friends .

  10. 你为什么不加入那些小朋友们?

    Why didn 't you join the I ittle kids ?

  11. 确定小朋友们知道他们系的是什么图案。

    Be sure the children can identify the shapes they are wearing .

  12. 小朋友们,是不是去鸟的世界?

    Dear friends , are you going to the world of birds ?

  13. 小朋友们,你们喜欢我们这次的海盗冒险之旅吗?喜欢吗?

    Did you enjoy our pirate adventure boys and girls ?

  14. 我该怎么招待你的这些小朋友们?

    What do I do with all your little friends ?

  15. 教小朋友们指向不同的物体。

    Ask the children to point to the different things .

  16. 大朋友们,小朋友们,你和我。

    Big friends , little friends , you and me .

  17. 各位先生女士.帅哥美女和小朋友们

    Ladies and gentlemen . boys and girls and children of all ages

  18. 他说:“我在这里和小朋友们相处得很好。”

    He said ," I get on well with children here . "

  19. 小朋友们,你们比赛去吧。

    Young friends , just go ahead with your competition .

  20. 你会去学校接小朋友们吗?

    Will you go and collect the children from school ?

  21. 请小朋友们帮忙把几个小昆虫送回家。

    Who can help me . I want go home .

  22. 小朋友们知道这只梦幻瓶的秘密吗?

    Do you know the secret of this Magic bottle ?

  23. 她盼望着你为她的小朋友们放电影呢!

    She 's counting on you to show movies to her friends .

  24. 你有什么学习艺术的建议给这些小朋友们?

    What 's your suggestion to them for studying arts ?

  25. 有什么书籍推荐给小朋友们?

    Are there any book you want to suggest to the kids ?

  26. 大家看到小朋友们在花园中玩耍都感到很惊奇。

    People are surprised to see the children playing in the garden .

  27. 尊敬的来宾,各位老师、亲爱的小朋友们。

    Our honored guests and teachers , dear kids .

  28. 这样的月历只是要让小朋友们能够耐心的等待圣诞节的到来。

    These calendars just make the wait to Christmas Eve a little easier .

  29. 小朋友们,你们还记得这首歌吗?

    All right , boys and girls , do you remember the song ?

  30. 小朋友们想去玩。雨啊,雨啊,快走开。

    Litter kids want to play . Rain , rain , go away .