
  1. 冬小麦拔节期根系吸收~(32)P的动态及根系活性指标问题

    Dynamics of absorpting 32-phosphorus and roots vigour of winter wheat at elongate stage

  2. 小麦拔节期~(60)Coγ射线照射所致M1代的辐射效应

    The radiation effect of ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - rays on M_1 generation of wheat at elongation stage

  3. 在小麦拔节期之前,各处理根际DOM含量的动态变化趋势和与之对应的非根际DOM变化趋势基本一致,没有显著差异。

    Before the wheat jointing stage , the concentration of DOM in rhizosphere soil was consistent with that in the bulk soil , and increased drastically after that period .

  4. 施用氮肥能提高小麦拔节期和成熟期植株全氮积累量和土壤NO3-N积累量,但两者并非同步增加,土壤NO3-N积累量增加的幅度远远大于植株全氮积累量的增长幅度。

    However , the increase of the two parameters above were not simultaneously , the increment of soil NO3-N accumulation was much higher than that of total N accumulation in wheat plants .

  5. 试验结果表明,小麦拔节期叶面喷施MFB多功能抗旱剂可使小麦产量提高6.8%~22.9%,平均增产达13.95%,与对照相比差异显著。

    The experiment carried out by the authors gave us some evidences that wheat grain yield could be increased by 6.8 % ~ 22.9 % ( with an average increase of 13.95 % ) when MFB drought tolerance agent was sprayed at jointing stage .

  6. 小麦拔节期对持续低温的耐受力较弱。

    Cold endurance was feebler in jointing stage of wheat .

  7. 冬小麦拔节期冠层温度与产量的关系研究

    Relationship of Wheat Canopy Temperature and Yield at Jointing Stage

  8. 小麦拔节期农学参数和土壤含水量空间统计

    Spatial Statistic Properties of Agronomic Parameters and Soil Moisture Content in Wheat Jointing Stage

  9. 冬小麦拔节期追肥与土壤湿度的生物效应

    Biological effect of soil moisture and N fertilization on winter wheat at jointing stage

  10. 在轻度水分胁迫下,小麦拔节期以后有补偿性生长反应。

    Compensatory growth reaction was found after shooting period under condition of light water deficit .

  11. 低温胁迫下冬小麦拔节期生化反应及抗性分析

    Biochemical Reaction and Resistance Analysis of Jointing Stage of Winter Wheat Under Low Temperature Stress

  12. 在选用抗耐旱品种、确保出苗齐全的基础上,以小麦拔节期前后灌水最为重要。

    Apart from selecting drought resistant varieties and ensuring emergence complete , irrigation before and after the jointing period is the most important factor .

  13. 在该试验的3个灌溉水平下,小麦拔节期和收获时各处理不同层次的根干质量无显著性差异。

    When analyzing the root dry mass of different layers of the three treatments in jointing and ripening stages , the difference isn 't significant .

  14. 因此,冬小麦拔节期允许轻度的水分胁迫,而灌浆期则应尽量避免任何程度的水分胁迫。

    Therefore , the mild water stress can be allowed in the jointing stage of winter wheat , and grain-filling stage should try to avoid any degree of water stress .

  15. 利用移动式人工霜箱,进行了模拟霜冻害的实验,研究分析了冬小麦拔节期幼穗抗霜力随幼穗分化进程的变化。

    Utilizing the movable artificial frost chamber , simulation experiment of frost damage was carried out to find how frost resistance of young ears ( FRYE ) variate with the differentiation phases proceeding .

  16. 结果显示,冬小麦拔节期植株硝态氮含量缺乏临界值为1000mg/kg,充足评价指标为1300mg/kg;

    From the experiment , the following results were obtained . The critical content of plant nitrate content for winter wheat was 1000mg / kg , the least ample evaluation index was 1300mg / kg .

  17. 供磷与不供磷相比,在小麦拔节期(玉米三叶期)小麦总根量平均高出94.66%,玉米高出67.67%;

    Fresh root weight of wheat and maize under the treatment of phosphorus application were 94.66 % and 67.67 % higher than those under the no phosphorus application treatment at the jointing stage of wheat ( seedling stage of maize );

  18. 在自然、适宜、充足3种土壤水分和无肥、中肥、高肥3种施肥水平耦合作用条件下,研究水肥对春小麦拔节期、孕穗期、灌浆期有效叶面积和产量的影响。

    In the mutual actions of natural , adaptable , sufficient soil moisture and none , medium , high fertilizer application , the effects of soil water and fertilizer coupling on the efficient leaf area and grain yield of spring wheat are studied .

  19. 冬小麦拔节抽穗期作物系数的研究

    Calculation of crop coefficient of winter wheat at elongation-heading stages

  20. 用P-V技术研究了冬小麦苗期、拔节期和孕穗期功能叶膨压维持方式。

    P-V technique was used to test the mode of turgor maintenance of wheat leaf at seedling , jointing and earing stages .

  21. 低温胁迫对冬小麦苗期和拔节期生理生化特性的影响

    Effects of Low Temperature Stress on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Winter Wheat in Seedling and Jointing Stages

  22. 在黄土高原旱作区,小麦拔节至抽穗期土壤贮水量与穗粒数,灌浆至乳熟期土壤贮水量与穗粒重的关系最为密切。

    The relationship between the soil water content from the jointing of wheat to the heading and numbers of grains of every ear of wheat is the closest in the dry farming regions of the Loess Plateau .

  23. 结果表明,在小麦苗期、拔节期、灌浆期进行水分亏缺胁迫处理,对其经济学产量、生物学产量、每盆有效穗数、每穗粒数、千粒重等影响达显著或极显著水平。

    The results showed that water limited deficit stress in seedling stage , jointing stage and filling stage significantly affected grain yield , biomass , the effective numbers of ears , the grain numbers of each ear and the 1000 grain weight .

  24. 在旱作条件下对不同生态类型春小麦品种在拔节孕穗期补充灌水40mm和120mm,研究了不同品种的光合速率、生物学产量、籽粒产量,分析了不同品种的水分敏感性。

    In the condition of the dry tillage , several spring wheats of different ecological types irrigated supplementarily 40 mm or 120 mm at jointing-booting stage . Studied on the photosynthetic rate , biomass , grain yield , and analyzed water sensitivity of different varieties .

  25. 喷施时期宜在小麦起身期和拔节期。

    The suitable time of the chemical spraying should be among the standing to jointing stage .

  26. 受WBD侵染的小麦一般冬前不表现症状,春季4、5月小麦返青后随着拔节期来临病害开始显症。

    The wheat infected by WBD did not show the symptom during the winter time and with the coming of the jointing stage it will display the symptom when the wheat start to turn green during the spring time in April and May .

  27. 玉米、小麦生育期均对土壤微生物量碳氮存在显著影响,土壤微生物量碳氮含量均在玉米和小麦的拔节期处于最低,在玉米的抽雄期和小麦的抽穗期处于最高。

    Maize and wheat growth period had significant influence on soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen , the content of soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen were lowest at jointing stage of maize and wheat .