
  • 网络Group work;team work;social group work
  1. 在制作这些Word文档和Excel电子表格来支持学习和共享的方面,仍然不太顺畅,加拉格尔教授表示,(解决方法)是为小组工作提供更深入、目的性更强、考虑更周到的工具。

    It is still awkward producing these Word documents and Excel spreadsheets in a way that supports learning and sharing , says Prof Gallagher . [ The solution ] is deeper , more purposeful and thoughtful tools for group work .

  2. 小组工作是课程十分重要的一环。

    A very important component of this course is your group work .

  3. 参与公司erp小组工作,并提供相关文件。

    Working with ERP group and providing them with relevant datum and document .

  4. 我们的JoshLevs在CNN刺激计划小组工作。

    Our Josh Levs is working at the CNN Stimulus Desk .

  5. 小组工作方法在大学生成长中的实践分析&以漳州师范学院人际交往训练小组为个案

    The Practical Analysis of Group-work Method in College Students ' Growth

  6. 我的一个孩子在微软的一个小组工作。

    One of my kids works at a unit of Microsoft .

  7. 医护小组工作制在精神科病房的实施研究

    Implement and Study of Psychiatrist-Nurse Group Working System in Psychotic Ward

  8. 发展性小组工作在大学生恋爱心理辅导中的实践研究

    Exploration to the amative mentality of undergraduate Group Social Work LOVE ACADEMY

  9. 小组工作在干预青少年网络成瘾中的应用

    Application of Group Social Work to Intervention with Juvenile Internet Addition Disorder

  10. 他们开发了即时训练程序模块和实践训练,并指导小组工作。

    They developed just-in-time training modules and workshops and mentored the teams .

  11. 高曾在中央网络安全和信息化领导小组工作。

    Gao also worked for the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs .

  12. 这跟我正在进行的某项小组工作不谋而合。

    It fits right in with something I 'm working on right now .

  13. 倒戈的士兵在不同的小组工作。

    Defecting soldiers worked in small and disparate groups .

  14. 学校小组工作方法在中学生人际交往能力培养中的应用与探讨

    The Application and Discussion of School Group Work in Middle-school Student Interpersonal Competence Promotion

  15. 课堂小组工作,报告历史专题的建议,讨论和评级。

    In-Class Group Work , Presentation of Project History Proposals , Discussion and Ranking .

  16. 我有个朋友的朋友在消防队调查小组工作

    I have a friend who has a friend in the fire investigations department .

  17. 文中社会工作介入的过程主要采用小组工作辅以问题严重案主的个案工作方法。

    The process of social work intervention mainly adopts team work and case study .

  18. 如果你选择小组工作,你必须先确认小组成员。

    You should identify the team if you choose to work in a team .

  19. 请描述小组工作的过程。

    Please describe the group work process .

  20. 第二,心理情景剧与小组工作的融合有明显效果。

    Second , the effective of fusion between psychological drama and team work is obvious .

  21. 他们在同一个小组工作。

    They work in the same team .

  22. 你们三个人能组成一个小组工作就更好了。

    It would be better if the three of you should work as a team .

  23. 在微观方面,践行社会工作的个案和小组工作方法。

    From microcosmic view , we can use case and group work of social work .

  24. 最后,心理情景剧与小组工作的融合具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Finally , the fusion of psychological drama and team work has important practical significance .

  25. 第三,心理情景剧与小组工作在开展实务的方式上是可以融合的。

    Third , psychological drama and team work in the way of practice can be fusion .

  26. 采用小组工作方式实现高效率的汽车生产

    Efficient Automobile Production through Team Work

  27. 开展精神病小组工作要有长期性。

    Second , carrying out psychiatric patients group work must be a long-term , not anxious .

  28. 精神健康小组工作服务

    Mental health group work service

  29. 开展精神病患者小组工作要坚持社会工作原则。

    Third , carrying out psychiatric patients group work must adhere to the principles of social work .

  30. 参与者是研究员进行焦点小组工作的必不可少的条件,是一切数据的来源。

    Participants are the indispensable condition to conduct focus group work as well as resources of all data .