
  • 网络niggers;Negrito;The Little Negro;Negritos
  1. 于是他把那块硬面包吹吹凉,吹掉一些灰,便把它作为一种祭品,恭恭敬敬地献给那小黑人。

    then blowing off the heat and ashes a little , he made a polite offer of it to the little negro .

  2. 十个小黑人出门吃饭,噎死一个剩九个。

    One choked his little self , and then there were nine .

  3. 这次又被小黑人的速度惊悚到。

    This time the surprise is Hamilton with the pace .

  4. 五个小黑人,一起上庭打官司。

    Five little nigger boys going in for law ;

  5. 两个小黑人,爱和阳光作游戏。

    Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun ;

  6. 在里面放个小黑人就行了。

    You put a little boogie into it .

  7. 一个小黑人,一人战斗太冷清。

    One little nigger boy living all alone ;

  8. 祝祝:我看这是一个好名字的小黑人狗。

    Bon Bon : I can see this as a good name for a small black dog .

  9. 一个小黑人终于活了下来;最后结了婚,一个也没有了。

    One little nigger boy living all alone ; he got married , and then there were none .

  10. 这一次小黑人穿起了西装,在黄昏下展开了历程,消灭诸多敌人吧!

    That a small black wore a suit and the evening started the process of destroying many enemy !

  11. 两个小黑人坐在太阳下,一个热死只剩下一个。

    Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun One got frizzled up , and then there was one .

  12. 七个小黑人,砍树伐枝不顺手;斧劈两半一命休,七个只剩六。

    Seven little nigger boys chopping up sticks ; One chopped himself in half , and then there were six .

  13. 十个小黑人,为了吃饭去奔走;噎死一个没法救,十个只剩九。

    Ten little nigger boys went out to dine ; One choked his little self , and then there were nine .

  14. 三个小黑人,动物园里遭祸殃;狗熊突然从天降,三个只剩两。

    Three little nigger boys walking in the Zoo ; A big bear bugged one , and then there were two .

  15. 八个小黑人在丹文游玩;一个说要留在那儿,还剩七个。

    Eight little nigger boys travelling in devon ; one said he 'd stay there , and then there were seven .

  16. 四个小黑人到海边去;一条红鲱鱼吞下一个,还剩三个。

    Four little nigger boys going out to sea ; A red herring swallowed one , and then there were three .

  17. 一想起那只香料制的头,我起先几乎把这个小黑人当成一个也是用同样方法制的真婴孩。

    Remembering the embalmed head , at first I almost thought that this black manikin was a real baby preserved in some similar manner .

  18. 迈家说他们丢掉胜利不是因为小黑人的进站失误,而是乃的车实在太强大。

    McLaren said that they didn 't lose the win because of Lewis Hamilton 's slow pit stop , but because your car was so good .

  19. 他坐在火炉前一只长凳上,双脚搁在炉边,一只手把他那个小黑人偶像紧凑在面前;

    He was sitting on a bench before the fire , with his feet on the stove hearth , and in one hand was holding close up to his face that little negro idol of his ;

  20. 奔驰先生非常高兴,尤其第二天又捕到另一只猩猩,更让他欣喜万分,但他还是想不通他每天付五百美金请的带枪的小黑人。

    Mr. Beans was quite delighted , and even more so the next day , when the performance was repeated . But he still couldn " t figure out the purpose of the pygmy with the gun , for whom he was paying $ 500 a day , and who seemed only to smile and pick his teeth .

  21. 全球化下跨国移民社会空间的地方响应&以广州小北黑人区为例

    The local response of transnational social space under globalization in urban China : A case study of African enclave in Guangzhou

  22. 她旁边蹲着一个罗圈腿的小个子黑人,他本来是替她驯马的,如今也像他的女主人那样显得怏怏不乐。

    Beside her perched the bow-legged little Negro who had trained her horses and he looked as glum as his mistress .

  23. 怀疑者指出黑人与白人通婚的比率非常小,因此黑人的融合一时不会出现。

    Skeptics point to the much smaller proportion of black-white marriages and say it won 't happen soon .