
  • 网络Hawker Centre;Hawker Center;food court
  1. 在新加坡的小贩中心,你随处可以见到便宜又好吃的东西,号称拥有一家被授予米其林一星的小贩。

    Cheap but good food options abound throughout the hawker centers in Singapore , which boasts one of the only street food stalls to be awarded a Michelin star .

  2. 近几年,新加坡华人社会的华语气氛明显浓厚了,这我们从巴士站、小贩中心、银行、邮局、地铁、以至政府办公部门的变化,感觉得到。

    In singapore , developments in recent years have made it more conducive for the Chinese here to use their mother tongue . today , more Chinese are being spoken at the bus stops , food centres , post offices , banks , MRT trains and even government offices .

  3. 如有需要,警署内会设立小贩处理中心,方便办理检控被捕小贩的手续。

    Where necessary , hawker-handling centres are set up in police stations to facilitate charging formalities of arrested hawkers .

  4. 第一,以小贩为中心考察周边农村移民在汉的底层生活样态。

    First , this paper researches the life of the lower class based on a case study of the peddlers .

  5. 执政的人民行动党(People’sActionparty)在上世纪60年代采取的最早举措之一,是展开了一项整顿街头小贩的行动,引导这些流动小贩进入集中的、有着严格卫生标准的“小贩中心”。

    One of the earliest acts of the ruling Peoples " Action party in the 1960s was to start a programme of clearing the streets of itinerant hawkers , and rehousing them in " hawker stalls , " organised under a single roof and regulated with strict hygiene standards .