
xiǎo líng yáng
  • Little antelope;dik-dik
小羚羊[xiǎo líng yáng]
  1. 不幸的是,有一天小羚羊踩进了陷阱。

    Unfortunately , one day the young antelope stepped in a trap .

  2. 如果这只小羚羊一直在认真学习,他就不会被抓住。

    If the young antelope had kept learning carefully all the time , he wouldn 't have been caught .

  3. 然而,他并没有意识到,对于一只只会玩游戏的小羚羊来说,这有多危险。

    However , he didn 't realize how dangerous it could be for a young antelope who learned nothing but games .

  4. Samburu国家公园的动物看管员周一发现这只母狮子竟然和一只刚出生四、五天名叫“复活节”的小羚羊待在一起。

    Game wardens at Samburu National Park said Monday they had found the lioness with a four or five-day-old oryx called Easter Saturday .

  5. 小羚羊生活在非洲茂密的森林中的灌木丛里。

    The duiker lives in thick underbrush in African forests .

  6. 可怜的小羚羊你应该呆在你父亲旁边的

    Poor little gazelle , you should have stayed with your father .

  7. 你在干吗小羚羊?

    What are you doing , gazelle ?

  8. 母狮在平原上跳跃着,紧紧地跟在惊恐的小羚羊后面。

    The lioness bounded across the plain , hard on the heels of a terrified gazelle .

  9. 这只母狮子在收养这只小羚羊前还收养过两只分别在新年期间和情人节出生的小羚羊。

    She had previously adopted new born oryxes over New Year and on Valentine 's Day .

  10. 小羚羊像明白他说的话,站在对面望着他不肯离去。

    Gazelle like to understand what he said , he was not looking at the opposite Willing to leave .

  11. 小羚泛指非洲产的小羚羊属或羚羊属的若干种小型羚羊,常有短而后弯的角。

    Any of various small African antelopes of the genera cephalopus or sylvicapra , having short , backward-pointing horns .

  12. 是小羚羊的跳跃能力,而不是它的奔跑速度使人吃惊。

    It 's the chamois ' leaping powers , more than its fleetness of foot , that was astounding .

  13. 老羚羊像没听到他说的话,领着两只小羚羊向林中奔去了。

    Old antelope do not like to hear what he said , led two small antelope ran to the forest .

  14. 由本文分析得出的桨叶振动载荷与SA349/2小羚羊直升机飞行测试数据吻合程度很好。

    The blade vibratory loads predicted by present analysis show generally fair agreement with the flight test data of the SA349 / 2 Gazelle helicopter .

  15. 虽然买不到猴子但是你仍然可以买到小羚羊、穿山甲、巨蟒囊鼠和豪猪来炖肉吃。

    You could still buy all the duikers , pangolins , pythons , pouched rats , and porcupines necessary to make a fancy stew & but not monkeys .

  16. 因为一些和叙利亚空军无关的原因,到1982年春天“小羚羊”和米-25仍没有完全进入现役。

    For various reasons that stood in no relation directly to the SyAAF , the introduction of Gazelles and Mi-25s in service with SyAAF was not entirely complete by spring of1982 .

  17. 年内,该局在各公园、游乐场及路旁市容地带所栽种的植物逾40万株。肯尼亚一家游乐场今年初也发现园一只母狮子不断地收养小羚羊。

    In 1997 , more than 400000 plants were planted in parks , playgrounds and roadside amenities . A lioness repeatedly adopted baby oryxes in a Kenya game park earlier this year .

  18. 整个过程持续大约15分钟,其后小羚羊感到一只猎豹想要咬它的脖子,及时逃开了。

    Even more extraordinarily , this story has a happy ending-after one tense moment when it looked as though one cheetah would bite the impala on the neck , the youngster ran away .

  19. 肯尼亚一家游乐场今年初也发现园一只母狮子不断地收养小羚羊。艾莉在游乐园为了要玩云霄飞车,排队排了一个多小时。

    A lioness repeatedly adopted baby oryxes in a Kenya game park earlier this year . Ellie stood in line for over an hour to ride the roller coaster at the amusement park .