
xiǎo yāo jing
  • Goblin;a coquetish young girl
小妖精 [xiǎo yāo jīng]
  • [a coquetish young girl] 年青的风骚的姑娘

小妖精[xiǎo yāo jing]
  1. 那个叫作罗宾好伙计的精明而又顽皮的小妖精

    That shrewd and knavish sprite call 'd Robin Goodfellow ( Shakespeare )

  2. 如果你非得给我取名,就叫我小妖精吧。

    If you must give me a name , call me hobgob-lin.

  3. 小妖精是公平的和轻蔑除了高的建立。

    The elves are fair and of slight but tall build .

  4. 要是我能跟绿水那小妖精一样走运就好喽。

    If I am as lucky as that tramp nok-su .

  5. “还用得着这油嘴滑舌的小妖精来袒护我!”

    " To have that mealymouthed little mess take up for me !"

  6. 你要墨西哥小妖精?一齐来收拾他。

    You want the Mexican leprechaun ? Well , let 's take him .

  7. 他们将会称我为一个小妖精,一个阻隔进步的公敌。

    They 'll call me a vamp , a public enemy obstructing progress .

  8. 穿著这种衣服使他看上去像个小妖精。

    He looked like a goblin in those clothes .

  9. 但是他随后就被居住在树林里的小妖精发现了。

    But soon he was discovered by the goblins that lived in the woods .

  10. 里面跳出一个黑黑的小妖精。

    there jumped out a little black goblin !

  11. 你长得还真有点像爱尔兰小妖精呢

    You know , you actually do look quite a bit like a leprechaun .

  12. 《小妖精集市》原型研究

    A Study of the Prototypes in Goblin Market

  13. 小妖精,带着他们忽上忽下。

    Goblin , lead themup and down .

  14. 我是一个幸福的小妖精。

    I am a happy small spirit .

  15. 小妖精猛扑向渔夫。

    The goblin pounced on the fisherman .

  16. 她想,一个拖着孩子的寡妇终究敌不过这些漂亮而轻浮的小妖精。

    A widow with a child was at a disadvantage with these pretty minxes , she thought .

  17. 小妖精英格兰民间传说中的一个淘气的精灵在这个童话中,主角是个丑陋顽皮的小妖精。

    A mischievous sprite in English folklore . The hero in this fairy story is an ugly goblin .

  18. 你这个小妖精,让我中了你的爱情毒却迟迟不肯给解药!

    You this is elfin , make me medium your love poison does not agree tardy however antidote !

  19. 噢你这个小妖精我是一位导演我执导过

    Ah , you punk . Oh , you punk , I 'm a director . I directed ...

  20. 十二月份版本更新标志着两大最终幻想系列的最爱,小妖精和馅饼的回报。

    The December version update marks the return of two FINAL FANTASY series favorites & goblins and flan .

  21. 她是一个邪恶的小妖精,是罪孽的标志和产物,无极脐身于受洗的婴孩之列。

    An imp of evil , emblem and product of sin , she had no right among christened infants .

  22. 昏暗的剧场中,黑暗是安静又神秘的小妖精,它能让一切都变得高贵又引人遐思。

    Dark Chinese Theater , Darkness is quiet and mysterious goblin , It can all become noble soliciting imagination wander .

  23. 一代代的挪威儿童都会听说到一些虚构的人物形象,如洞穴巨人、上女妖和小妖精。

    For generations , Norwegian children have been fed images of make-believe characters such as trolls , sirens and goblins .

  24. 小妖精钻进小罐子给渔夫看他是怎样进去的。

    The goblin went into the small pot to show the fisherman how he can go in to the small pot .

  25. 在这个童话中,主角是个丑陋顽皮的小妖精。一个高大的女人用皮带牵着条小狗。

    The hero in this fairy story is an ugly goblin . A little dog is leashed to a big woman .

  26. 水星像一个小妖精在这些消退的日子,但是在初期与末期的日子才有双重的作用。(怎么感觉这么水呢?)

    Mercury acts like a little gremlin during these retrograde periods , but doubly so at the start and end dates of these phases .

  27. 这意味着要么她肠子里有个小妖精,开关狗门玩,让细菌进进出出

    House : It means either she 's got a leprechaun in her colon , which is playing with the doggy door , letting bacteria in and out

  28. 万圣节前夜起源于与邪恶幽灵相关的庆祝活动,所以骑着扫帚的女巫、幽灵、小妖精和骷髅都是万圣节的标志物。

    Halloween originated as a celebration connected with evil spirits . Witches flying on broomsticks with ghosts , goblins and skeletons have all evolved as symbols of Halloween .

  29. 本文试通过结合运用文学批评与认知语言学中的原型理论,来分析罗塞蒂的长诗《小妖精集市》。

    In this thesis , the present researcher attempts to analyze Christina Rossetti ' famous poem Goblin Market in the theoretical framework of literary criticism and cognitive linguistic approach .

  30. 珠儿边说边放声笑着,并且用小妖精的那种调皮样子蹦蹦跳跳着,她的下一步想入非非的行动可能是从烟囱中飞出去。

    But , while she said it , Pearl laughed , and began to dance up and down , with the humorsome gesticulation of a little imp , whose next freak might be to fly up the chimney .