
  • 网络pritchard;Ambrose Evans-Pritchard;E. E. Evans-Pritchard
  1. 对普里查德来说,参加奥运会是她事业上的巅峰。

    For Pritchard , reaching an Olympics was the climax of her career

  2. 普里查德博士表示,对古DNA的更多研究将有助于解答这项新研究提出的许多问题,并帮助科学家理解尼安德特人与人类之间亲密的相互来往的范围。

    Dr. Pritchard said that more examinations of ancient DNA would help resolve the many questions raised by the new study and help scientists understand the scope of the intimate back-and-forth between Neanderthals and humans .

  3. 他又是帮普里查德夫人拎买的东西,又是和她调情,居然把83岁高龄的她也给迷倒了。

    He even charmed Mrs Prichard , carrying her shopping and flirting with her , though she 's 83

  4. 凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)的中国经济学家朱利安埃文斯-普里查德(JulianEvans-Pritchard)表示,没有证据表明,股价对中国的消费状况有切实的影响。

    There is little evidence , says Julian Evans-Pritchard , China Economist at Capital Economics , that stock prices make a meaningful difference to consumption in China .

  5. 虚假的所得税申报书他向普里查德报了假名。

    Fraudulent income tax returns He had given Pritchard a false name .

  6. “她是一个十分慷慨的人,当我九岁时她把‘捕鼠器’转签给了我,”普里查德说。

    " She was a very generous person and when I was nine she signed'The Mousetrap'over to me ," Pritchard said .